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Legends of Pegasus

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12 years ago
Aug 11, 2012, 10:04:09 PM
Feeling sorry for people who pre-ordered LoP but they should have known better, all the warning signs were there...
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12 years ago
Aug 10, 2012, 9:11:43 PM
SotS2? That's harsh. But looking at the uproar and the load of threads that remain unanswered by the devs on their official forum, I won't touch that game with a sterilized 10 feet rod for now. smiley: alder
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12 years ago
Aug 10, 2012, 9:04:11 PM
nats wrote:
Its worse than that because Kalypso knew what happened with SOTS2 and they released it as an unplayable mess anyway. Deserve to be sued IMO.

Did they now? According to what official source? Lets leave the conspiracy theories in a box and not unbox them until reasonable shall we? smiley: roll
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12 years ago
Aug 10, 2012, 8:40:59 PM
Smight wrote:
It's Sots II all over again

Its worse than that because Kalypso knew what happened with SOTS2 and they released it as an unplayable mess anyway. Deserve to be sued IMO.
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12 years ago
Aug 13, 2012, 11:03:52 AM
I hate to say it, but LoP is a disappointment. I have not played SotS 2, so I cannot compare it with that, but I have played betas which were more polished than the release version of LoP.

I recommend to wait half a year and see if it is brought into shape by then.
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12 years ago
Aug 2, 2012, 9:34:12 AM

I'm playing Civ V now; it was gifted to me a while ago. It feels like Fisher Price* Civilization (feat. Disney). The scale is so messed up that it makes my skull itch. And it has the same multiplayer simultaneous turns thing that ES does; horrible. All it needs is a Mario & Luigi special character pair and the picture would be complete. Parts of the dialogue and info text read like they've been written by a prepubescent skatepark kiddie. It's just vomit-inducing at times.

* FYI, Fisher Price is a kids toy manufacturer; mass produced, neon-coloured, injection moulded plastic stuff.


I've been watching Pegasus but what worries me most is that there's not much to watch! No demo, no beta, nothing said or seen about the strategic layer... and it's on pre-order discount. How many times have we seen this pattern foreshadow a real turkey of a game. Until I see a full length Let's Play VOD on Youtube I'm not touching this one with a sterilized barge pole.
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12 years ago
Aug 2, 2012, 12:58:44 AM
this one hit me today out of the blue. well ES was the same, i got it in my radar just days before launch

This year is becoming a very very rich year for strategy gaming i just hope the trend continues, im craving badly for X-Com and praying Firaxis dont destroys it like they did to civilization with Civ V
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12 years ago
Jul 25, 2012, 12:34:54 AM
hmm, thanks for all the info, I am worried, rts tends to btray the custom ship designer... the turns are abuffer to make better ships so I'm not sure if this one will work... i too shall wait
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12 years ago
Jul 24, 2012, 10:09:18 AM
I have also looked in on their forum and looked at their videos.

I am not very convinced that it wont come out as a bugged mess but I wait to be pleasantly surprised. I am a bit wary of the lack of demo and beta test. Their past games have been bugged on release and most are still not fixed months later.

Also I am a bit concerned about the lack of actual information on the game, the fact that there has only been one screen-shot for the strategy part been released - the rest are just screen-shots of combat. The strategy bit is the main part for me. Also the idea that the game features get introduced gradually over time like a story is not sounding good - dungeon master was like that and it put me off -0 I wanted all the abilities from the start. And if you have to uninstall and restart the game (which I do a lot it seems) you have to work you way through the whole thing again - a nightmare.

The game is supposed to be in beta testing already - they must have loads more information available to be released so they are withholding it for some reason. Could be that they are just keeping the game under wraps until it is ready for release, I dunno. I like the look of the planets actively changing as they are terraformed but that's the only thing about the game that has caught my eye so far.

Simply because 4x games are so straight forward in principle, which is why you get a lot of attempts by Devs to make them, and yet so difficult to get just right, I don't hold much hope for the game. Endless Space is the only 4x game I have actually liked for a long time. I probably wont be getting it unless it is absolutely superb anyway , because one space 4x game at a time is enough for me.
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12 years ago
Jul 22, 2012, 10:32:45 PM
As long as there is coverage of the game so we are able to properly judge it, not having beta's or demos is fine.
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12 years ago
Jul 22, 2012, 10:29:49 PM
They will release no beta and no demo before the release. That is really bad, I will look for the reviews before the purchasing.
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12 years ago
Jul 22, 2012, 8:17:50 PM
Humm, thanks for the tip. smiley: smile
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12 years ago
Jul 22, 2012, 8:13:50 PM
I stalk their forums from time to time. It could be good, but I don't know... Looking at their trailers leaves an impression of "something's not quite right here". Something seems to be missing in that game, can't figure out what exactly. They're not providing as many info as Amplitude was either, to me a company's behaviour is almost as equally important as their games so right now I'm just "mildly curious" about Pegasus. smiley: smile
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12 years ago
Aug 15, 2012, 10:41:01 AM
murph wrote:
I'd get used to it, digital and cloud-based games and programs are becoming the norm. And a refund policy on a digital product? You can essentially copy it and hand it back for a refund; it makes sense for Steam to have a non-return policy. Think about it

Not if the game requires steam registration to play it. Steam could easily offer refunds and control deleting that game from a users library. They just choose not to. I actually like a few things about Steam, it's just the lack of refunds that I don't like. If enough people stop buying Steam products they would get the message. Its only the new purchases that keep them in business remember.

I think everyone should ask themselves what would happen to your games if Steam went out of business tomorrow? Nothing wrong with placing your eggs in a few different baskets.

From now on, I will be certainly be trying to buy all my newly released software only from places that offer refunds and starting to restrict my Steam use for new games where I can.
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12 years ago
Aug 22, 2012, 3:57:04 PM
For the French-speaking crowd, that's how you should do it:


Never tested myself, since I'm not French and I never had to ask for a refund via Steam.

I might not have chosen the best words though. They don't actually refund your money, they give Steam vouchers or whatever you may want to call this.

Also, as far as France is concerned, you have to do this within seven (7) days of your purchase or that's that.

nats: we Quebeckers (or French-Canadians, whatever) have little choice but visit French website (French as in France) considering there's relatively few video games websites hailing from our country. smiley: smile
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12 years ago
Aug 22, 2012, 1:28:55 PM
nats wrote:
How would he know he lives in Canada.

I have no way of knowing smiley: biggrin But the way he wrote it lead me to think he has good evidences ... don't you Armid ?
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12 years ago
Aug 22, 2012, 12:17:04 PM
Aiseant wrote:
Hum ... I'm french and I'm very interested by what you say here ... I didn't find this "easy way" to get refund, do you have a link or something ? I would greatly appreciate it.

How would he know he lives in Canada. I would love to hear from anyone who has actually managed to get a refund from Steam for this or any other game. I've heard of people getting credit notes for other games, but not refunds.

Mind you a credit note isn't too bad as long as you are wanting to buy another game shortly and for most of us that would suffice I think, certainly I don't mind getting credit notes. But I believe Steam also don't hand out credit notes easily either. Has anyone managed to get one for LoP yet?
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12 years ago
Aug 22, 2012, 11:35:39 AM
Armid wrote:
They DO offer refunds... if the country you live in has laws covering that. French people, in particular, have no problem at all getting refunds for Legends of Pegasus. Hell, on a video game website they have a form available on their forum that you can simply copy, paste, add in your personal information and send to Steam...

Hum ... I'm french and I'm very interested by what you say here ... I didn't find this "easy way" to get refund, do you have a link or something ? I would greatly appreciate it.
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