Humankind is really three games in one: the Neolithic, the 4x, and tactical combat. While this last part can prove intensely memorable, all too often in order to iterate scenarios I find myself auto-resolving, and thus building armies to auto-resolve more effectively. What if Amplitude set aside some events/challenges/scenarios to highlight and explore tactical combat?

A simple round-robin design might look as such: Four groups of four each play four games, twice as the defender, and twice the attacker, of a set scenario. The two leaders in wins/combat stats from each group would form two new groups of four, and then a final.

Playing both as the attacker and the defender would demonstrate adaptive skill, all the more if players could not see the scenario until their first game. Amplitude could further complicate things by introducing units, rule sets, and traits specific to the event, in addition to highlighting existing mechanics like stealth.

Another argument in its favor would be supporting content creation. I doubt anyone really wants to watch how these past few scenarios got optimized, but perhaps combat scenarios would be of greater general interest in emphasizing how players approach the same battle.

So, is this the sort of challenge you would want to take part in? Would you be interested in watching content focused on tactical combat? What do you think?