When capturing an enemy city it does not make sense that I should get a penalty for "territory under foreign influence". It makes no seance.

For example - I am fighting a defensive war against a much bigger and more technologically advanced opponent. After long, difficult and exhausting battles and maneuvers I finally capture a large enemy capital on the other side of the continent. And what do I get for such a morale boosting achievement? A huge debuf to my war support until I convert the 4 territory city to my culture that is very far away. This can very easily cost a war that I previously was winning.

My replacement suggestion: rework war support system. Add event decisions and a separate branch of social policies on how your culture behaves under the occupation, how it treats occupied territory and so on. This will not only greatly improve the experience and will allow different ways to play, but will also allow to shape our culture to more represent countless counterparts in the real world.

Few policy examples for occupied cities:

1) Choose to spawn resistance units but loose population, or submit but take less casualties.

2) Evacuate the population to a nearby city (with population overflow), or to stay in place.

Same for when you are occupying the enemy territory.