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Does anyone RP?

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12 years ago
Jul 22, 2012, 5:29:29 PM
InFlamesWeTrust wrote:
Does not being able to sleep because I constantly fantasise about my rise to power count?

Yes, I too do that.

adder wrote:
Sorry but, what do you mean by "RP"? smiley: embarassement

Role Play.
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12 years ago
Jul 22, 2012, 5:34:04 PM
ah role play smiley: smile

I sometime fantasize myself as the "leader" of a country or a big company and how I would make the perfect society without anger and hate, racism,...

But there never really is a story line, so probably that doesn't count as role play?
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12 years ago
Jul 22, 2012, 5:49:54 PM
I'm not talkin' 'bout a fantasy. I'm talkin' 'bout telling a story with friends. Involving and immersing yourself in a story that you yourself, would like to read, not just read but be apart of it. Take a MMORPG or even simpler a RPG for example. When you play that game, you design that character to what you like, his abilities and the like. Now take all of the graphics, the sounds, everything, take it out and simply put it in Txt form. Where, you explain what you see, hear, taste, smell and do. Back to basics, like an imagination that others can take part in and develop the idea. It's like a game developer. He has an idea, he collects people with similar interests and talks it over, giving it life, making it his own, but sharing it to improve and refine the rough edges, until they basically create the game. That is Role Playing. Dungeons and Dragons is the easiest example of this.
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12 years ago
Jul 22, 2012, 5:51:26 PM
Well most of the time I skip the beginning and just randomly have power, lots of power, power over everything (I mean ability wise not as in leadership or dictatorship) and then I go round have some fun, blow some shit up and by that time I usually fall asleep. This generally repeats every night, its like a bedtime story lol
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12 years ago
Jul 23, 2012, 5:56:57 AM
Wow. Must be a bunch of kids who are replying to this thread.

I'd like answer postively that yes, I do Role-play. (And yes, there are many many other roleplaying games besides 'Fatnasy' D&D). In fact, I do Rogue Trader, which is one of the many Warhammer 40K RPs. (No, not the tabletop battle rubbish, actual 'characters' in the universe.) And I dabble in Serenity, Dragon Age (yes there's an RP game for it, not just the computer ones.), and Star Wars Saga Edition. And of course Pathfinder.

One of the detractors of Endless Space is that I don't exactly have a character to RP with. Yes, one could imagine that being the leader of your colonies is good enough, but there's no chance to that in a game that's noting more then numbers and pictures. But you know, I'd be keen to add to the backstory of this game, by adding 'characters' to it. And not just heroes, but I mean the everyday people of our Empires.

What is the military system like in the UE for example? Are there officers manning the ships and enlisted ratings doing the hard work? Does the politicking matter in how I'm selecting which planets are working on what? Who are my planetary governors? Who runs and works at the new space elevetor I just created on Aldeberan III?

That's roleplaying. It's looking beyond bland game stats and imagining the people in the game universe. And giving them a sense of life. People aren't static and neither are characters.

It's one of the reasons I stay away from 'competitve' games. Players these days (especially the younger gits who don't know what a GM or rolling up a character REALLY means. We use actual dice.) don't connect with anything but themselves, even if they reckon they are playing an RPG game (Say Skyrim for example), I reckon they only see their 'toon' as something to make uber powerful, and don't actually make a character with actions and decions based on the concept behind a unique person that isn't them.

Er, right. Looking up I've been ranting. smiley: frown Apologies. Um, but I'm still an advocate for good old RP (which has nothing to do with Yanks attempting to speak like fake old English people who actually never spoke like that anyways.) and bringing some spark of it into computer games. So yes, I RP.
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12 years ago
Jul 23, 2012, 6:06:45 AM
Well RP does cover a wide range of things from daydreaming to RP gaming to more mature things...
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12 years ago
Jul 22, 2012, 1:46:54 PM
It's a simple question and I really wanted to know. Does anyone RP anymore, if you do, what is your favorite type and how often do you like to RP? As a person with an overactive imagination, I tend let my mind wander quite often and find my head filled with all sorts of ideas, story lines, plots, places, characters, items, and all sorts of various things. I'm quite fond of Medival/Fantasy. Grew up RP'ing Fantasy, very few Sci-Fi and a handful of Modern/Fantasy. So if you have any RP's that you really enjoyed, including board games with friends such as D&D. Please do tell of the adventure you had, the plot, type of characters and all and what really made it so much fun and what got you into RPing in the first place.

