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You're dead to me, Amplitude

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4 years ago
Jun 29, 2021, 10:32:50 AM

The thing is, that they were the ones that had access to numbers that showed what that 'love and appreciation' meant financially to them and they were the ones making the decision. You're calling that decision wrong without access to the same stats. I'm not questioning whether others made it, I'm saying that the fact we have every year four or five indie darlings taking the spotlight doesn't invalidate hundreds of ones that can barely stay afloat, if that.

And yeah, that's the trap, they were bunch of people that left Ubisoft and decided to make their own studio, making a hard choice. Throughout the years their company grew and they're no longer taking that leap alone, if they won't reach the other end of the chasm people that made the decision will drag others with them, so I can see them opting for a safe bet with SEGA.

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4 years ago
Jun 29, 2021, 10:47:15 AM
DNLH wrote:

The thing is, that they were the ones that had access to numbers that showed what that 'love and appreciation' meant financially to them and they were the ones making the decision. You're calling that decision wrong without access to the same stats. I'm not questioning whether others made it, I'm saying that the fact we have every year four or five indie darlings taking the spotlight doesn't invalidate hundreds of ones that can barely stay afloat, if that.

And yeah, that's the trap, they were bunch of people that left Ubisoft and decided to make their own studio, making a hard choice. Throughout the years their company grew and they're no longer taking that leap alone, if they won't reach the other end of the chasm people that made the decision will drag others with them, so I can see them opting for a safe bet with SEGA.

I totally agree with what you said except the fact that when or if you have problems financially Sega is always the answer. I believe there were other options available and now you can see some of the results of Sega-Amplitude vs Amplitude alone or Amplitude-"with someone else". Also if you choose to sell yourself make a strong contract that preserves your "independent" parts that made you who you are to at least make the selling process not only about finances but also about your identity

We will see in time what happens next and if this is the new standard or not

Updated 4 years ago.
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4 years ago
Jun 29, 2021, 11:36:47 AM
Are you saying Amplitude did not preserve its independency in creative freedom?
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4 years ago
Jun 29, 2021, 1:06:21 PM

Guess everyone must judge for themselves if they kept their independency in their: creative freedom, financial freedom, DRM standards freedom, quality of releases and pricing freedom, taking their time to finish and refine the product releases freedom, have the back of their community that cheered for them freedom and all other freedoms that are there.

I`m not a judge that decides what good they did or not, i am just saying i don`t like this new direction they are taking and time will tell how much they change from who they were or not. I cherish all opinions and i believe everyone should think for themselves and see if what is happening now is good or not for them as a company and for us as consumers/buyers/fans

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4 years ago
Jun 29, 2021, 1:59:08 PM

No-no, don't back down now, you were judging, especially in you big long Humankind critique thread.

GlorySign wrote:
DRM standards

Didn't know they had any, Amplitude were never known for their DRM-free games.

GlorySign wrote:
taking their time to finish and refine the product

May I remind you they delayed release publicly twice already.

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4 years ago
Jun 29, 2021, 4:17:04 PM
Sublustris wrote:

No-no, don't back down now, you were judging, especially in you big long Humankind critique thread.

GlorySign wrote:
DRM standards

Didn't know they had any, Amplitude were never known for their DRM-free games.

GlorySign wrote:
taking their time to finish and refine the product

May I remind you they delayed release publicly twice already.

Yes, but they had to beg SEGA to grant that second delay. Now that they're owned by SEGA, release schedules aren't entirely up to Amplitude. If the game isn't ready, but SEGA insists on releasing it, then it gets released.

And sure, I'll judge them. Why shouldn't I? Previous Amplitude games didn't have Denuvo. This one does. Why? Because they sold out to SEGA.

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4 years ago
Jun 29, 2021, 4:21:49 PM
DNLH wrote:

The thing is, that they were the ones that had access to numbers that showed what that 'love and appreciation' meant financially to them and they were the ones making the decision. You're calling that decision wrong without access to the same stats. I'm not questioning whether others made it, I'm saying that the fact we have every year four or five indie darlings taking the spotlight doesn't invalidate hundreds of ones that can barely stay afloat, if that.

