Hi, I've won my first war but it blocked me on turn when that war ends.


1. Start game, progress to have one city

2. Take nearest region

3. Start conflict

4. Loose region

5. Win war

6. Try to progress to next turn

Some description

4 - regions - 2 cities, 2 outposts

One of region was next to opponent region - both with outposts.

During conflict opponent pillaged and destroyed my outpost and I did the same with their outpost - so there was two regions between my capital city and any opponent region.

At this state his people was already not eager to fight more and next his lost attack on one of my cities ended with capitulation when I had options to choose which region I want - but all of them was not near any of my cities/regions - and choosing 'wasal' was not an option becouse I did not have enaugh that 'points' ( it cost 200 I had ~120 )