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You're dead to me, Amplitude

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4 years ago
Jul 4, 2021, 1:48:00 PM

My reply in other thread

I honestly think what I wrote there and thus won't buy Humankind with Denuvo. Therefore if they ever remove it, I'll buy it in some sale, which means less money for developer and publisher... so how does Denuvo (which thay pay for) help them in my case? And I believe it's not just my case...

PS: I bought all other Amplitude games for full listed price either at launch or preorder.

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4 years ago
Jul 5, 2021, 6:23:13 PM

Look at today`s news: Might and Magic X: Legacy from 2014 made by Limbic/Ubisoft the latest from one of the most iconic RPG series ever made spanning over decades (Might and Magic 1 was released in 1986) had it`s DRM servers closed and because of the heavy DRM Ubisoft used in Might and Magic X, you can`t play it`s DLC anymore and also the players can`t progress past act 1 in the main game, making the game unusable. In response to the user`s cry for help because the game they own or just bought can`t be played anymore due to DRM servers closing, Ubisoft just pulled the game form Steam. This is what the future may also hold for Humankind or any DRM heavy game. Just search the internet about this topic and see for yourselves.

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4 years ago
Jul 6, 2021, 12:56:50 AM
GlorySign wrote:

This is what the future may also hold for Humankind

I love how ominous that sounds out of context.

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4 years ago
Jul 8, 2021, 1:20:31 PM

I must admit, I find this whole Denuvo thing rather concerning but I do have faith in Amplitude and think that they wouldn't purposefully do anything directly malicious to us. As to whether or not we can get them to get Denuvo removed is a different story and I'm not certain in that regard.

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4 years ago
Jul 8, 2021, 6:57:59 PM
DawnOfGaming wrote:

I must admit, I find this whole Denuvo thing rather concerning but I do have faith in Amplitude and think that they wouldn't purposefully do anything directly malicious to us. As to whether or not we can get them to get Denuvo removed is a different story and I'm not certain in that regard.

I don't believe that its a matter of Amplitude doing anything directly malicious to anyone. It is simply a matter of Sega enforcing the use of DRM and Amplitude having to go along with it. The DRM in and of itself is what is malicious. It is basically saying to paying customers, we don't trust you or we'll hold the right to start (and run) your game in our hands perpetually, But don't worry...we'll always be around. ;-)

Now I got Total War Warhammer I in a humble bundle subscription deal way back when it first launched. Denuvo is still active in it as far as I know. So that should tell you how high the chances are that it will be removed from Humankind anytime soon. Hint...it is less that 0.001% So good luck with the hopes for a Denuvo free future from Amplitude and Sega.

Updated 4 years ago.
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4 years ago
Jul 13, 2021, 10:08:36 PM
SpikedWallMan wrote:
CristataC wrote:

What is Denuvo?

Just googled it. Anti Piracy that makes a game require internet connection.


The big deal for me is that when Denuvo decides to turn off their authentication servers (because they go out of business, because some Denuvo accountant decides that "legacy" servers that are not worth the maintenance cost, it ends up being a huge security risk like SecuROM/SafeDisc, etc.), then your copy of Humankind that you paid for stops working forever.  In the meantime, the software pirates will undoubtedly crack it in short order and will get a far better experience than the paying customers.

Except that whole narrative relies on the idea that the Devs won't just remove denuvo from their game if it goes bankrupt or shuts its servers down

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4 years ago
Jul 13, 2021, 10:11:39 PM
ElegantCaveman wrote:

I originally wrote this as a post on the Steam forum, but it got slipped under the rug and quietly added to a mass thread where it's unlikely to get seen by actual Amplitude staff.

So here I am, reposting it, because—yes—I'm that petty, and I want my message to get through. I hope you feel at least a tiny bit bad. And I hope your next game doesn't have Denuvo.

As I mentioned further in the Steam thread, there's not much I can do about this other than vote with my wallet and speak up.

Original post follows:

I've been with you since the beta of Endless Space, an early access game before Steam even had a thing officially called Early Access.

For a long time, you were on my very tiny list of developers from whom I'd buy things at launch automatically, because of the trust I had in you.

I bought the collector's/deluxe editions of all your games up to Endless Space 2. I even bought Endless Legend at launch, despite the fact that the computer I had at the time couldn't even run it. That's how much faith I had in you (and it was well-placed for EL, to be fair).

ES2 was a shit-show, though, and that got you taken off the list.

You said selling out to SEGA wouldn't change anything, but I think it did. It's what I'll choose to believe, at least. The alternative is that it's entirely your fault, and that would make me even sadder.

As rough as all that was, I was cautiously optimistic when you announced Humankind, because it looked really interesting.

But Denuvo?

That's the final nail in your coffin.

Once again, I'll blame SEGA, but I'm done with you.

I know I'm just one person, and I don't matter, but I've been with you since the beginning, and I loved you; you've broken my heart, and I had to let you know.

I mean that's the trade-off that they're making losing some customers that dislike it but lowering piracy numbers. Generally I agree with your sentiment but quite frankly you are just being petty and a bit rude if your against the idea don't buy the game, you didn't need to make this post.

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4 years ago
Jul 13, 2021, 10:24:24 PM
Fudgeyman wrote:
SpikedWallMan wrote:
CristataC wrote:

What is Denuvo?

Just googled it. Anti Piracy that makes a game require internet connection.


The big deal for me is that when Denuvo decides to turn off their authentication servers (because they go out of business, because some Denuvo accountant decides that "legacy" servers that are not worth the maintenance cost, it ends up being a huge security risk like SecuROM/SafeDisc, etc.), then your copy of Humankind that you paid for stops working forever.  In the meantime, the software pirates will undoubtedly crack it in short order and will get a far better experience than the paying customers.

Except that whole narrative relies on the idea that the Devs won't just remove denuvo from their game if it goes bankrupt or shuts its servers down

Yes, that narrative does depend on that idea, but when it comes to DRM there are only two possible scenarios to consider:

1. The DRM goes defunct first.  In that case, yes, the devs could potentially update the game to remove the DRM, but from personal experience the most likely outcome is that the game just gets ignored and/or delisted - especially if the game is considered a "legacy product" by the devs.

2. The dev closes first.  The dev will obviously not be providing updates anymore so defunct DRM will never be removed from the game, and DRM companies don't seem to feel any obligation to provide their own cracking tool before they close.

So I don't see where it makes a difference which company closes first.  Those who paid for the game are almost always the ones who get the inferior experience when it comes to DRM.

Updated 4 years ago.
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4 years ago
Jul 15, 2021, 2:51:14 PM

Good news! They listened to us! Well, kind of. It's a good result, anyway!


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