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[PC/STEAM V1.0.1.59] Leader trait "shared influence" causing bugs like continent hopping

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3 years ago
Aug 23, 2021, 2:21:09 AM

Description: Having an AI leader automatically accrue influence with every independent regardless of location causes problems with early exploration/continent hopping long before appropriate tech is available.  It can cause serious issues in diplomacy and break the immersion/progression when a civ from the other side of the globe is suddenly right in your backyard with a territory or purchased units.

Attached file so you can see what kind of madness this can cause: Huns worked some wierd voodoo.ctr

Replicate by playing any game with the leader trait "Shared Influence" (I might be wrong, but pretty sure this is the culprit).

Expected behavior:  Without a doubt, this trait should only apply to independents that have been met (physically or through shared vision/alliance).  Later in the game, the AI grabbed an independent territory in the heart of my empire, which of course, led to that leader being thoroughly beaten, so for -his- sake, please fix this.  Also, I imagine players heavily exploiting this if they are allowed.

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Aug 23, 2021, 6:28:35 AM

This bug is literally in every single game and has been posted about so much in here and the Steam forums as well. Only 30 hours into the game I have already experienced this and read about the bug a dozen times in my first 30 minutes of reading the bug forums. I want to pile on and hope it's in the list of SOON TO COME fixes that the devs are prioritizing

Also, according to the steam forum the bug is always related to the AI that sits in the "Player #3" spot, regardless of the game. They even found a workaround that if you set up a fake "multiplayer" game with AI only and place yourself in the #3 player spot as the human, then you get the +2 with all independent tribes of the world

Updated 3 years ago.
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