And yeah, that's the trap, they were bunch of people that left Ubisoft and decided to make their own studio, making a hard choice. Throughout the years their company grew and they're no longer taking that leap alone, if they won't reach the other end of the chasm people that made the decision will drag others with them, so I can see them opting for a safe bet with SEGA.

I'm taking a philosophical stance, and I'm arguing they would have been better off not selling out, even if that meant dying out.

Because right now, as far as I'm concerned, they might as well have died out, except now their legacy is also marred by their betrayal.

Getting bought out by SEGA clearly didn't help with Endless Space 2, since that was way more of a mess than any of their previous games, and as far as I'm concerned, any game with Denuvo might as well not exist at all, because there's no way I'm touching it.

Of course, that's an extreme scenario, and assuming they needed to do this to stay afloat. That's something I don't believe.

Sure, they had access to data we don't, but that doesn't mean they read that data correctly. Going by what they said when they sold out, it sounded like something they embraced wholly and were looking forward to, not a grudging necessity.

That speaks to me of incompetence at best, or outright greed at worse.

There is no good major publisher in the industry, there's just varying degrees of bad. As far as that goes SEGA's among the better ones, but a "better" monster is still a monster, and they should have known that (especially coming from Ubi).

There's a disturbing lack of mid-range publishers/self-publishing indie devs in the industry, sadly, and pre-SEGA, Amplitude felt like they were in a prime position to explore alternative options.

Unfortunately, this is nothing new. Whenever smaller publishers rise above a certain level, they always get absorbed by something up above. It's like those in control at the top can't abide underdogs with quality showing them up and making them look bad. There's a no-man's-land developer/publisher deadzone between the smaller indies and the big corporate publishers, and woe to any indie that dares rise above that threshold. It's like you're simply not allowed to exist uncorrupted, beyond a certain degree of success...

That's a whole other discussion, though.

Maybe all of this was inevitable, but it's still saddening.
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4 years ago
Jun 29, 2021, 4:43:16 PM
Kwami wrote:
Yes, but they had to beg SEGA to grant that second delay.

Any proof to that bold claim?

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4 years ago
Jun 29, 2021, 4:56:51 PM
ElegantCaveman wrote:
Sure, they had access to data we don't, but that doesn't mean they read that data correctly. Going by what they said when they sold out, it sounded like something they embraced wholly and were looking forward to, not a grudging necessity

How about them wanting to hire more people and make higher budget games, even several projects at once? Before they couldn't afford to send their sound engineer to a real volcano just to record sound of it, but now they can.

ElegantCaveman wrote:
There's a disturbing lack of mid-range publishers/self-publishing indie devs in the industry

Probably because that model isn't viable in long term, or relies on very successful releases to grow and remain self-sufficient, which in itself are miracles when they happen.

ElegantCaveman wrote:
Amplitude felt like they were in a prime position to explore alternative options

You think they didn't? You think people, that quit their comfy positions at Ubi to create their own studio just gave it easily just like that?

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4 years ago
Jun 29, 2021, 5:22:42 PM
Sublustris wrote:

How about them wanting to hire more people and make higher budget games, even several projects at once? Before they couldn't afford to send their sound engineer to a real volcano just to record sound of it, but now they can.

If the cost of that is Denuvo, my argument is that it's not worth it.


Sublustris wrote:

You think they didn't? You think people, that quit their comfy positions at Ubi to create their own studio just gave it easily just like that?

Again, my concern is the end result. And whatever they did or didn't do, I don't approve of the end result.

Maybe they thought it through very carefully? Maybe they acted impulsively and hoped for the best? Maybe all sorts of things.

I don't know know what happened, I just know that I believe they misjudged things and made the wrong decision, regardless of how they reached that decision.

