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Who is looking forward to UFO:Enemy Unknown in October?

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12 years ago
Jan 10, 2013, 5:19:16 PM
It could use a few more bug fixes and content updates.
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12 years ago
Jan 12, 2013, 12:43:10 PM
Igncom1 wrote:
It could use a few more bug fixes and content updates.

Agreed. SOme more variety in the scenery. Some more tech. Perhaps more customization for the faces and armor/weapon appearance.
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12 years ago
Sep 3, 2012, 1:17:15 PM
Fenrakk101 wrote:
It doesn't have to be "revolutionary" and complete change the X-Com experience. It just has to give old-time fans the update they want, to give them the sequel that never really happened. UFO: Extraterrestrials was a step up from X-Com, and this will be a step up from Extraterrestrials, but it's not going to change the genre, I don't think. And that's not bad; it's admirable in its own right.

Did they say "port"? There have been developers who actually developed a game for all consoles at the same time, so none of them seemed truly lackluster compared to the others.

As for the game itself, it's got me excited, but I don't know when I'll get it. X-Com and Extraterrestrials were always way over my head after some point. In the beginning it was a lot of fun, but after an hour or two I would just get too far behind and couldn't keep up, and I would lose on all fronts. I don't know if I'll buy a game I'm more or less destined to lose before I get halfway through and thus not even get the full experience)

I'm a little more interested in it now. I saw some interesting vids recently.
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12 years ago
Aug 30, 2012, 10:49:07 PM
I have been sort of following that, I will have to wait and see. But I always have liked those sorts of games.
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12 years ago
Aug 31, 2012, 10:10:24 AM
Loved X-Com and keeping a very close eye on this little beauty.
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12 years ago
Aug 31, 2012, 10:21:50 AM
I've played that game for an hour at the gamescomm. Though there are still some things looking unfinished (I want a minimap and direct control over where my soldiers are facing.) and some things have not yet been shown (are there real random missions, can I shoot down UFOs?) it was still fun. As already said, it occupied me for a whole hour. And I like letting my soldiers climb up rainpipes, having only four inventory slots and skill trees for different classes of soldiers.

Also the ability to "jump" through windows is priceless. XD
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12 years ago
Aug 31, 2012, 1:59:32 PM
Nasarog wrote:
I don't have high hopes for this one.

Why not?

I havent seen anything so far that makes me concerned. Most games that come out now have problems and as such I am expecting this one to have something in it that I dont like or something major missing compared to the original game - not being able to shoot down UFOs, no rural missions, tiny maps, terrible DRM, etc. But I dont know enough about the game to have found anything as yet so I would like to hear why you dont think it will be any good. I dont want to get my expectations up too high if its going to turn out to be lousy.
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12 years ago
Aug 31, 2012, 5:12:23 PM
nats wrote:
But I dont know enough about the game to have found anything as yet so I would like to hear why you dont think it will be any good.
That's exactly it. It's not that I don't think it will be any good, I just haven't seen anything that makes me drool. The fact that it will be ported to ps3/x360 makes me a little gun shy. Did they port it from the pc or to the pc?
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12 years ago
Aug 31, 2012, 7:33:54 PM
Grafics and Gameplay are OK for me, let's see how it will be when it's released!
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12 years ago
Aug 31, 2012, 7:51:24 PM
Nasarog wrote:
That's exactly it. It's not that I don't think it will be any good, I just haven't seen anything that makes me drool. The fact that it will be ported to ps3/x360 makes me a little gun shy. Did they port it from the pc or to the pc?

It doesn't have to be "revolutionary" and complete change the X-Com experience. It just has to give old-time fans the update they want, to give them the sequel that never really happened. UFO: Extraterrestrials was a step up from X-Com, and this will be a step up from Extraterrestrials, but it's not going to change the genre, I don't think. And that's not bad; it's admirable in its own right.

Did they say "port"? There have been developers who actually developed a game for all consoles at the same time, so none of them seemed truly lackluster compared to the others.

