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[Steam(PC) V.] End Turn Perpetually Ending

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3 years ago
Aug 21, 2021, 7:40:17 PM

In this playthrough, I encountered a bug where after I clicked end turn, the next turn's actions are said to be completed, yet it does not allow me to operate nor do the queued actions actually complete. So the turn is stuck in perpetual limbo where I am unable to do anything while the game believes it has actually done something (even though it hasn't). I have tried going back one turn to see if anything went wrong or if anything looks like it bugged out but I couldn't find any serious details. The turn before the freezing, I had completed a tech (War Summons), upgraded some units and moved some armies, made some demands to an AI player for some territory, and that's it. I tried reloading it one turn back a few times through the autosave but it happens again. Then I tried going all the way back to when I loaded the save today, about 7-8 turns back, but it still happens again. 

I'm not an expert at picking out details so maybe I missed something. I would really like to know what happened and would very much LOVE a fix because it is a great playthrough and I'd hate to start a new one. I'm linking the base save and two previous autosaves: one on the turn which the end turn remains in limbo and the other is the turn right before. The issue occurs on after ending the turn on turn 172 and it remains in limbo (by which I mean the end turn symbol remains turning on turn 173 and I can't do anything except click between different cities, armies, the diplomacy screen and all the other UI stuff + I can still quit and reload via menu) on turn 173. The base save is on turn 167 or 168, I don't remember but you'll see it I'm sure somehow. BTW if you do end up loading the base save (Game 5) then just keep ending the turn until turn 172/173.

Diagnostics (2021'08'21 @1457'59''171''').html

Diagnostics (2021'08'21 @1418'45''191''').html

Game 5.ctr

auto-save 1308.ctr

auto-save 1307.ctr



Updated 3 years ago.
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