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Basic religious district

Territories ManagementPopulation

2 years ago
Mar 7, 2023, 7:03:51 PM

Most of the time, especially when you play on pangea, the player who will take a culture with an EQ which count as religious district will spread fastly his religion and there are not many solutions to counter it.

You are not able to unlock a new holy site because there are not enough followers anymore and cultural wonders are expensive.

What I propose is a basic religious district with a low faith yield to be unlocked early in the ancient era.

This would perhaps help to stop or slow down the expansion of competing religions and to avoid the situation that we often see: a single dominant religion per continent or in the world.

One can even imagine a stealthy religious unit whose passive competence would be to try to convert a few citizens of territories under the sway of a foreign religion, which could generate grievances if it were spotted while operating abroad.

Hope you like this idea, or that you can improve it further.

Thanks for reading.

Le Bambi Kriska

Updated 10 days ago.
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2 years ago
Mar 7, 2023, 10:45:29 PM

Religion has many things that need improvement. I hope it's the next big Humankind update

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