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FTL: Faster Than Light

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12 years ago
Sep 17, 2012, 12:55:08 AM
I love it, especially when I straight up fail.

Such good fun.
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12 years ago
Sep 17, 2012, 12:49:01 AM
wahnvorstellung wrote:
The graphics look like crap and i am not sure about the content.

The graphics are amazing. Just because it's pixel art doesn't make it crap; if you think so then you're just a bit too shallow. You can dislike it all you want, but not judge it or insult it.

wahnvorstellung wrote:
I do not see any replayability, if you were able to kill the boss in the end - what should you do then?

It's incredibly replayable. It's not a game like Endless Space where you play the most significant role in the game's outcome - the galaxy generation impacts your ES game, but any skilled player will likely reach a point where it doesn't matter that much. Games of FTL are short (under an hour, tops) and you replay it frequently to see if this will be the lucky run where you get what you need to win.

wahnvorstellung wrote:
So how long is it fun to play the game or how long does it take to kill the boss in the end smiley: smile?

It's meant for a certain type of player. Like I said, I'm sure many people on these forums won't be too interested in the roguelike genre, but personally I've become addicted to this game and was hoping I could find other people who shared my interest.

Mansen wrote:
All the ships rely on some sort of event - the ship list provides a vague hint. If you want anything more specific and spoilerish go visit the official FTL forums for in depth guides.

I ended up looking at the wiki to see how to unlock the different ships. I had already unlocked the Kestrel, Engi and Zultan ships without guides (the Zultan being the only event-based unlock). I've come close to getting the others but failed every time.

Mansen wrote:
Spoiler: It isn't as good as it sounds. All the ships are designed around a theme - they have some balance.

I figured as much, but right now my "defeat the final boss" goal is on hold since it seems way too far out of my reach.

Mansen wrote:
It's a roguelike - a pixel art based one at that. It actually has a big budget for the niche.

Agreed. Like I said, I love the graphics of this game.

Mansen wrote:
Roguelikes are not supposed to be long games - they have a heavy emphasis on random events - do NOT expect winning every game.

They can be pretty long, if you spend a lot of time with them. If you're the type of person who likes to reach the endgame and then move on, roguelikes are not for you. If you're a person who likes to have a game with addictive gameplay that keeps changing as you play, then roguelikes could be right up your alley.
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12 years ago
Sep 16, 2012, 3:08:49 PM
wahnvorstellung wrote:
I was unsure about this game. The graphics look like crap and i am not sure about the content. I do not see any replayability, if you were able to kill the boss in the end - what should you do then? So how long is it fun to play the game or how long does it take to kill the boss in the end smiley: smile? If it is more than 10hours, it is quiet good, if it is less - i am not sure to spend 10€ now.

It's a roguelike - a pixel art based one at that. It actually has a big budget for the niche.

Roguelikes are not supposed to be long games - they have a heavy emphasis on random events - do NOT expect winning every game.
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12 years ago
Sep 16, 2012, 3:07:26 PM
Fenrakk101 wrote:
New Steam game. Anyone else losing their whole life to this masterpiece?

If so, please tell me how to get the Engi stealth ship

All the ships rely on some sort of event - the ship list provides a vague hint. If you want anything more specific and spoilerish go visit the official FTL forums for in depth guides.

Spoiler: It isn't as good as it sounds. All the ships are designed around a theme - they have some balance.
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12 years ago
Sep 16, 2012, 2:27:17 PM
I was unsure about this game. The graphics look like crap and i am not sure about the content. I do not see any replayability, if you were able to kill the boss in the end - what should you do then? So how long is it fun to play the game or how long does it take to kill the boss in the end smiley: smile? If it is more than 10hours, it is quiet good, if it is less - i am not sure to spend 10€ now.
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12 years ago
Sep 16, 2012, 2:16:56 PM
It's a roguelike, so it's probably not something everyone on these forums will be into. It's sucked me in and held me hostage, though.
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12 years ago
Sep 16, 2012, 8:10:38 AM
Brb, checking Steam!

€dit: Looks interesting! - Haven't played yet, but might buy it.
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