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Multiplayer DLC Bugs

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2 years ago
Nov 12, 2022, 6:11:42 PM

I play Humankind with my Husband, our computers are right next to each other and we both own a copy of the game. I own all the DLCs while he doesn't, because when I host he has access to them so there's no need for 2 copies. Since this new Together We Rule DLC came out though we've had nothing but issues. Playing together I have access to all the DLC perks but my Husband doesn't have access to the Ebassy tab, even though he can still get treaty requests from myself or AI he can't make them, or see the other treaty options. It's really annoying because we can't enjoy the game when not being able to experience the whole thing. 

We're also having issues with the independent people, brides or establishing contact works with only some cities. Others just has this code come up and won't let you do anything with them. Even some that work I'll bribe and have all the treaties signed then 20 turns later my bribes and treaties reset and that code comes up. I also hate that they're still attacking my troops and ransacking parts of my cities. Before when you reached a certain threshold they wouldn't to be able to attack. But even with all treaties signed, 100% kinship they still attack. 

When are these issues getting fixed? Because they're absolutely ruining my game experience and I don't even want to play until they're fixed. 

Updated 2 years ago.
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2 years ago
Nov 13, 2022, 8:45:12 PM

Same issue experienced here, also posted in the discord. I don't even want to continue this campaign with my friends until its resolved.

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2 years ago
Nov 18, 2022, 8:31:00 AM


We might have a track for a fix ,witch should arrive in future patches.

Have a nice day!

Updated 2 years ago.
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