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Experience, Achievements, Awards and G2G-points - A simple guide to them

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13 years ago
Mar 20, 2012, 8:04:17 PM
Experience is merely based upon everything you do in the forum. It increases based on profile-information filled in, posting, tagging, blogging, rating and joining and participating in groups at these forums. The higher the rating the more active you have been. Indirect increase is possible through others rating your threads, posting in the same threads as you and also by joining and participating in groups. How to earn points can be found right here

Acheivements are awarded for things done to a certain extent like accumulating enough friends, making enough tags, rating this and that many threads and also for how long you have been a member. These are availble under Experience -> Achievements - LINK -

are special and are only given out by the dev-team to those deserving of them. Currently two are known and one more at least coming.

- VIP - people that have been invited for their efforts in helping the team out. Skamaks commented on it before with this.

skamaks wrote:
I think the VIP status needs some explanations smiley: smile

The users called VIPs are a very small group of people we contacted at an earlier stage (used to game development or with a solid enough gaming experience) to discuss very detailed topics in terms of game design and gameplay.

You can consider them as a first filter before the topics come up to these forums. They of course had to sign terrific legal documents with their own blood as they have access to some very confidential info about the game.

They all come from different horizons, community leaders, modders, dev tem friends, people at various positions in the gaming industry, etc… and are here to help us make the best game possible.

But hey get this right:

- Non-VIP proposals, comments and feedback are as important and taken into account.

- VIPs have exactly the same status as other members, they just have access to more info.

- That doesn’t mean the VIP list is closed and that we won’t accept new members. We will certainly propose to most active members to join the VIP group.

- Space ninja - Well there were these two guys (me and znork) that just happend to start posting and basically crashed the forumparty ahead of time. Lets just blame znork for that mostly. Then Sharidann ninjad the ninja award and became the third and final.

- Special "keener award"

skamaks wrote:

One more thing, all the people that joined us this first month will also get a special “keener award” smiley: biggrin (if you have other proposals for the name, be our guests)

So we’ll always keep in mind you were here to help us start the engines!
- It was promised right here

Or Games2Gether-points are points awarded for participating at the game-sites like Endless space where you under the Games2Gether-button - Direct link here can vote for design-elements of the game in order to help the development process. The more you participate the more say you will get by getting an increase in the number of G2G-points you can use in each vote you participate in. Some are also awarded for things like pre-orders. These points has no impact on the forums and ofcourse ideas posted on the forums are just as valuable as those voted upon so never ever think an idea is not worth voicing... perhaps it might just get implemented!

How to get your G2G-points from pre-order?

- Go to the Endless Space Website http://endless-space.amplitude-studios.com/

- Log iN

- Insert the Multiplayer Code STEAM gives (right click on Endless Space once installed, select "show product key") you right here: http://www.amplitude-studios.com/user/edit

- Press "Redeem Code"


Some more forum-related stuff and where to find it.

Tags: Makes it easier to find a thread for other users through the search-function. It can be found at the bottom of each thread and you as a user can add up to two tags per thread in order to simplify searching for relevant topics.

Groups: Can be accessed through the community-button on the forums which drops the menu. They are mostly open to everyone and can be about any topic. Some examples of groups presently are for starters the first group: Church of Alderbranch which is one of the largest present too. Its merely for fun and for ppl that enjoys a good laugh. Fancy titles might be given out to the devout! smiley: smile

Others serve a more solid purpose like I played games on tapes and floppy disks so What? that gathers ppl that are really old school gamers. Some more so than others which makes me feel young! smiley: smile

Friends and contacts: Are availble under the community-tab aswell. Direct-link here

Signatures and avatars: At the moment avatars are limited to those availble at the forum and signature-pictures are disabled for now too. Signature-texts etc is of course availble and you can change that under settings.

Activity: Activity is a %-age based upon your activity on the forums put in relation to an average based upon the top 10 active users on the forum.
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13 years ago
Mar 20, 2012, 9:43:26 PM
I have a G2G voting suggestion. When voting on possible ship designs it would be nice to see them from more than just one angle.
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13 years ago
Mar 20, 2012, 10:09:20 PM
Could you add a point where "activity" is explained, please? I've got no idea how that percentage is calculated at all.
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13 years ago
Mar 21, 2012, 1:46:52 AM
My achievements are not showing. How do you get them to show up under your avatar?
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13 years ago
Mar 21, 2012, 12:57:47 PM
Nosferatiel wrote:
Could you add a point where "activity" is explained, please? I've got no idea how that percentage is calculated at all.

