I originally planned this concept for civ but given the bare bones nature of religion in this game I felt it would fit better.

Religions would have two major choices to make, Polytheistic or Monotheistic (Potentially Non-Theistic as well) and Proselytizing vs Ethnic.

Once a city reaches enough followers of a Polytheistic Religion the city would be able to pick a patron god that grants strong bonuses to that city alone, perhaps there'd be a civic like tree that allows the bonuses to grow over time. Examples would be a God of Festivals which would focus on things like stability increasing festivals or generating influence. Another example would be a Sea God which would improve coastal yields and naval strength in that city's waters.

A monotheistic religion on the other hand would provide minor empire wide yields in follower cities with you picking tenets rather than gods like in the current system.

The other category Proselytizing vs Ethnic, would see Proselytizing religions gain bonuses to spreading their religion while Ethnic religions prioritize defense. You could add a second lair of abilities here if the system isn't cluttered enough.

Outside of this there'd hopefully be the inclusion of more active ways to spread your religion and a sense of importance with maintaining the importance of your religion, it makes no sense that your nation should get bonuses for a religion no one in your empire follows. Alongside that it would be nice if we got more unique non yield tenets or religious abilities tied to civics .