unlike all other games I have ever played on a PC the HK save game files do NOT update from manual save game file names changes when you save a file (not using the HK save game interface). instead as save game file name options the game only considers 1) its default save game option and 2) any previous in game save files

currently if you edit the save game file manually it will NOT appear in the list of save games to overwrite in the HK save gave interface. however if you insert the desired manual save game file name using the HK save game interface & then 'save game' the game will then alert you that you are attempting to overwrite an existing save game file

so the game DOES know about the manually updated or added save gave file names in the save game directory it just does not let you select such a file not created by an in game save or default save when using the drop down save game file list

talk about peculiar choice made by the game designers. I have now wasted hours copy and pasting manual save game file names into the HK save game interface so as to have the save game file name that I want, not the save game file name the game wants to give me. I do this with every single PC game I play so as to have a record of the important events that happened that game turn