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[PC/Steam, v1.0.23.3840] Alliance Intelligence Treaty makes the game softlock on ending the turn

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2 years ago
May 21, 2023, 2:23:36 PM

After accepting the Intelligence Coalition treaty in an alliance and ending the turn afterwards, the game softlocks in the process of loading the next turn.

When refusing the treaty this doesnt happen.

Singleplayer fast speed with one opponent, playing as the Joseon in the early modern era while not owning any stealth units of my own.

Vanilla Improvement Pack is the only active mod, and its creator confirmed its a vanilla bug. [mod version: 4.12]

The next turn started, but keeps on loading forever.

Dont know if its related, but in the turn where I accepted the treaty, the curiousity icon didnt disappear after collecting them.

auto-save 881.ctr

auto-save 882.ctr

Diagnostics (2023'05'21 @1555'07''695''').zip



Updated 2 years ago.
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2 years ago
May 23, 2023, 11:55:28 AM


Your files have been sent to be investigate and we'll work on a fix. By any chance, did this issue aso occured while not using a mod? 

In the meantime, we don't have any workaround except the one you've identify which is to not accept the treaty offer.

Thank you very much for taking the time to send us this bug report and sorry for the inconvenience.

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