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[Xbox One X/Gamepass, v6.0.7.9-S10 ] Late Game Crashing

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9 months ago
Aug 31, 2023, 6:42:54 AM

Description: My save is turn 414 and when I load in every thing seems to be working fine, occasionally I get the annoying cursor flinging issue that can be fixed with a save/load. However, every turn 415 seems to start and crash without fail everytime. I’m in contemporary era as well as all the bots and before the crash I always get the notification that “Insurrection Theory Tech” has finished and then crash.

I’ve got slightly passed the next turn start to notice a few things. Once I hit “A” on the tech notification, the tech symbol in lower right hand corner shows as a beige circle with a large “X” in center. Also, at same time as tech notification, round is starting with a notification that an enemy empire is ready to surrender. As I said earlier, I’ve loaded into previous turn multiple times and everything works fine until next turn.

Steps to Reproduce:

1. Playing standard speed.

2. Culture choices as followed:

Phoenicians -> Carthaginians -> Carthage Ascended -> Venetians -> Siamese -> Soviets

3. Load into turn 415 auto save = instant crash


4. Load into turn 414 auto save and game functions properly until ending turn and entering turn 415; then same issue crash upon tech notification.

Side note: I also tried to hit start for pause menu upon entering turn 415 after receiving new notifications. Game gets to pause screen and I can move around in there but still crashes after few seconds even in pause menu.

Updated 9 months ago.
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9 months ago
Aug 31, 2023, 6:57:05 AM


Got past turn 415, did two things different. Changed Technology researched and went back as to not take other empires last city and force surrender. After only taking enemies last city, on turn 416 it still crashed.

Might be important that I’m at war with a bot empire along with a bot ally and both me and my ally have taken territories during war so it is messing up the surrender terms.

Either way I realize it has something to do with the enemy surrender or taking of last city/territory.

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