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Guild Wars 2

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12 years ago
Aug 31, 2012, 6:31:57 PM
Fenrakk101 wrote:
I already knew about it going free-to-play (or mostly free-to-play, at that) and I already had plans on trying it out when it started.

If Guild Wars 2 piques my interest I might pick up a copy and get my friends in on it.

You will find it interesting from how different it dose thing while not changing what really happens at the core. Also you can join guilds cross server. If you do decide to play let me know ill give yea hand.
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12 years ago
Aug 31, 2012, 4:32:42 PM
Been saving for it myself, about 12 bucks short. I love necromancers on any medium I'm allowed to play them. A throwback from DnD gaming hehe. So happens I'm also fond of DoTs, which I hear they have access to lots of them.

According to my friends, if Guild Wars 2 had a theme, it would be convenience of life features.
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12 years ago
Aug 31, 2012, 4:39:27 PM
I got the collectors version my self. I play the elementalist my self but the necro looks good. your ability are largely based on the weapon you are caring.

As for the DnD, i still play that on weekends. Tho now days i mostly DM.
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12 years ago
Aug 31, 2012, 4:59:29 PM
What exactly is Guild Wars 2? I mean, if you could compare it to other games, what games would you compare it to?

I've been hearing a lot about it but I have absolutely no idea what it is.
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12 years ago
Aug 31, 2012, 5:23:44 PM
Fenrakk101 wrote:
What exactly is Guild Wars 2? I mean, if you could compare it to other games, what games would you compare it to?

I've been hearing a lot about it but I have absolutely no idea what it is.

I guess STOR is the closest thing to it. Its a free to play after you buy it MMORPG, but its nothing like WoW. It uses totally different systems, thing are much more social in a way, you don't have to fight over resources.

Its a presitant world, with dynamic events that can quickly turn in to raid level boss fights, but every thing scales to fit the group. Also grouping dosnt require party invites or planing.

"Your choices determine how your personal story evolves; with thousands of possible variations, no two players will have the exact same experience."
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12 years ago
Aug 31, 2012, 5:32:00 PM
Star Wars The Knights of The Old Republic. A game that would have been great had they had an end game.
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12 years ago
Aug 31, 2012, 5:48:25 PM
Beda wrote:
Star Wars The Knights of The Old Republic. A game that would have been great had they had an end game.

Ahh. (Although isn't that KOTOR? or SWTOR?)

I loved the first two Knights of the Old Republic games, so I'll probably look into this later.
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12 years ago
Aug 31, 2012, 5:54:43 PM
SWTOR is going free to play later this year. i have a level 41 on there i stopped playing after a month or so because the game dosnt have any thing after 40. Info on the free to play here

Any way guild wars has better art work then any mmo i have ever played before, and combat system is easy to learn, tho i was expecting it to be more like Tera after they said it was action based.
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12 years ago
Aug 31, 2012, 5:58:40 PM
Beda wrote:
SWTOR is going free to play later this year. i have a level 41 on there i stopped playing after a month or so because the game dosnt have any thing after 40. Info on the free to play here

Any way guild wars has better art work then any mmo i have ever played before, and combat system is easy to learn, tho i was expecting it to be more like Tera after they said it was action based.

I already knew about it going free-to-play (or mostly free-to-play, at that) and I already had plans on trying it out when it started.

If Guild Wars 2 piques my interest I might pick up a copy and get my friends in on it.
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12 years ago
Aug 31, 2012, 1:05:51 PM
So who here has jumped in? I was part of the 3 day head start and there where a lot of us, making me wounder how many actually waited till release day to buy. If you have been playing what are your thoughts?

Do you like the art style or the game play? What do you think of the guild system?

Me i like the dynamic events and the fact that you don't need to plan and form party's to do them, people just all rush in and it turns in to an epic raid type fight all on its own.
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12 years ago
Sep 3, 2012, 10:32:34 AM
Guild Wars 2 is good so far and I've only been playing since Gold. I've never been much of a fan of the usual MMO fair but GW2 does everything slightly differently to most MMOs and I like the direction that it's taken.