Maybe they see nothing wrong with Denuvo, and are perfectly happy with how things are. In which case, we simply disagree on a very fundamental level. That's life.

As a customer, the only recourse available to me is to let them know how I feel about their business decisions, and why they won't be getting my money anymore. It's not much, but it's all I have.

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4 years ago
Jun 30, 2021, 7:34:09 AM
Sublustris wrote:

No-no, don't back down now, you were judging

Dear Sublustris i sincerely respect you and your opinion and i believe it`s cool to also stick with Amplitude no matter what they do and applaud them no matter what, we all had moments like this for people or companies dear to our heart, whether we are good friends with those or we are just fans of their products or ways of doing things. After all, i also appreciate them a lot for what they built in time. 

But i don`t know exactly what this minigame of yours with “don`t do this, you did that” means exactly. Maybe you misunderstood what I said here and that is ok. After all we all have our days better or not. Let me give you a little bit of background about where I come from, maybe that will make the things a little bit more clear if you have the openness to truly see them.

I am the kind of person that does not care in investing time and energy in forums or preordering products or buying early access stuff. I saw how the industry is nowadays and I truly don`t care. Whether you put the time and effort to do a great product that i enjoy when you finish it or i am not interested in it. Pretty simple and effective approach. But for Amplitude I did always an exception as I love their products and them also

Now I have seen in time my fair share of companies that start with great products, innovate and have a great community just to become big greedy corporations that care only about profit. I also seen great companies that just perished. I also saw companies that do great games with no compromise and that is also fantastic that they exist.

Amplitude is a company that made games that I really like and enjoy and so I bought all that they ever did. As I said in another post, i saw the people involved in making games at Amplitude in their streams “from the guys who started the company, to lead designers, lead artists, historian specialists and so on and they all seem like very nice people, passionate about what they do and with a lot of ideas and know-how. Also I am watching their regular live streams with the Community/PR team Rogan and Cat-o-Nine-Tales and I also find them funny, nice persons that know their stuff and also Cat-o-Nine-Tales seems a very technical person who is very well-informed and well-read. I am sure the other members of the team that are not in the streams are also very good in what they do. Overall their team seems like a big family from outside and also more than capable and with the know-how in how to add features refine a game and deliver a great product” and I sincerely meant that.

So when I saw the state of the game Humankind compared to what the team promised and wanted to do, i came here, like i never do for any company (except Amplitude) to the forums and gave my feedback honestly and blunt both good and bad as I really appreciated what they stand for and I also saw them as such nice persons. Now I don`t know if Amplitude reads the forums or not or they care about what I said or not as it takes someone with openness and willingness to listen to things and i don`t know if they have that or not, but I saw so many great people and companies that stood for something vanishing or transforming into the opposite that they were so I said I owe it to myself and the fun I had with their games to say a few words here. So i understand where ElegantCaveman comes from as he said something similar.

So if Amplitude will ever read what I say, appreciate the honest feedback and maybe do something in that direction it is great for me and I believe for others too, if they don`t or read and just don`t care it is also great because I did it for what I believe in as a person and what i thought was right in a moment like this to say and that is just who I am sincerely. If they like their new direction, no problem, good luck for them and I am glad that at least they did what they did till now for all of us. Everyone is free to do what they want and i 100% encourage people that make their own choices and take responsibility for their actions.

Now, on these forums I also found out that they will implement the Denuvo heavy DRM that those gentlemen ElegantCaveman (with his great post and info about it), Kwami (with his other post about this subject) and others explained very well why it is not a good idea and I also agree with them.

In the end I said a few things out of appreciation but in a sincere and blunt way, respecting everyone and out of love for what the Amplitude team did till now, things I extremely rarely do for someone in my own free time as i also had happy posts when new votes / product announcements and other good news came by.

I hope this clears a lot of things and I am understood a lot better now.

To answer your post:

in you big long Humankind critique thread.

