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How do you see your nation in game?

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4 years ago
Apr 6, 2020, 9:47:44 PM

So, we know, that nations in humankind divided into following categories: builders, agrarians, expansionists, merchants, aesthetes, scientinsts and warmongers.

Wich of those classes can your country be classified  as?

As for me, a russian, I do think that both The Grand Duchy of Moscow and The Russian Empire can be an expansionists , while The Novgorod Republic can be a merchant state. As fo USSR it's either a warmonger or a builder. I'm not sure about modern day Russia though. 

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4 years ago
Jun 20, 2020, 1:28:25 PM

Interesting point ! :)

Well, for France, i'd definitely say Aesthete !

Historically speaking, we went to agrarians (Gaule), to militarists (Francs), to aesthetes expansionists (if that makes sense, with Monarchie, colonization, Napoleon's campaigns), ending with aesthetes (roughly since the 19th century).

I'm curious to know how you'd recreate the history of Russia given those traits. I guess there'd be a lot of similarities with France, right ?

Updated 4 years ago.
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4 years ago
Jun 22, 2020, 2:25:36 AM

Most modern day country can be classified as most of the above. France for example is Aesthete for sure, it's also a major economic power and trade a lot, one of their main source or trade are firearms, making them somewhat of a Militarist (also they have a pretty powerful army), France has a strong scientific field and build some pretty cool thing like surgeon robots or planes, making them both Builders and Scientist, and of course France has a strong agrarian tradition. The only thing modern France isn't is expansionnist and it can apply to most of the developped country in the world. So really those kind of country could be classified as anything, if we choose what's represent them the best tho, Aesthete is deffinitly the way to go for France

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4 years ago
Jun 22, 2020, 6:04:38 PM
KurouRingo wrote:
one of their main source or trade are firearms

What ?! Really ?! I thought it was camembert and red wine :P

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4 years ago
Jun 24, 2020, 6:56:49 PM

I came from germany and i would say that we went from barbarian german tribes in the ancient (warmongers, agrarians?) to militaristic, religious trader and builders in the middle ages (rater builders and merchants), to cultured, scientifical progressiv nation in the 18. /19. century (aesthetes, scientists) to nationalistic warmongers in the first half of 20 century. Nowadays i would classified "the germans" as scientists, agrarians, merchants and diplomatics ( i miss some categorys).

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4 years ago
Jun 26, 2020, 12:26:59 AM

Good question! 

To take my small contry, Norway I would say merchants. 

Our main trait in populare culture is the fearsome raiding vikings, so many would perhaps say warmongers. 

But the truth is that the main ploy of the vikings was trade. One fun example, there are several accounts of vikings promising great armies to aid the continental royalty in thei wars in exchange of gold. This was of course a lie, the vikings where never that many and did not have the strength so they never showed ut to any of the battles. Good marketing based on the little information available in those days! And today, we only survice though some substantial savings , and the sale of raw materials (fish and oil).

I would like to mention that the other "viking nations", Denmak should be aesthetes because of their great design and sweden builders (as I am a chemist I would also give a shout out to all the elements discovered in Sweden so also a "scientinsts" for Sweden).

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4 years ago
Jun 27, 2020, 12:33:40 AM

Brazil would definitely be merchant right after independence, and after that, agrarian. As said above, it's currently supposed to be a bit of each, but i think it's still too much agrarian, unfortunately.

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4 years ago
Jun 27, 2020, 9:06:39 PM

For Trinidad & Tobago, I'd say either merchants or aesthetes. We do export a lot of oil and natural gas, but we focus a lot on the arts too. We have original genres of music (calypso, chutney, soca, etc), Carnival, and a lot of famous painters and designers, past and present.

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4 years ago
Jun 29, 2020, 6:33:30 PM

Brazil, definitly would be agrarians!!!! But if u consider Dom Pedro II, nicknamed "the Magnanimous", whom was the second and last monarch of the Empire of Brazil, we should be known as expansionists!!! All the wars we fought we won and We are the largest country in South America!

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4 years ago
Jul 31, 2020, 9:51:58 PM

The United States is quite clearly the child of Great Britain.  It was, throughout most of its history, expansionist.  Not just in North America, either - there were designes on Cuba, and at one point an adventurer went to Nicaragua to incite rebellion with the ultimate goal of bringing the territory under US control.  

Now, we've been ever other one of those categories at one time or another - even in the beginning.  But overall?  If I had to pick a single overarching theme?  Expansion.

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4 years ago
Aug 1, 2020, 4:49:50 AM

I disagree. I think amarica is better characterized as a builder nation. I mean it bootstraped itself from a backwater agraian socioty to the world power over a scant few centuries. Further amarica has heped many contries to rebound from economic devistation throgh industrial might.

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4 years ago
Aug 1, 2020, 10:21:31 AM

Now that's interesting, my country (Italy) has been literally every single class at one time or the other. Expansionist / warmonger / builder /agrarian as Roman empire, merchants during the middle ages, aesthetes and scientists during Renaissance, agrarian / expansionist in 19th century, warmonger / expansionist in early 20th century.

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4 years ago
Aug 2, 2020, 9:47:36 PM

I feel like America would probably be expansionist. One of our big ideas back in the day was manifest destiny and I feel like imperalization is a mix of expantionist and military culture which America also really likes doing, to the detriment of places like the Middle East and South America. Warmmonger might fit too, especially from Teddy onward but I feel like that would fit a nation like Germany better.

Updated 4 years ago.
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4 years ago
Aug 2, 2020, 11:48:05 PM
Hayard wrote:

Brazil would definitely be merchant right after independence, and after that, agrarian. As said above, it's currently supposed to be a bit of each, but i think it's still too much agrarian, unfortunately.

I have to agree, unfortunately, we are pretty much an agrarian nation nowadays. We had an aesthetes side, specially with music, in the last century and we have some good scientist but usually exported to other nations.

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4 years ago
Aug 10, 2020, 12:48:16 PM

It really depends on which era of Brazil's history.

Colony (15th to early 19th century): Agrarian

Empire and Republic (mid 19th century until the 1970s): Aesthete  => This would be my favorite. Top productions in music, cinema, modern art, literature, etc.

Contemporary: Back to agrarian

Updated 4 years ago.
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4 years ago
Aug 12, 2020, 4:38:29 PM

Bit of a tough one for Croatia.

At its medieval height around the 12th century, I would probably say agrarian.

In the modern era, I lean more towards scientist just for the fact that there's a surprising number of modern inventions that come from Croatia. Otherwise, probably still agrarian.

Updated 4 years ago.
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4 years ago
Aug 12, 2020, 6:09:45 PM

As a french, I'd say agrarian, but there's was also some expansion during the Napoleon period.

...I really wonder how we would be categorized in the early stage. At some point france was more like Aesthete.

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4 years ago
Aug 15, 2020, 4:44:51 AM

Asking the wrong question. It is more of a question of nation at a time period rather than overall.

Such as Rome, Classical Era. Expansion, builders. Surely. As a lot of what they have done stands today.
Britannia, Renaissance. Merchants? Expansionists? 
Scots or Picts?
Francs or France.
Norse or Norway?
Germany or Prussia?

Leaders and time periods really define what a nation was about at that current moment.Then its framed on what they were most famous for.

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