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12 years ago
Sep 17, 2012, 6:11:35 PM
VieuxChat wrote:
And I only have two kind of ships (for a total of 9) and made it to sector 6 (on 8).

Well you could argue that there are 18 different ships, since each ship has an alternate layout that can end up being a pretty drastic change. At least, I assume they all do; the ships I've found all have pretty interesting alternates, but maybe one or two of them don't.

I also love the way the game has handled the story. Generally when you think of mass rebellions, you tend to side with the rebels - maybe a concept I developed from too much Star Wars, but you can also see it in other games like Dragon Age and even throughout history, such as the French Revolution or American Revolution. But in this game I basically hate the rebels. Maybe the rebels are actually bad, or maybe it's some incredibly deep narrative about how the perception of war from different sides? ...I'm probably just overanalyzing it.
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12 years ago
Sep 24, 2012, 9:49:52 AM
Yes I saw this game too and was thinking of getting it, but I really cant as I am playing Empire TW at the moment. Still it looks fun. I really like Traveller RPG so this game immediately caught my attention. But I just cannot keep wasting money on these games! Must resist...
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12 years ago
Sep 18, 2012, 3:31:42 AM
Cool game, bought it yesterday. Made me sleep 2 hours less. = )
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12 years ago
Sep 17, 2012, 11:45:57 PM
Agreed...I got the Stealth Cruiser entirely by random chance (third ship, after the starting one and the Engi Cruiser) just by following random events and trying to hit all the nodes that I could in each sector (the augment that allows you to warp to any previously visited node is great for that btw - unfortunately the one game that I got it on so far, I got mobbed by 6 mantis assaulters onto my mostly engi crew as soon as I entered Mantis space :P). Most favorite single augment so far as got to be long-range scan though - it makes it so much easier to plan your run through each sector.

Gotta say though, the starting burst laser on the Kestrel is incredibly overpowered when you have 3 of them...beat the game with a Kestrel mounting 3 burst lasers, an anti-bio ray, a defense drone (only L1 due to power limitation with all 4 weapons charged and L3 shields) and an anti-personnel drone to swap to when I got boarded. Carried a hull repair drone in the cargo bay for repairs after each battle in sector 8 (made chasing the flagship a LOT easier) and those burst lasers just chew through the shields, allowing you to use the anti-bio beam to take out the crew that goes to repair the weapons after breaching...be ready for a bit of a surprise once you actually manage to kill ALL the crew on the flagship though...

About to start my first run through with the Federation Cruiser now...

And just to keep this somewhat related to the forum here, even if it is in the off-topic section - attached screenshot smiley: wink

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12 years ago
Sep 17, 2012, 9:16:30 PM
Fenrakk101 wrote:
It's not a matter of protest, it's a matter of enjoyment. You want to have the satisfaction of unlocking the ships, but if it's too unreasonable to do then it's not satisfying. Cheating is not satisfying either.

To each his own - I'm enjoying the "random" ship unlocking as I play immensively.
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12 years ago
Sep 17, 2012, 8:58:13 PM
Oh wow, that game is a roguelike, I though it was like gratuitous space battles or something! I love roguelikes! Have to check it out now.
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12 years ago
Sep 17, 2012, 8:42:18 PM
Mansen wrote:
You hate the rules - yet you hate breaking them.

I can see how nothing good will ever come of that attitude. smiley: stickouttongue

I don't mind a neat "unlock" system, i.e. something that rewards the player for playing the game as one would normally do, but, when they introduce the jrpg approach, which usually necessitates a ton of nonsensical actions on the player's part, my jimmies... they get rustled. lol
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12 years ago
Sep 17, 2012, 8:39:09 PM
Mansen wrote:
You hate the rules - yet you hate breaking them.

I can see how nothing good will ever come of that attitude. smiley: stickouttongue

It's not a matter of protest, it's a matter of enjoyment. You want to have the satisfaction of unlocking the ships, but if it's too unreasonable to do then it's not satisfying. Cheating is not satisfying either.
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12 years ago
Sep 17, 2012, 8:32:35 PM
You hate the rules - yet you hate breaking them.

I can see how nothing good will ever come of that attitude. smiley: stickouttongue
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12 years ago
Sep 17, 2012, 8:31:35 PM
Mansen wrote:
No-one's forcing you to. You can unlock everything with a quick visit to the official forums.

You mean this? I loathe cheating.
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12 years ago
Sep 17, 2012, 8:23:07 PM
Insolentius wrote:
Absolutely love the game, although I hate the fact that the player is forced to jump through hoops in order to unlock certain ships (or complete arbitrary achievements to unlock different layouts).

No-one's forcing you to. You can unlock everything with a quick visit to the official forums.
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12 years ago
Sep 17, 2012, 6:18:40 PM
Insolentius wrote:
Absolutely love the game, although I hate the fact that the player is forced to jump through hoops in order to unlock certain ships (or complete arbitrary achievements to unlock different layouts).

Yeah, it's become a real sore spot for me. I either have to do runs based completely around the goal of unlocking a certain ship (and potentially scrapping the run if it becomes impossible/unfeasible) or I have to just do "normal" runs with the goal of completing the endgame, and then ruining a potentially good run to satisfy the new goal.

Although, overall, it probably adds to the replayability, so I can respect what they were trying to achieve with it.
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12 years ago
Sep 17, 2012, 6:14:04 PM
Absolutely love the game, although I hate the fact that the player is forced to jump through hoops in order to unlock certain ships (or complete arbitrary achievements to unlock different layouts).
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12 years ago
Sep 16, 2012, 3:13:22 AM
New Steam game. Anyone else losing their whole life to this masterpiece?

If so, please tell me how to get the Engi stealth ship
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12 years ago
Sep 17, 2012, 9:17:33 AM
My favourite ship has become the Confederation Cruiser - you get it once you defeat the boss on either difficulty. It sports 4 crewmembers of different races, a special "beam" weapon that takes forever to fire off, but ignores shields and it has a pretty good layout for choking invaders.

How can you not love that pixel art? smiley: redface

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12 years ago
Sep 17, 2012, 5:16:07 AM
The different games I played were somewhat really different. So the game is highly replayable (for a 10€ game) : spent 4 hours trying and retrying and reretrying and rereretrying and re... And I only have two kind of ships (for a total of 9) and made it to sector 6 (on 8).
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12 years ago
Sep 17, 2012, 3:29:28 AM
I might check this out. I am a huge dwarf fortress fan, so I don't mind rougelikes at all. In fact, this game seems less frustrating, because the game sessions are at least relatively short. Versus dwarf fortress, where you can play for a year in the game only to realize you have no metal to make weapons with, or where you can play for several years, build a great economy and military, only to have the entire fortress die because someone's pet got killed. Or, all your dwarves can get infected with diseased blodd froma fallen titan, or you can get attacked by elves, or your fortress can flood, or a huge cave-in can kill your miners, or you can get attacked by a zombie apocalypse...you know what, I am going to go play it right now.
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