That long thread was a feedback thread that underlined both good stuff that I appreciate (and I always said loud what I appreciate when it is the case) and also things that in my opinion are not good and should not be in a AAA refined product.

Now if you just viewed that honest feedback that had also positive elements in it and that devs asked us if we have time to do as “critique” that is your own way of seeing that. Others may appreciate that feedback or feel the same way as I described in that post. It`s cool regardless, as I said, I like everyone to have their opinions no matter how different they are.

DRM standards. Didn't know they had any

Well any company that does a game today have to also decide if they use a DRM solution or not and if they do if it is a light one or heavy one. 

Amplitude were never known for their DRM-free games.

I don`t know who said they are known for their DRM-free games as I never said that. If they want to do a DRM-free game I am fine with it. If they want to add a light DRM solution to protect themselves I am also fine with that because I pay for my games and I like to support people`s work.


But to add a heavy solution like Denuvo that degrades performance, adds regular online checks, has a dubious EULA that as mentioned limits the number of your installs, how you use the product that you bought with your own money and can persist on your PC even after you uninstall the game that used it, not to mention if Denuvo servers ever shut off you can`t access the game you paid for i just do not like and I expressed my opinion about it using facts and actions that Amplitude and Sega did and I just quoted what they did in my posts (not what I did). 

May I remind you they delayed release publicly twice already.

I don`t know what this means as you can just make a finished refined quality product like they said they would and never delay it, just release it when it`s done. Also you can delay a product 2 times, 5 times, 20 times if you want, I don`t think there is a limit. Some take it to early access and delay it for years. All are valid options.

For example a company that makes very good RPGs “Larian Studios” released their latest game “Baldur`s Gate 3” in early access with a “OpenDev” like build and said guys we release the final game when is ready, in months, years, who cares we just want quality. Now that is a decent and nice example that I like. Blizzard also did things like that in the past. There are others that do this also in different ways.

I hope now it`s more clear we are all not in opposing sides but rather on the same side with different needs and stories as diverse as Humankind is, still, participating in the community at times of joy or sorrow, giving our feedback in hope of getting great games like always and offering support and our money when we receive them

Updated 4 years ago.
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4 years ago
Jun 30, 2021, 9:14:40 AM

I appreciate your expanded input, I just have bias against people with inconsistent assertions, but you've explained yourself enough.

GlorySign wrote:
just release it when it`s done

Will you pay the bills?

GlorySign wrote:
“Larian Studios”

Great example you brought here, I was expecting it to be brought up for several days. Let's recap it.

Larian Studios, self-published, that almost went bankrupt when doing Kick-starter backed Divinity: Original Sin. Delayed multiple times, almost went bankrupt again in the process, released it in not very best technical condition, for year gradually polishing it to Definitive Edition. Luckily, game was that good that people bought it and left Studio afloat. So they made sequel, again went to Kick-starter, again almost went bankrupt (for a third time), but ultimately delivered another great game (somewhat again unpolished until another Definitive Edition) and now swimming in money to expand their Studio seven-time fold while taking their time to make BG3 in tight cooperation with Wizards of the Cost. Even then, budget will run out eventually and there's nothing wrong with receiving expected quality level post-release with another Definitive Edition, if it comes to that.

If that doesn't show you how insanely talented they are, but at the same time how insanely lucky their case is - then you are out of touch with game development as a whole. This is very bad case to use in comparison to Amplitude or 95% of any other devs in how things should be done, prime example of Survivorship bias.

Updated 4 years ago.
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4 years ago
Jun 30, 2021, 10:22:47 AM
Sublustris wrote:

GlorySign wrote:
just release it when it`s done

Will you pay the bills?

This is a pretty rude statement but i might ask you is there a company that starts building a game by planning a budget that will never be enough to finish that game with the sole purpose of just making a incomplete game? And after that ask the customers: "what? you want a finished game? will you play the bills?, outrageous to think we plan budgets to finish our games". 

