
I encountered several gamebraking issues in the context of using nukes. After building several missile silos and equipping them with nukes (0-7) and firing them, I encountered the following issues:

* Broken savegame (manual and autosave), can't be loaded anymore. An exception is shown while trying to load the game and it resumes to the main screen
* Some missile silos are stuck in "target" animation. The first animation for loading the nuke is shown, not followed by the firing animation in the next round. Nothing happens afterwards.
* Usually the nuke firing animation is split into two parts: Flying towards the city including the impact, then the nuclear explosion occurs. However the second part is skipped for one city, resulting in surving the impact. Missile silo is stuck afterwards
* Usually nukes are one-time usage. After they are fired, they disappear from the silo. However (screenshot below) one is shown with 0/100 health forever and missile silo is broken afterwards. 

I try to describe the ingame process and player interaction which may or may not be related to those issues:

* Over the timespan of some turns I built missile silos and filled them with normal nukes for several turn.
* The already reported and confirmed maintenance bug occured when filling the silos with (full) 8 nukes so instead i filled each of it with 0 up to 7 nukes. In the silo with 8 nukes I deleted 1
* I canceled alliances with each player and declared war
* In no particular order I chose targets for each silo and fired the first round of nukes on whatever cities I targeted. Target, firing and explosion videos played normally. Missile silos seem to work afterwards. No bug occured to me up to this point (at least visually, I don't know if game already broke internally)
* This may be important: One of my used silos in this first round was close to an attacked and destroyed enemy city and was wiped out in the process
* There were enemy and indepentend cities left so i tried to repeat the process again. Attention to detail now:
  1. Selected some silos, selected several city target. "Target" animation is shown (missile appears visually ontop of silo). End of turn
  2. No nukes were fired for those selected silos. Some of them are stuck now and can't be used to fire again, showing the "target" nuke ontop of silo (as it appears normally). Some are still fine. Here I manually saved and called it "Cant fire anymore nukes.ctr" This savegame is loadable.
  3. I repeated the process of selecting some unused missile silos and selected cities. 
  4. Nukes were fired. "Flying/Firing nuke" animation is shown. Pink city impact and explosion is shown and destroyed. Green city impact is shown, no explosion followed. There seem to be some errors in the log files directly related to this.
  5. With exception to missile silos and those nukes, UI and game seems to be still be fine. However one of the following things may happen:  a) You can continue to play normally but the issue with the nuke on the green city is repeatable, from now on all savegame files are corrupted, even when saved normally and can't be loaded anymore. b) also possible but rarely: "no end turn" bug (already reported and known) appears, not being able to continue
  6. When trying to load any of the corrupted saves, an exception is shown in the main menu

There are other issues after using nukes which are part of gameplay problems not related to this bug for which I will open a gameplay thread.
For everything described above I attached savegames, log and screenshot.




The 3 newest contain those errors described above


Screenshot (430) mini.png (Nuke not removed from silo after failed usage)
Screenshot (434).png (Green city not destroyed by nuke after impact, second explosion scene not shown)
Screenshot (435).png (Exception encountered after trying to load any of the corrupt saves)

Exception text (that won't help i guess but included nontheless):

The operation was canceled.

  at Amplitude.Mercury.Game.Game+<DoStart>d__4.MoveNext () [0x00157] in <e606c76f24df4f658f27082af4ec6286>:0 

  at Amplitude.Coroutine.Run () [0x00019] in <a38bac599c844a99a8a4fcca3b37292e>:0

Steps to Reproduce:

For corrupt savegame (not loadable) try to use any save except "Cant fire anymore nukes.ctr"

For the rest load the savegame called "Cant fire anymore nukes.ctr". Pink player and green player each have a city left. Player (blue) owns several missile silos with nukes. Try to use them on the cities:
  1. Sometimes only the "load" animation for the nuke players, not the fire animation next turn. Missile silo is stuck in this mode forever and can't be used anymore
  2. Pink city is destroyable (sometimes) destroyable by nukes the expected way
  3. Green city isn't destroyable. The nuke animation plays, the nuke hit the city without beeing followed by the explosion scene.
  4. For the issue in the screenshot with 0 health nuke: appeared after failing to destroy the city