What I like most is the way in which you are levelled back to suit the area that you are in, so you can go back and help out a mate in the lowbielands without the fights being a complete walkover for you - the threat is still there. Also, the rewards are still relevant to your true level. What this means is that if you are part of a group of mates you can all play through each Race's personal story in the starting lands, one at a time, and by the end of it you'll all be levelled and equipped as if you'd each solo'd your story quests simultaneously and then met up at a future point. I don't know how this system holds up for the later levels because I've not got there yet (only 18th at time of posting).

Thus far I've only played an Engineer and my god there are a lot of skills, skills that usually change based on their context - talk about in at the deep end! I do enjoy it tho.

I'm on Gunnar's Hold [Euro], not that home server seems to mean all that much if you don't play WvWvW. (WvWvW is something I want to get into later - it's a huge persistent map where three servers battle over territory and resources.)
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12 years ago
Sep 3, 2012, 11:28:41 AM
I wish i had the time to play GW2 - Art style & Gameplay are like designed for me (i'd pick Guardian) - but i dont have the time, therefore i'm here - ES can be paused, saved and resumed later...
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12 years ago
Sep 3, 2012, 11:29:04 PM
Tredecim wrote:
I wish i had the time to play GW2 - Art style & Gameplay are like designed for me (i'd pick Guardian) - but i dont have the time, therefore i'm here - ES can be paused, saved and resumed later...

GW2 can be started and stoped at will, you dont have to play but a few mins a day if thats what you want, Its also free to play after you buy it so it not like you have to pay per month just to log in a few mins a day.
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12 years ago
Sep 4, 2012, 10:07:24 AM
I must admit I have NEVER played an MMO before and was tempted to purchase GW2. I resisted though and I'm still playing DOTA 2 when I have time. smiley: biggrin

The guys at work bought it though: they're talking about making a guild, playing on the same server and whatnot. smiley: biggrin
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12 years ago
Sep 4, 2012, 11:30:41 AM
Ack, DotA 2... I'm rubbish at that game and I don't have the 600 hours of free time needed to be decent at it. Pretty fun, though. I did a lot of versus bots.

I've played a few MMOs before (Rusty Hearts is a pretty good one) but never a subscription MMO. I guess that will technically change when The Old Republic goes mostly free-to-play in a few months, because I'll give it a whirl, but still.

I'm starting to really want GW2, but I don't have the money to throw at it. Maybe if/when the price drops I'll pick up two copies and start messing around with it.
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12 years ago
Sep 4, 2012, 1:16:36 PM
Steph'nie wrote:
I must admit I have NEVER played an MMO before and was tempted to purchase GW2. I resisted though and I'm still playing DOTA 2 when I have time. smiley: biggrin

The guys at work bought it though: they're talking about making a guild, playing on the same server and whatnot. smiley: biggrin

The guild system in GW2 is very different then any other game, you can be in many guilds at the same time. Also guilds are account bound instead of charter bound. To that end each charter can represent different guilds and you can actively change which guild any charter is reping.
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12 years ago
Sep 4, 2012, 1:32:12 PM
Beda wrote:
The guild system in GW2 is very different then any other game, you can be in many guilds at the same time. Also guilds are account bound instead of charter bound. To that end each charter can represent different guilds and you can actively change which guild any charter is reping.

Hm, that's a bit odd. I'm not sure I really like it, but if it works then to each his own.

Are there any character limits in the game? Like "You can only have (x) number of characters"? And does it have anything like Diablo 2 where your account is deleted if you don't play for 90 days?
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12 years ago
Sep 4, 2012, 2:54:14 PM
"Yes", and "no".

As far as MMOs go GW2 seems to be a pretty fluffy and inclusive affair as far as progression and just plain getting involved is concerned. Where WoW is perhaps more like a list of DON'Ts and CAN'Ts, GW2 is a bit more like a list of DOs and CANs.
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