Added as per thine request.

You can always read more about this module here

SABA wrote:
My achievements are not showing. How do you get them to show up under your avatar?

Thats really odd. Theres no mention of that bug or whatever it is anywhere in the FAQ for the module that ive seen nor in a easily searchable manner on their support forum either.
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13 years ago
Mar 21, 2012, 1:09:19 PM
Alderbranch wrote:
Added as per thine request.

You can always read more about this module here


Alderbranch wrote:

Thats really odd. Theres no mention of that bug or whatever it is anywhere in the FAQ for the module that ive seen nor in a easily searchable manner on their support forum either.

Same problem for me as for SABA. Should be a lot of people who are affected. There are at least 80 people with that "lasted the first week"-achievement and I hardly saw anybody in the forums with it. I just won't put that down to all of them becoming inactive since registering... XD
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13 years ago
Mar 21, 2012, 1:30:48 PM
I was affected with that bug before you took over as mod Aldebrand, I thought it had been permanently taken care of, but perhaps it got ninjaed back into the system with the latest update....
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13 years ago
Mar 28, 2012, 6:07:39 PM
SABA wrote:
My achievements are not showing. How do you get them to show up under your avatar?

Neither mine.
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13 years ago
Apr 12, 2012, 2:37:08 PM

Am I going mad - I have not seen any votes that I can participate in? Are there any voters current?
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13 years ago
Apr 12, 2012, 2:40:31 PM
Boygor wrote:

Am I going mad - I have not seen any votes that I can participate in? Are there any voters current?

It seems there will be no voting until the problems with how the votes are displayed are fixed:

skamaks wrote:
Hello everyone,

I'm looking into this, it's why I didn't announce the winners yesterday. A new G2G vote will be in standby until I get this resolved.

Concerning the "show all results" feature, we've been working on it and we'll be adding that very soon.

So please for now don't consider the results displayed on the website as definitive. More info to come soon.
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13 years ago
Apr 12, 2012, 3:23:31 PM
Thanks Raptor - i've never actually participated in a vote yet as I couldn't find any...
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13 years ago
Apr 12, 2012, 4:01:28 PM
Boygor wrote:
Thanks Raptor - i've never actually participated in a vote yet as I couldn't find any...

Anytime smiley: smile

The last vote lasted for a week and ended yesterday. To vote you have to go here: http://endless-space.amplitude-studios.com/Games2gether

Sometimes you may have to log in on that page again, even though you are logged in the forums, if you are not logged in you can't see the entries and you can't cast your vote.
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13 years ago
Apr 17, 2012, 7:01:57 PM
Raptor wrote:
Anytime smiley: smile

The last vote lasted for a week and ended yesterday. To vote you have to go here: http://endless-space.amplitude-studios.com/Games2gether

Sometimes you may have to log in on that page again, even though you are logged in the forums, if you are not logged in you can't see the entries and you can't cast your vote.

I've cast a few votes now but not in any winning categories :eek:

*edit* Actually after checking one of my voted for categories is winning! Woo hoo!
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13 years ago
May 3, 2012, 5:45:33 AM
Ackis wrote:
Do the achievements and awards have any bearing on stuff in game?

Not at all, they are for looking kewl here in the forums.

So go right ahead... feel free bask in the glory of my achievements right here ^^ (J/K, unless you really really want to)
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13 years ago
May 3, 2012, 5:29:00 PM
Alderbranch wrote:
Not at all, they are for looking kewl here in the forums.

So go right ahead... feel free bask in the glory of my achievements right here ^^ (J/K, unless you really really want to)

I bow down to your greatness of achievements! smiley: biggrin
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13 years ago
May 3, 2012, 8:22:14 PM
I agree and I'd also like a picture instead of a youtube video. It's a lot easier to compare pictures then videos.
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13 years ago
May 4, 2012, 11:18:40 AM
Question about G2G-points.. When I registered I had 100 points standard. I then redeemed my key and noticed my new total was 1000. Shouldn't it be 1100 since an additional 1000 was added?

glurg wrote:
I agree and I'd also like a picture instead of a youtube video. It's a lot easier to compare pictures then videos.

Pictures would make it much smoother, easy to zoom into em and such.
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