1) next to save game main menu option should be 'save map' so the same map can be used again. this is a fix that will make using existing maps much easier for the game player but ALSO needs part 2 below to be fully useful

2) need to fix SaveDescriptor.bin so if an existing game map seed is used to create a new game this newly created save game file does not leave game seed BLANK in SaveDescriptor.bin but instead lists the map game seed as if this were a new random map game


NOTE - it is possible currently to find out the map seed number (using filext.com & looking at save game file sub-file 4 of 4 SaveDescriptor.bin in text form) then use this map seed number to start a new game with the same map 

strangely the game does not check to see if using such an existing game map seed matches the user selected map size and in the case the game map seed is of a smaller size than the user selected map size prompt you with a 'are you sure you want to change the map size since this will drop xx of your foes from the map??' 


the filext.com method is NOT convenient for the user & makes the user keep the original random game map file if they want to know what the original game map seed is (see item 2 above)

what is much more convenient is a save map option from the main menu (see item 1 above)

some 4x games have save map ability from day one of their launch, and no other 4X game I know of HIDES the map seed if you use an existing map seed to create a new game