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Forced surrender bankrupting when funds aren't available

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2 years ago
Jun 10, 2022, 2:17:33 AM

In my recent playthrough I had a small amount of gold.  Went to war in turn 24, was forced to surrender and the attacking AI was awarded 524 gold.  I only had 37 gold at the time but they still took the 524 gold from me (Which did not exist), resulting in my treasury reading -487 gold.  Also, even though I was bankrupt, my stability remained at 93 and all of my units remained at full health with no attrition suffered.  

Updated 2 years ago.
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2 years ago
Jun 10, 2022, 3:14:27 AM

Forced surrender bankrupting the loser is a common occurrence. It's about the only way to go into the red (Events that demand money will do it too).  So none of that's weird.  It's odd that you didn't start receiving stability penalties though?

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