What exactly is this? I really don`t understand as it really does not make any sense

Sublustris wrote:

GlorySign wrote:
“Larian Studios” 

Great example you brought here, I was expecting it to be brought up for several days. Let's recap it.

Judging from your harsh reaction maybe you have something against Larian. That is ok. I really like that they make very good RPGs and they are appreciated by everyone as you can see from media and Steam reviews. Even Wizards of the Coast approached them after seeing their work to ask them if they would want to do Baldur`s Gate 3 for them. Maybe their journey was now flawless as it is not for everyone but they did it and that matters. Also Amplitude had it`s quirks and misses and now for Humankind they said they will gather all their experience and learn from their past mistakes. It`s natural that other studios also make mistakes and learn from them but that does not mean you don`t remain who you are

If you don`t like the Larian example why didn`t you look at Blizzard, and unknown company that made it on it`s own and made great games until it also sold itself to Activision for a lot of money. Or maybe Owlcat games and a lot of other companies that did it

Now don`t get me wrong:

1. If you want as seen from the examples above you can do it even on your own

2. If you don`t like that you can just sell yourself for more security to a publisher but you can also do that in your terms with a good signed contract that protects your way of making your own decisions, keeping your financial freedom or at least some of it, your choice of DRM, quality of releases and pricing, taking your time to finish and refine the product releases, be near your community and so on

3. If you just want to sell yourself without any measures that is also fine i have no problem with that i just shared my thoughts

So i don`t understand why are you so upset when i say they can do what they want to do as you can too, i just wanted to say my opinion and if someone finds value in it it`s fine, if not it`s also fine, i just thought i owe it to this company that i love to say at least this: my opinion, at a moment where i felt it could count to do just that from my part

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4 years ago
Jun 30, 2021, 12:52:05 PM
GlorySign wrote:
is there a company that starts building a game by planning a budget that will never be enough to finish that game with the sole purpose of just making a incomplete game? And after that ask the customers: "what? you want a finished game? will you play the bills?

Yes, it is called Cloud Imperium Games, and their customers indeed fund game with no completion in sight.

GlorySign wrote:
What exactly is this? I really don`t understand as it really does not make any sense

You find infinite delays to be fine, but you don't propose any source to finance them. Pretty naïve stance, if you truly think one is possible without the other, or not taking that into account at all, when you approve further delays.

GlorySign wrote:
Judging from your harsh reaction maybe you have something against Larian.

Are you joking? One of my favorite Studios, great games, immediately preordered BG3 and patiently waiting.

GlorySign wrote:
they did it and that matters

See? Survivorship bias. Or maybe you think it's OK for everyone to risk everything by staying indie, knowing that one unsuccessful release might bury developer. Either way that is your choice, but don't be surprised rarely someone takes it in practice. If indies find opportunity to stay financially secure - they take it. And they should.

GlorySign wrote:
If you don`t like the Larian example why didn`t you look at Blizzard

My firm belief is that they would perfectly ruin themselves even without Activision. I had that feeling long before acquisition, seeing how greedy they were with WC3 addons, Battle.net and pay to play WoW subscription.

Also they did in fact brought it on themselves without Activision intervention. Their merger agreement was based on protective shield around developers, so they do games how they want and monetize them however they want. But several not so stellar releases seriously weakened it. Only in recent two years Activision finally found levers to have effect on when, how and what games Blizzard makes.

GlorySign wrote:
So i don`t understand why are you so upset

I'm not upset. I'm arguing that saying "X sold out to Y, so its their fault for DRM Z" is excessive oversimplification of real story, just so people had target to went off to. This isn't a full picture of why things are what they are.

Screw Denuvo, yet I don't blame neither Sega for their short-sighted belief that it will help them secure sales - it helps to a degree. Neither Amplitude for not preventing this outcome - alternatives could be worse for studio well-being.

Updated 4 years ago.
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4 years ago
Jun 30, 2021, 2:34:17 PM

Sublustris, you obviously have great love and respect for Amplitude. I do think though that you are a bit blinded by it and what game development is about especially when it comes to indy games.

