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Slightly improve taxation infrastructures


2 years ago
Nov 11, 2022, 11:12:57 AM

Levy Administration costs 570 prod, yields 3 money on Main Plaza. That's very bad, one should never build it. How about this? Levy Administration costs 280 prod, yields 3 money on Main Plaza and Administrative Center. Somewhat better, still very far from OP or "must have".

Taxation Office costs 1600 prod, yields 5 money on Main Plaza and 3 money on Luxury Resource deposit. How about this? Taxation Office costs 1000 prod, yields 5 money on Main Plaza and Administrative Center and Luxury Resource deposit.

Updated 7 days ago.
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2 years ago
May 4, 2023, 9:46:34 AM

Would it be too revolutionary giving them (also or instead) money on pop and giving districts like an upkeep cost?

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