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[KI][PC/Steam - Bolivar Update] - Chosen culture notification displays who chose which culture

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2 years ago
Jun 18, 2022, 11:35:30 AM

Description : 

Without having met any player yet, when they move to the next Era, the "Chosen culture" notification both displays the name of their new culture and their previous culture.

Steps to reproduce :

Perses achéménides Tour 19.ctr

Achaemenid Persians Turn 20.ctr

Load one of the two savefiles provided, hover the mouse over or open the "Chosen culture" notification.

Suggestion : 

The notification should only state the name of the chosen culture : "the Unknown have reached Classical Era with the Huns" for instance, as long as the other player isn't met.

Notes : 

That might be related with some already known issues reported during Bolivar Beta : 




Secondary issue - French localization for Chosen culture notification :

It's been there since launch, French localization for this specific notification has an "Era" duplicate in the text.

Suggestion :

I assume that the text is built with a variable for the current era, which is then localized for French (as for the chosen culture). The string text should then be updated to remove the first "ère" in the sentence, thus looking like this : "Les inconnus ont atteint l' [current era variable] avec [chosen culture variable]"

Updated 2 years ago.
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