Game development is a high risk endeavor. Maybe we can argue that it shouldn't be like that, but it is what it is. An indy game developer has the responsibility to know this and to plan according to their budget, time and resources to make a game that falls within those specs and to stick to that plan until they can make a more expanded game experience.

The "trick" is to know when and what to put into a game and what to concentrate on to make the best game within those tight constraints. That is the obligation of the indy dev to his studio and staff because you want to have more money at the end of the day to make a better game next time. It is a hard thing to juggle and it means that you have to have the absolute minimum of staff to do the job and your staff needs to be very competent at what they do. 

Note: I am not saying that Amplitude Staff are in any way incompetent. Please do not misunderstand. What I am saying is that Amplitude has produced 4 games for market. Endless Space 1, Endless Legend, Dungeon of the Endless and Endless Space 2. Those games were very ambitious (well perhaps with the exception of Dungeon of the Endless), but were they perhaps TOO ambitious in their scope and reach? Looking back I think they were. Now I don't know if you remember when Endless Legend launched. It had near zero AI. I waited months for them to get some sort of AI programmed into the races and provided feedback and suggestions and finally after a long period they had something that worked...kinda.

Now if they had lowered the starting number of races to something a bit more manageable and maybe scaled back on a few things, could they have had a more polished release? Maybe taken the time to get a competent AI in place before adding even more races with strange new ways to play and breaking the game even more? 

The same thing for Endless Space 2. Did we really need to launch with that many races? And then add to them even more with expansions? Were perhaps the systems of government too complex and maybe there was more there than needed to be. When I play a game of Endless Space 2 right now I feel so...stuffed with things that I am not sure are needed. This is also a larger issue with 4x strategy games in general. Few of them try to take a lower number of features and get them to a state where they play and feel really good before they just add more and more stuff onto them. And then more cinematics and pointless features that they could have taken less time to make and taken time to refine what was there. Make the core smaller, but deeper and more fulfilling. I'm not 100% sure, but I think that would have lead to less costly games and maybe more manageable projects that maybe they would not have felt as much need to go to a publisher for? I mean...they left Ubisoft afterall.

What I'm saying is...you think that the only way forward for Amplitude is to go bigger and bigger and have to join with a publisher to try to make games that compete with Civ6 and other big budget titles. Publishers are NOT a necessity to a game company...not if the game company has a plan and sticks to it. But when that company starts being risk-averse, then the need for a publisher becomes the only way to go. And you get bigger and prettier games...but I think you lose something along the way.

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4 years ago
Jun 30, 2021, 2:43:36 PM

I get what you are saying and it was a good conversation, I believe you are a cool person and I appreciate you as I said and I also believe we both agree on some things and maybe have a bit of different views on others

I think I said what I wanted to say in my posts and I made my points of view pretty clear there. Now if someone takes their time to read them with an open heart and finds value in them that`s great, if not it`s also great. As I said I just wanted to state my opinions about a few things.

We should not diverge too much from the main purpose of this thread and I think there are some pretty valid points expressed in it that may need consideration for the future if someone find them important

The only things that I would like to further touch on are:

Yes, it is called Cloud Imperium Games, and their customers indeed fund game with no completion in sight.

Even though “Cloud Imperium Games” or other companies fund their project through crowdfunding (a mechanic I also mentioned in my posts) they make and fund a budget for the project they want to undertake till it is in a finished state and than start making the game with that budget till they finish the game. This is how things are usually done as I have some experience in project management.

But if they want to just work on parts of the game while waiting for the next part of the project to be funded and they have faith in that system (more like an very long early access mechanism that they undertake) that could also work but I still don`t believe they release the game fully until they finish all their proposed parts to finish that game officially. Definitely they don`t release the game unfinished and ask the customers to pay for the bills if they wanted a finished project, as they already paid for the game and/or initial crowdfunding and expect a finished one at the final release.