For me, I basically grew up on the YIM chat rooms, if anyone remembers those before Yahoo took them all out and ruined the fun. I RP'ed almost daily for 2yrs and consider myself a decent roleplayer and never miss a chance to jump into one if I get a chance and if I like it. I don't prefer to do post by post RP, since it tends to be very slow and boring, with little direction most times. So, lets have it. What say you all?

My apologies to anyone that looked at this and could not figure out what RP stands for. RP= Role Playing. Basically you play as a character, designing what he does, his faults, his strengths, his abilities, the way he "looks and every detail down to the last little T. I don't know of any Role Playing that allows you to play by yourself... didn't come out right.... ANYWAYS... Generally you talk to someone who is interested in Role Playing, creating his or her character and you figure out a story line, a plot and basically the skeleton to body of the Plot (if anyone followed that).

The theme may be Fantasy, Medieval, Modern, Science Fiction, or any of them thrown together. Most popular is usually Medieval/Fantasy from what i've come across anyways. If you have any more questions, please do.
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12 years ago
Jul 23, 2012, 12:34:02 PM
grimofnight wrote:
Ya know, I haven' t don't the Multi-player thing, but what would be quite fun. Is to grab a group of people or just one friend, create a large game and while we're playing, create an RP either based on whats actually happening, move per move, or just playing the game and rp'ing via a sci-fi story. That would be interesting, i'm sure. If anyone would be up for that, that would be awesome, although I do need a little help figuring what all does what in-game, yes i've read the tips and things that help, but i'm still kinda lost.

That would be interesting...I RP as well, just finished up a small campaign over the weekend, actually. D&D 4e (to my chagrin), but it still managed to be fun.

Btw, grimofknight and Solardream, there's a community group for people who enjoy table-top and other RPing systems, if you want to join. It's fairly dead, actually, but that can always be changed as more people who are active pop in.
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12 years ago
Jul 23, 2012, 2:57:05 PM

Contemporary / Modern fairytales (e.g., Dresden Files) or period horror (Cthulhu) usually. That having been said I’m currently in a DnD game (Neverwinter Nights 2 persistent world) and a Mutant City Blues table-top game so clearly I’ll play whatever is being offered.

On a Wednesday the gf and I often bring out the ch--[**EDIT**]
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12 years ago
Jul 24, 2012, 4:25:11 PM
FinalStrigon wrote:
Btw, grimofknight and Solardream, there's a community group for people who enjoy table-top and other RPing systems, if you want to join. It's fairly dead, actually, but that can always be changed as more people who are active pop in.

Where? And what's the name of it?
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12 years ago
Jul 24, 2012, 5:39:00 PM
Yes I roleplay quite a lot. A tthe moment I am running a game of Dungeons and Dragons 4th edition with my kids and have a Traveller game on the backburner. I have all the D&D 4e Essentials stuff but my main liking is for Traveller which I got in the 1980s and now lately I am playing Mongoose's version of traveller which is a more complete updated version of the old classic black box set I had as a kid (and have still got):

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12 years ago
Jul 25, 2012, 12:15:20 AM
You guys are bringing back so many good memories. My nickname Armid comes from the 9 years old me trying to find a name for his mage and ending up mixing the letters for Tuesday in French: Mardi. It kind of stuck.

Nowadays I only RP in video games, as nobody I know really have the time to put into it. I doubt I'd have it myself, thinking about it... smiley: embarassement
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