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Experience, Achievements, Awards and G2G-points - A simple guide to them

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12 years ago
Oct 3, 2012, 1:43:54 AM
Fenrakk101 wrote:
You don't know if you have any friends who would like to play Endless Space?

Spreading the word shouldn't get you G2G points, it should be generating revenue so the devs can keep making an awesome game so you have an incentive to use the G2G points you have.

Sorry if I was unclear before. Facebook friends and real friends aren't always the same thing. Real friends that I know/suspect would like to play endless space I have already told about the game. However, I'm sure there are several people on Facebook, that I'm not quite as close too, who might also enjoy the game.

As for your second point, advertising the game and generating revenue aren't really all that different. If I had never seen an ad for endless space I wouldn't have bought the game (marketing 101). If as you said generating revenue helps to keep improving the game then implementing this is just a way to help them have the cash flow they need.
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12 years ago
Oct 3, 2012, 1:48:30 AM
ferretersmith wrote:
As for your second point, advertising the game and generating revenue aren't really all that different. If I had never seen an ad for endless space I wouldn't have bought the game (marketing 101). If as you said generating revenue helps to keep improving the game then implementing this is just a way to help them have the cash flow they need.

I don't see how this contradicts my point. I was saying that advertising and spreading the word serve the game, which indirectly helps you. It pays the food bills so the devs can keep making this game for you, it lets the community grow so you have more people to interact with and keep the game alive. You don't also need to be rewarded with G2G points for doing that.
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12 years ago
Oct 3, 2012, 1:58:56 AM
Fenrakk101 wrote:
I don't see how this contradicts my point. I was saying that advertising and spreading the word serve the game, which indirectly helps you. It pays the food bills so the devs can keep making this game for you, it lets the community grow so you have more people to interact with and keep the game alive. You don't also need to be rewarded with G2G points for doing that.

Yes you are correct none of what I said contradicts your point and spreading the word is reward in itself. My point is that creating more rewards for this can only be beneficial to the game overall.
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12 years ago
Oct 3, 2012, 2:05:53 AM
ferretersmith wrote:
Yes you are correct none of what I said contradicts your point and spreading the word is reward in itself. My point is that creating more rewards for this can only be beneficial to the game overall.

Until it degenerates into exploiting the system or people being brattish. G2G points can determine what content is added to the game next, and I don't want to give voting power to the someone who just spams their friendless Facebook profile with links to ES obsessively.
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12 years ago
Oct 3, 2012, 4:17:14 PM
Fenrakk101 wrote:
Until it degenerates into exploiting the system or people being brattish. G2G points can determine what content is added to the game next, and I don't want to give voting power to the someone who just spams their friendless Facebook profile with links to ES obsessively.

Well said: I think the "restriction" to the forum is a pretty good way to let people gain their point by helping the community! smiley: smile
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12 years ago
Dec 28, 2012, 3:32:50 PM
What causes xp loss?

I've not been as active as I have been, but I notice in the activity log that I have lost XP, but I don't remember what causes XP loss. I was sure it said somewhere but I can't seem to find it any more.
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12 years ago
Feb 17, 2013, 8:50:09 AM
I also have the problem with awards not showing.. I've had the issue since day 1, but I figured it would get fixed at some point.. Oh well, no biggie.

It's just a bit annoying that when you redeem your codes it says your profile will be showing off Dev Team awards etc and nothing shows even when you're looking at your own profile..

So long as I keep enjoying this great game with my buddies I don't really care about the small things. Big thumbs up to the Endless Space team and keep up the excellent work!! smiley: approval
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12 years ago
Feb 17, 2013, 3:55:49 PM
Xanoth wrote:
What causes xp loss?

I've not been as active as I have been, but I notice in the activity log that I have lost XP, but I don't remember what causes XP loss. I was sure it said somewhere but I can't seem to find it any more.