Personally I prefer the approach to fund a budget from crowdfunding, banks, investors, publisher or in what way you see fit and release a final finished game even if you have a short weeks or few months testing/early access period. I do not like that much endless years long early access kind of stuff. Although I have nothing against that

You find infinite delays to be fine, but you don't propose any source to finance them

I should not propose how to finance projects, companies have hired professionals for that and I think it`s smart to first fund a budged in the ways mentioned above (crowdfunding, bank, investors so on) and than start making the game. Otherwise you are at the mercy of others and even than it`s better to wait until you finish your project, than to not get a fully financed budget initially and than also release as final an unfinished game. 

Still i believe customers should not suffer either variant you take as they had no choice in deciding how the budget was spent and how things were done

See? Survivorship bias

Well how is there any bias? I even said that everyone can do what they want, I also presented in a numbered succession all the possible variants and I agree with them all, i just put some recommendations if someone finds them useful, just read my last post

I am glad you are not upset as I don`t want you to be, it was just an interesting discussion and I am glad you came along with your opinions and we discussed it a bit. I am sure we will find some others in the future where we agree maybe even more or totally. As I said I find you also a good person and good vibes to you as to everyone else

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4 years ago
Jun 30, 2021, 2:54:12 PM

Also +1 to Slashman`s post.

I also believe the game should have more features that make you feel in different ways while you play it and you can see your interaction with them (by changing lighting, colors, playstyle, atmosphere, stats and so on) instead of disconnected systems additional to what you mainly do in the game that are accessed by a lot of different panels and options and that don`t have a big impact on the gameplay anyway

Also about the project management part

Updated 4 years ago.
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4 years ago
Jun 30, 2021, 4:44:15 PM

Just wanted to point out, that delays mean you already went over budget, even if you secured your funds from crowdfunding, bank, investors so on. And indies might be more limited on how far with delays they can go, unless they per for it from their pocket.

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4 years ago
Jun 30, 2021, 5:06:08 PM
Sublustris wrote:

Just wanted to point out, that delays mean you already went over budget, even if you secured your funds from crowdfunding, bank, investors so on. And indies might be more limited on how far with delays they can go, unless they per for it from their pocket.

Sure, but why should we pay them full price for an incomplete game? They might lose more money from lower sales than they would lose from delaying the release again.

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4 years ago
Jul 1, 2021, 8:51:21 AM

I don`t know if they are or not over budget or if they delay because of features not implemented or not implemented well issues, balancing issues, bugs issues, and so on, basically game is not in finished state

Regardless, never worry about budgeting issues, you always predict going over budget when you make the budget initially and what financing sources are available for that and what are your options (there are tons of details in budgeting and project management i can`t write them all here as it would take months of discussions as in my above post i wrote it very simplified)

Also they have hired professionals that take care of these issues according to initial budget predictions and exceeding the budget procedures

Also they have 10 years of experience of doings this, they know how to do budgets, how to not exceed them and what to do if they did. Also as Slashman very well pointed out project management and what choices to make, what features to keep and how to make a well rounded refined game maybe lacked a bit in the past but now with 10 years of experience as they said should be a lot better

Also as they said (as one of the purposes why they sold to Sega) they can now just call Relic or Sega or CA and say: hey we are starting to have budget issues and we don`t want to exceed it, what choices do we have and how does your project management work so we can optimize and don`t go over budget

Or call as they said they now can Relic or Sega or CA and say: hey we did not called till now, we are over budget, although we have 10 years of experience, what should we do?, how we can change our project management for better results (as it is not up to par)?

They have a lot of choices so don`t worry

I`d rather worry what the final released product quality is, does it have Denuvo? Is it really the best they can do as promised? Is it priced well? as we, the consumers can`t just call Relic or Sega or CA to make an independent evaluation for us. So we as the community should stick close and hope for a great game and than worry if it really is not that

Updated 4 years ago.
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