Logo Platform
logo amplifiers simplified
2 years ago
May 12, 2023, 9:32:41 AM

In a similar way when, under foreign Influence, a city offers the possibility to change civics or suffer from a Stability hit, unhappy cities under foreign influence should (sometime) offer you instead the choice between freeing them as an IP, or giving them an "autonomous city" status. An "autonomous city" would still be part of your empire but it would have some autonomy on some fields (there should be a panel similar to the IP's one where you can chose: whether the city should have the same laws of you/ some of the Influencer Empire, whether it should to have a full control of districts/infrastructures building affecting so its Stability, whether they should automatically join a war on your side/ if its left them to chose to join based on the relationship with your enemy, whether to make their armies act as yours or as mercenaries... etcetera, etcetera).

Maybe a city (or a territory) shall offer this option only when another empire asks to be given the said territory/city.

Note: I kindly remind you that, since 1M pts ideas shall potentially make its addition to the game, an upvote would be really appreciated.

         Thank you for your support :)

Updated 2 months ago.
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2 years ago
May 18, 2023, 4:54:04 PM

It should be represented like the original version of the client state of IPs in their first version, where they are under your colors, whereas completely separate client state IPs would still be in their current version, just having a logo of your empire. Great idea!

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