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Toggle Option for the Greyscale "Paper" Strategic Map

GUIGame optionsWorld GenerationExploration

2 years ago
Aug 18, 2023, 4:52:21 AM

Give an option to toggle the "Paper" strategic map on and off, with ease, so we can see the stunning world generation that the team spent so much time working on. The graphical style is a huge selling point for this game, so let us see it! It is immersion breaking to have everything turn a dull grey every time I zoom out just a little. I like the strategic view, when I want to be strategic, but sometimes I just want to bask in the beautiful glory of my empire and the world at large!

This also happens in the world builder, which makes even less sense. You could sell the world builder alone with how awesome it is, but not when we can't even see the world beyond a fraction of a continent.

Updated 4 days ago.
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2 years ago
Aug 18, 2023, 9:16:55 PM

You can already toggle it in the Settings menu. Are you suggesting to add the toggleable option in the base layout of the game as a QoL improvement?

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2 years ago
Aug 18, 2023, 10:47:24 PM
A1y0sh4 wrote:

You can already toggle it in the Settings menu. Are you suggesting to add the toggleable option in the base layout of the game as a QoL improvement?

Which setting is that? You would be a lifesaver if you're correct. 

I just looked again, including in a game, and I don't see any settings that have to do with the Strategic view that happens when zooming out past a certain point. You can toggle the some of the UI on and off with Shift+F10, but this has no effect on the grey scale map.  And if there is, then yes, it should be in the base layout or a hotkey to allow quick switching back and forth.

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