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2 years ago
May 3, 2023, 3:39:22 PM

Something I've kept having to deal with is the AI snatching Cultural Wonders then never bothering to build them (or building them very late into the game just to then snatch a valuable modern, industrial or contemporary wonder for very cheap and then not even starting work on that wonder).

I would propose a few changes with regards to claiming wonders so that they act as the focal points on the map they should be.

Ideally I would have the claiming of a wonder to require the placing of said wonder on the map. This would stop cases where an empire claims a wonder they cannot even place because of the restrictions, and it would ensure that even if the claimant never finishes the wonder, whoever captures the territory gets a shot at finishing and profiting from the wonder. To continue on this, I would like it that wonder build locations (not just the finished wonders) are also marked on the society overlay view, allowing players to know the value of a territory they might otherwise overlook. This change would also solve the issue with dead empires retaining a claim on wonders, basically taking the wonder with them to the grave. A claimed wonder is bound to the territory it is being built on, not to the empire that may or may not decide to build it, additionally wonders do not get razed if the territory reverts to an outpost or the territory becomes neutral, only way to raze a wonder is to manually take an army to the tile and ransack it, this action giving additional rewards for the ransacking army based on the wonder type, era, and completion state.

Additional changes could be made to the diplomacy system where a grievance can be awarded when someone razes, steals, or captures a territory on which a player was building a wonder. Fame could also be awarded differently depending on whether the player finishing the construction had the original claim on it or not, maybe the claim to the wonder being something the empire could gain through a grievance when owning the territory of the wonder, but not the claim itself, or when the claimant empire is already dead.

Even if none if these are implemented, I would at least strongly encourage that unplaced wonder claims are revoked when an empire dies.

Updated a day ago.
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a year ago
Dec 20, 2023, 10:39:19 AM

Even if other changes are not made, simply revoking the unposed declarations about the death of empire would be a significant improvement. Geometry dash world eliminates the frustrating limbo of dead empires holding potential Wonders.

Updated a year ago.
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