One of my favorite parts of Endless Legend is seeing your city grow, grow bigger, higher, wider: They have a sense of scale, magnitude, and achievement, that Humankind cities do not have. Despite HK cities being able to be so much larger, technically, they still feel so much smaller.


Of course, this is mostly a graphical issue, because district adjacency bonuses serve essentially the same purpose in EL. Granted, stability in the early game is sparse, and district fimsi in the late game is underwhelming, on top of the lackluster skyline and hard-to-see urban sprawl, leaves cities in HK less than they could, and I dare say should, be.

I can understand why this feature would be long coming: EL had, after all its DLC, 13 races, each with four different district graphics at least: HK has 79. So, I know it is asking a lot for even just the generic districts, era-to-era, to get a level two or, might I say wishfully, up to level three graphics: Over a hundred new models, but I think the game deserves it, and I think this will go a long way to improving it for me and others like me- I honestly can't tell an exploitation from a district sometimes.