Hey guys, I've been lately thinking about it, but what is really the Fame score that determines the outcome of our games?
Because, actually, it appeares to be quite a subjective idea ranking how you managed to lead your empire across the eras. And what are the elements that make this score and determine the way we are playing a game? Some Stars or other achievements  that work as the milestones of our empire. And yet, what determines the value of our (or others) fame, that appeares itself to be so relativistic?

This is the main idea behind the following proposition: what if policies and our international relations changed the value of our Fame?

This concept looks like the idea of Civ VI's cultural victory, where the amount of fame recognised to your empire varies whether this judgment comes from your own people or someone else's (other empires, but, maybe, also other IPs). On its own, this rightfully seems quite complicated, especially keeping in mind the fact that the game doesn't think of the idea of Fame itself  as how "famous" or "infamous" you were, but rather more on how deep you influenced the course of human history.

Anyway, adding a little layer of relativism to the Fame system might just add a little more of positive complexity to the game without making it unnecessarely complicated. So here are some of my suggestions:

  • Give a little bonus to Fame generation to an empire per every other player that it met (+5% per empires and +1% per IPs ?)
  • Make Isolationism give a malus (-10% ?) to the Fame generation of other empires
  • Obtain a portion of the Fame another player gains if you have a cultural/religious hegemony over his empire
  • Make the amount of [stats] needed to a star dependant on the amount of all stars obtained from all empires (ex: if no one focuses on military stars it will be easier gaining them... or they just give more fame)
  • Make all empires gain some Fame from discovering a natural wonder/tech/... but the first one to accomplish it gains a considerable amount of Fame and every other less and less (ex: 250, 200, 150... Fame. Maybe make the value change from the number of players in game)

Note: I kindly remind you that, since 1M pts ideas shall potentially make its addition to the game, an upvote would be really appreciated.

         Thank you for your support :)