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[PC/Steam - V1.0.14.2758] Harbours not providing FIMS to Outposts

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2 years ago
Jun 19, 2022, 4:49:49 PM

I'm pretty sure I'm remembering that Harbours used to benefit outposts by providing food (and science/money near special tiles), but they aren't anymore.

(This may be related to re-jigging the food-on-Outposts formula in fixing where Machu Picchu and Zemis Worship fed outposts but shouldn't)

Updated 2 years ago.
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2 years ago
Aug 19, 2022, 10:21:21 PM

Update, this is still present in the Ibn Battuta + One Year Anniversary patch.  Harbours still aren't providing food, and emblematic harbours like Havens are not producing money, either.

(With this comment, I'm updating the name of this topic to include the newer version and the fact that harbours don't improve outposts at all)

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