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allow us to Rename our empire

LobbyExplorationPersonas and AvatarCultures

a year ago
Jul 22, 2023, 10:05:48 AM

It would be nice for immersion to be able to rename our empire and give a name to that of our persona.

Updated a day ago.
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a year ago
Sep 17, 2023, 6:53:26 PM

Well, the second part of your wishes is now doable with the latest update (Bonny Update).

In game's main screen, head over to "My Profile", you'll be able to rename your character :

I haven't tested if renaming in game applies to the persona shared here on Amplifiers, but I assume it does not, since it's linked to the Amplifier's account.

For the first part of your idea, I wish it could be done as well, that would be a nice QoL feature for immersive storytelling.

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