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Add a »Kill Count« to military units

GUIFameBattlesMilitaryNarrative Events

2 years ago
Nov 9, 2022, 9:43:40 PM

As simple as the title says it: I'd like to have a “kill count” on military units.

It is not really useful, except for some flavour and the achievements.
As such it should be quite easy to add, as the kill count is already tracked by the game.

Edit: close to 50%, thank you!

Updated 10 hours ago.
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The IMPLEMENTED status designates ideas that have been implemented in the game.


DEV Daarkarrow

status updated 2 years ago

Implemented on the Vauban Update


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2 years ago
Nov 11, 2022, 6:18:05 PM

Then don't hesitate to upvote it.
And thanks to all who do.

Updated 2 years ago.
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The GREENLIT status is given by the dev team to ideas they will really likely implement in the near future. Almost there!


DEV benblond

status updated 2 years ago


Hey there! thanks for the idea! As you've said it's quite cool even for the meta just to see which units are your true veterans, the real backbone of your army. Loyals among the loyals, they have known every war, and they will always answer to your call!

Good news, it will be part of the next update! So stay tune ^^

Have a very nice day


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The IMPLEMENTED status designates ideas that have been implemented in the game.


DEV Daarkarrow

status updated 2 years ago

Implemented on the Vauban Update

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