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Spawned rebel units ignore production cost; game-breaking if you rush a tech

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2 years ago
Jun 28, 2022, 5:45:48 AM

I rushed tracks and got medium tanks early and they had a very high production cost (x10 times higher) to produce compared era-appropriate units which makes sense.
I had a war go long and two cities spawn rebels and they spawned more tanks than I could ever produce to take them out. Any time some rebels splintered off it always spawned a tank.
My rebels had a more powerful army then the rest of the game world combined. They were materializing with no way for them to be produced in the world.
If ten groups spawned and one group had a tank it would be ok but every one of them getting tanks is game-breaking, if hilarious.

My suggestion is to take production cost into account or maybe not let rebels create more of a unit type than has ever been built in the game. e.g. If only 5 tanks have ever been built then they can't have more than 5 tanks.

Updated 2 years ago.
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2 years ago
Jun 28, 2022, 6:55:01 AM

Short solution: build more production.

We ofthen see empires that can build a tank per turn or more in there capitals in multiplayer.

Other solution is to not rush tech

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2 years ago
Jun 29, 2022, 12:05:29 PM

@komodowaran : Your propositions to address its problem do not go to its roots. You seem to imply he should play in a different way, while he is pointing at a default in the game logic: how could rebels grab tanks that do not exist in the first place?

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