As for the game itself, it's got me excited, but I don't know when I'll get it. X-Com and Extraterrestrials were always way over my head after some point. In the beginning it was a lot of fun, but after an hour or two I would just get too far behind and couldn't keep up, and I would lose on all fronts. I don't know if I'll buy a game I'm more or less destined to lose before I get halfway through and thus not even get the full experience)
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12 years ago
Aug 30, 2012, 8:21:26 PM
Just been watching the video play of this game after seeing a little bit about it here and there. Looks great:


I played the original game quite a bit and love the suspense that searching out the aliens instilled especially when you were inside the alien craft and couldnt maneouver much. I played the Terror of the Deep a bit as well but not half as much as the original. Then Apocalpse came out and that got over the clunkiness of the turn based combat and for me that was a reinvention of the original game although I thought the graphics were a bit daft in Apocalypse. Never got any of the newer games UFO games except for the remake a few years ago which crashes all the time which is a shame. So I am really looking forward to this one. I just hope it isn't quite as difficult as the original - and I hope there are lots of wheat fields and barns because looking for aliens in the farmland was the best for me dont know why - probably because it was easier. I stopped playing it when it started getting more difficult in the enemy base.
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12 years ago
Sep 3, 2012, 1:43:45 PM
I am looking forward to the new X-Com series but there is something that i 've read that scared me a bit. Someone wrote about 70(dont remember the exact number) unique missions so my question is there is specific mission line or random ones like the old series?
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12 years ago
Sep 11, 2012, 10:47:22 AM
Not terribly hyped now that I see their asinine pre-order awards. I'm not going to pre-order another AAA title without having tried it beforehand - and the first tier of preorder "awards" are features that should be in the core game, not "Feed us money" benefits.

So it'll probably be in my library come next summer sale - or wintersale depending on how much time I have there.
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12 years ago
Sep 11, 2012, 2:06:17 PM
I have it preorded, tho i never played the first one i am looking forward to playing.
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12 years ago
Sep 11, 2012, 4:00:06 PM
I was looking forward to this one; I still am but I’ve read a lot of things that make me worry. For starters it scares me when developers use words like streamlined, simplified and accessible.

Also, reading between the lines and after seeing a few demo plays, I get the impression that the dynamic mission system has been dumped in favour of a more scripted approach. I pray that this isn’t the case.

Furthermore, the devs said that the first version of the game that they built had everything that all of the old X-Com games had -- ranges, focus fire, fire modes, fire arcs etc. -- but they said that their test audience found it to be a bit overwhelming so the devs chose to- take – it – all – out. I know, I can’t quite get my head around this either. I also read somewhere that you can’t set the facing of your guys because facing doesn’t mean anything anymore given the way that the game has been built. Again, say it aint so!

Any game that has been designed with one eye on a console version simply isn’t going to be as good as it could have been if it were a purely PC design spec. If you were going to name five games that were made to make the most of the PC platform then X-Com would probably be on that list. I hope it still will feature on that list after this version is released.

There’s no way on this Earth that I’m going to pre-order this because for every good thing I’ve read I’ve seen a bad thing; I’ve been burned too many times in the last few years. All I can say is that there had better bloody well be a demo!
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12 years ago
Sep 12, 2012, 4:09:24 AM
defekt wrote:
I was looking forward to this one; I still am but I’ve read a lot of things that make me worry. For starters it scares me when developers use words like streamlined, simplified and accessible.

Also, reading between the lines and after seeing a few demo plays, I get the impression that the dynamic mission system has been dumped in favour of a more scripted approach. I pray that this isn’t the case.

Furthermore, the devs said that the first version of the game that they built had everything that all of the old X-Com games had -- ranges, focus fire, fire modes, fire arcs etc. -- but they said that their test audience found it to be a bit overwhelming so the devs chose to- take – it – all – out. I know, I can’t quite get my head around this either. I also read somewhere that you can’t set the facing of your guys because facing doesn’t mean anything anymore given the way that the game has been built. Again, say it aint so!

Any game that has been designed with one eye on a console version simply isn’t going to be as good as it could have been if it were a purely PC design spec. If you were going to name five games that were made to make the most of the PC platform then X-Com would probably be on that list. I hope it still will feature on that list after this version is released.

There’s no way on this Earth that I’m going to pre-order this because for every good thing I’ve read I’ve seen a bad thing; I’ve been burned too many times in the last few years. All I can say is that there had better bloody well be a demo!

All of this scares me smiley: frown I was really hoping for basically an exact implementation of xcom with fancy graphics and slightly less tedious (due to being slow more than anything) combat. However do recall the original xcom was also released on the playstation one, so it having an eye on consoles is not a death sentence! smiley: smile
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