Deleted threads/posts, I think smiley: confused
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12 years ago
Apr 1, 2013, 2:06:31 PM
Hi, I bought the emperor edition and added all 3 codes, got a message that i know have the dev team award, but it's not showing in my profile. Is this the same before mentioned bug, or i just have to wait a few days?
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12 years ago
Apr 1, 2013, 2:40:46 PM
Siskodax wrote:
Hi, I bought the emperor edition and added all 3 codes, got a message that i know have the dev team award, but it's not showing in my profile. Is this the same before mentioned bug, or i just have to wait a few days?

Hi there - usually waiting solves this problem smiley: smile
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12 years ago
Apr 8, 2013, 4:20:12 AM
I see there's an achievement for I own Endless Space. How can I link this account to my Endless Space game that I own on Steam? I've tried entering my CD Key under "Redeem G2G code", but it says that "The key has already been used."

EDIT : Nevermind I've resolved the entering keys issue. Though the awards are not showing up. I'm assuming I just have to wait a few days like everyone else said. I'll check back in to make sure I do. Thanks anyway.
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12 years ago
Apr 8, 2013, 5:26:32 AM
ryebread wrote:
I see there's an achievement for I own Endless Space. How can I link this account to my Endless Space game that I own on Steam? I've tried entering my CD Key under "Redeem G2G code", but it says that "The key has already been used."

EDIT : Nevermind I've resolved the entering keys issue. Though the awards are not showing up. I'm assuming I just have to wait a few days like everyone else said. I'll check back in to make sure I do. Thanks anyway.

I got the key has been used as well, ask Steph'nie about that. You'll get the awards as well if she helps
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12 years ago
Apr 8, 2013, 11:23:57 AM
stasik28 wrote:
I got the key has been used as well, ask Steph'nie about that. You'll get the awards as well if she helps

His/her awards an points have already shown up - I guess there are still many people confused by the long redeeming process, re-entering the code and causing this message.
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12 years ago
May 1, 2013, 1:24:46 PM
Hello, I have redeemed my codes on January for the Emperor Edition, but it seems that I'm stuck with 100 G2G points.

Not minding about it for a while, it is just now that I see that it should be 500 or more points (If it has not changed ?)

If I try entering now my keys, there are "already redeemed", so I assume that I did as the FAQ said.

Is it possible that I've been missing some info, or the points are lost when I use the Vote process ?

Best regards,

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12 years ago
May 1, 2013, 2:21:19 PM
Chakiral wrote:
Hello, I have redeemed my codes on January for the Emperor Edition, but it seems that I'm stuck with 100 G2G points.

Not minding about it for a while, it is just now that I see that it should be 500 or more points (If it has not changed ?)

If I try entering now my keys, there are "already redeemed", so I assume that I did as the FAQ said.

Is it possible that I've been missing some info, or the points are lost when I use the Vote process ?

Best regards,


I swear 75% of us have had this problem, including me when I was new.

What you need to do is send all three of your codes to Steph'nie (Chief Forum Moderator) via PM (never visitor message!) and she will give you a single, redeemable, code that can be redeemed to get you all of your awards, points, etc.

Keep in mind that it is labor day in France, so you won't get a response today. (Wait, why the heck am I reminding you of this??? You would already know that lol)

Welcome to the best Forums on Earth!
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12 years ago
Jun 4, 2013, 4:52:52 PM
I have redeemed my key for the forum award and dev team forum award and received nada. Can you guys help with this?
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12 years ago
Jun 5, 2013, 7:51:15 AM
bruce_manly wrote:
I have redeemed my key for the forum award and dev team forum award and received nada. Can you guys help with this?

Just give it some time - your G2G Points already there, the nice icons will show up soon.
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12 years ago
Jun 5, 2013, 8:53:36 AM
bruce_manly wrote:
I have redeemed my key for the forum award and dev team forum award and received nada. Can you guys help with this?

Please make sure you have redeemed all your Steam CD keys on your Amplitude account. If you still cannot see your awards, send me a private message with your keys and I'll see what I can do.
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