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[KI]What Does the "Exhibitionist" AI Persona Strength do?

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2 years ago
Jun 15, 2022, 12:15:18 AM

This AI Persona strength, called Exhibitionist, is said to provide "+1 Fame earned per Aesthete Era Star."

What exactly does this mean, and how is it calculated?

  1. Does it mean that each time I earn fame for anything, +1 fame per Aethete era star earned in the game so far is added to that Fame boost?
  2. Or is it simply that you gain 1 point of Fame, per Aesthete era star earned?  E.G.  A total of only 18 accumulated Fame across the entire game?
  3. Or does it mean something else?
Updated 2 years ago.
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2 years ago
Jun 15, 2022, 10:13:46 AM
ppretorius wrote:

This AI Persona strength, called Exhibitionist, is said to provide "+1 Fame earned per Aesthete Era Star."

What exactly does this mean, and how is it calculated?

  1. Does it mean that each time I earn fame for anything, +1 fame per Aethete era star earned in the game so far is added to that Fame boost?
  2. Or is it simply that you gain 1 point of Fame, per Aesthete era star earned?  E.G.  A total of only 18 accumulated Fame across the entire game?
  3. Or does it mean something else?

Thank you for reporting it. It is not working as intendeed so we create a bug report (I will move the thread to the proper section).

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