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Will there be mod tools for consoles?

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9 months ago
Aug 24, 2023, 5:24:32 AM

One of the things I love most about games of this genre is creating my own maps, will there be a world builder or how to download custom maps for the console versions?

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2 months ago
Mar 21, 2024, 1:09:10 AM

So I started playing like 3 weeks ago and I love Humankind like freaking love it. every second I want to play. but once you get really going on console its like... just basically incomplete:/ I really hope the developers read this and understand like, there are paying players out here like totally itching for this thing to get its polish. Military has basically no rock paper scissors. AATank can spit bb's at my choppers and jets UUhl day. enve it! The game is basically incomplete in late game. There some mechanics needing some polish. there IS a bit of work AND MODDERS have done it like a lot. like who at XBOX we gotta beg to allow this kodding this is like legit people who plays this stuff,  ya know. its chess 2024.microsoft sold on solitaire, pinball, and flight simulator. They can open this baby up for MODDERS lovin', and they SHOULD. PR suuuulam dunk.

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