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Create a pen and paper RPG based on Endless Universe


8 years ago
May 17, 2017, 7:35:54 AM

The Mokinokaro idea about an art book (great idea by the way!) make me think about this one, because the Endless Universe have a great lore that could make a strong base for a "classic" RPG.

I mean, I can't be the only one who wants to play a Vodyani explorer searching for Endless artifact in ancients ruins, or a Lumeris rogue who plans to kill another family's member.

Creating a RPG is a rough work, but Amplitude could make a partnership for the "rules system" part of the process, and manage scenarii/background themself, because they already did it in Endless games.

With this Universe expanding every time a game or addon is released, I think it's just a matter of time before one of our community adapts an existing RPG Rules to fit on the Endless Universe, but if Amplitude Studios could make a official one, it could provide more background and I would definitively pay for it and play it with my friends !

Updated a day ago.
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7 years ago
Apr 3, 2018, 5:38:02 PM
Syntch wrote:

The paper RPG it's a particular world... if you want one on Endless Universe, build it. I'm not sure what the developers or Amplitude have time for that. 

Because I'm aleady on it, but not in english, for the moment.

They could do it the same way CDPR did with the witcher licence, let a p&p game dev do it and oversee the development.

Or we could create a homebrew ourselves. using a generic system such as Gurps or Savage Worlds.

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7 years ago
Feb 21, 2018, 6:34:14 PM

I've been kicking around this idea in my head for a few weeks now.  If was assue the PC's are all heros from the Academy, Starfinder's mix of magic (Dust) and sci-fi could work. If you want a more grounded sci-fi game, (more Star Trek, less Star Wars) The Genesys System from Fantasy Flight is super adaptable, and has rules for both hard sci-fi and Science fantasy

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7 years ago
Feb 18, 2018, 3:44:04 PM

The paper RPG it's a particular world... if you want one on Endless Universe, build it. I'm not sure what the developers or Amplitude have time for that. 

Because I'm aleady on it, but not in english, for the moment.

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Feb 5, 2018, 8:48:19 AM

There is other thinks more important but... Why not. And why not use the community to create it, to choose the mecanics, stats, rules... It could be very fun

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