I have mentioned in a couple of threads why religion, civics and independent people are not working for me but the game is already baked so let me propose something else instead that can a patch instead of addressing the conceptual issues:

- Create unique units for tribes, religions and civics that can be gained by choosing one path over the other or becoming a patron

- The new units should have unique art, designation and attributes to make them all stand out and act as an incentive

Why this method?

Creating new content in the existing framework obviously works for the company and would not necessitate a rework of mechanism

The main draw of the game (for me at least but others might agree) is the art and units that are unique to cultures both emblematic and generic units

These secondary game mechanics to piggyback on the back of this value and become themselves more relevant and interesting.

Choosing one religion or civic over the other would not just lead to minor change in a small attribute lost in a sea of small modifiers but would effect units composition of armies and prevent or enable recruiting specific units. Suddenly allowing alteration of a civic can be a strategic decision

Independent people are also a problem child due to their roster: they are both generic and out of place in many cases boosting units they shouldnt for small tribes/minor factions

The unique unit combined with reduction of their unit tech level compared to major factions can differentiate them in an organic way: A minor faction might have an emblematic unit that is very week in combat but is best in game for pillaging and gaining the most out of it. Suddenly they are unique, more dangerous when not in good relationship with and a huge asset if they are friendly