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Promotion to Generals

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2 years ago
Nov 17, 2022, 4:57:23 PM

I was thinking of unit progression and there is a lot of potential to expand on what units can do. 

Something that could be added is to have a second XP bar for units after units complete the current 3 XP stars.
The second experience stars would be leadership stars and these would start giving abilities to the group such as (1+ movement speed,1+ vision, higher defense CS, faster regeneration out of battle, range units extra CS w/ use of fire arrows etc) these would be like a tech tree that players choose what these special units can do.

There could be a new military wonder that provides a boost of XP if it's visited (like a military school) perhaps West Point.

Updated a month ago.
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2 years ago
Nov 17, 2022, 9:01:00 PM

Those would be too tough to track for the opponents.

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2 years ago
Nov 18, 2022, 8:44:21 PM

Yep, it'd be a small detail in a sea of troops.
I'll add another reason not to like it: it ties being in a leadership role to have made prowess on the battlefield and it feels quite distinct from the way things work on this earth.

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2 years ago
Nov 23, 2022, 12:03:12 AM

Combat experience is a huge factor to make leaders. Textbooks can't teach how to emotionally react on an ambush and direct others. How do you think things work on this earth then?

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2 years ago
Nov 23, 2022, 7:44:58 PM

I'm not a at all a military expert and lack history credentials to affirm anything with full confidence, take all these more with the idea that I'm more building ideas on what seems logic to me, based on fragmental knowledge and poor memory. Plus, I do know little about most cultures, there are quite a few now.

  1. I do agree with the idea that military leader might benefit from the experience on the field to pursue politic views, it's closer to a fact than an opinion.
  2. However, I disagree with the idea that generals can mostly come from lower ranks troops on the sole notion of battlefield prowess.
  3. I also disagree with the idea that military leaders would keept appearing at the fore front of the vanguard, even if some did keep fighting in the open with the « regular troops ». I believe those were mostly the exception, at least came some point in history.
  4. Did not the Athenians more or less vote on who to give the military powers? There was a lot of politics in that and military knowledge or might wasn't always of the outmost importance. Plus, I doubt the elected were mostly »simple« people.
    If you go to a legendary level, it was Agaememnon and not Achilles, the more formidable fighter, that did lead the Greeks and Agaememnon symbolizes more authority, wealth and power than military might).
  5. Soon enough, a good brain might have seemed more useful than strong muscles and harder to replace. I'm pretty sure ranked officers stayed more protected with history unravelling.
  6. For something like 2 centuries I guess, some people go to military school (West point, Annapolis for ex. Napoleo did go to such a militiary school) and end up directly officers. They then command some unit, mostly from afar and get »leveled up« until they reach the Military Staff. Those people were never the ones doing directly the military lifting.
  7. Many countries now lack the experience, being mostly not involved into armed conflicts anymore. Most officerscome from formation and got their responsibilities from leading units in peaceful time, some never even seeing a conflict. In Österreich, the chief general (Striedinger) even stated that the defense of the land would not anymore be top priority, but Cyber-crimes, Fighting pandemies or helping in case of natural disaster (and some people got mad about that).

    A bit of a mess but I'm sure you got my points.
    Good luck with your idea
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2 years ago
Apr 26, 2023, 11:35:35 AM

What is a unit is upgraded to General after collecting certain amount of experience and/or kills, all the units in his army then gets a buff, +1 movement or "fight at full strength when damaged" etc. 

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