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Change names of Olmec cities


a year ago
Dec 23, 2023, 6:47:12 PM

Naming the first city that one can found with the Olmecs "San Lorenzo" is a bit colonialist, in the sense that most cultures have their founding cities in their own language. I am not saying that it is wrong, understanding that San Lorenzo, La Venta or Tres Zapotes are archaeological sites and that in general the Olmec culture is mysterious. But indigenous words could be used for its urban centers (instead of the Spanish names of its current archaeological sites)

Updated 3 days ago.
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a year ago
Dec 25, 2023, 6:03:44 AM

I appreciate the intent, here, but I also wonder if Amplitude was attempting to avoid naming certain things on behalf of those same cultures so as to avoid, essentially, writing fanfiction from the perspectives of people that feel a lack of claim to that right.

I understand that both have their own issues, though, and find the idea you're pitching to be a good thing to discuss with regards to these inclusions.

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