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Steam is linked on the accounts page but not anywhere else. Not receiving badges?

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a year ago
Aug 6, 2023, 5:21:02 AM

On the connections page it says that both Steam and Twitch are connected, yet when I look at my profile it tells me to link my steam account for rewards. I believe this is preventing me from getting badges (More specifically I am waiting to receive the Endless Dungeon Insider Badge) Any help or ideas as to what is going on here?

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a year ago
Aug 6, 2023, 3:16:07 PM

I'm having the exact same issue. In the Connections section of Settings it says the account was synced recently (within the past day), but the profile page said 2 years ago. I tried disconnecting and reconnecting to Steam and now it shows as connected and synced in Connections but says I'm not connected on the profile page. I'm also waiting on the Endless Dungeon Insider badge.

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a year ago
Aug 6, 2023, 3:19:43 PM

The way I read the email is that they're letting you know that you've been accepted and you have a few days to make sure your account is linked to Steam before they issue the badges.  

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a year ago
Aug 6, 2023, 6:55:24 PM
Fazuul wrote:

The way I read the email is that they're letting you know that you've been accepted and you have a few days to make sure your account is linked to Steam before they issue the badges.  

That does make sense given the wording in the email. There's still the disconnect between the two places on the site, which should be fixed. I want to make sure that they see that my account is connected so I get the badge.

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a year ago
Aug 7, 2023, 8:54:53 AM

Okay, for clarity: Completing the Steam linking does not immediately award you the Insiders badge. The Insiders 2 badges are not part of the automated G2G system (like badges for owning a game or having specific achievements), and the Insiders badges for the new wave of invitations will all be awarded at the same time. However, steam linking is still a requirement, as you access the test version through the reward system on G2G, so not being linked would filter your account out of the process.

That said, it does sound like you are encountering some unrelated bugs in the account syncing, and I will check with the web team.

EDIT: Okay, I have talked to the web team, and we have determined that this is a general problem not specific to your accounts, but we can see that your accounts are properly linked. You don't need to worry. :)

Updated a year ago.
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