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12 years ago
Oct 1, 2012, 7:09:41 PM
I have to say im surprised how many people still have their taskbars on the bottom in win7, it just makes so much more sense on the side, way better use of space.
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12 years ago
Sep 29, 2012, 8:19:15 PM
Pleasure wrote:
actually the main reason why i got another monitor is to have a bigger window for the unwrapping smiley: biggrin

Unwrapping can be problematic, indeed. lol
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12 years ago
Sep 29, 2012, 1:30:24 PM
Madrox wrote:
Yea, just go saying "look how i can run Maya on full res! lok how i can do real-time render!"


actually the main reason why i got another monitor is to have a bigger window for the unwrapping smiley: biggrin
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12 years ago
Sep 29, 2012, 1:22:01 PM
Pleasure wrote:
I got my new Monitor today ;D so here is my new Desktop.. finally easier to work on 3d models!

Yea, just go saying "look how i can run Maya on full res! lok how i can do real-time render!"

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12 years ago
Oct 3, 2012, 8:12:05 AM
chromodynamics wrote:
I have to say im surprised how many people still have their taskbars on the bottom in win7, it just makes so much more sense on the side, way better use of space.

Only if you have a widescreen monitor, otherwise bottom or top are best use of space.
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12 years ago
Sep 24, 2012, 12:29:51 PM

Mine. The screen changes every 5 minutes or so. It looks like a chaotic mess to everyone else, but I have a method for my madness. Sort of. (The icons on the top left need to be organized, and most of them deleted. As as well most of the folders around that you see.)

About halfway down on the left, are games I used to frequently play, and some I still do. The more largely useless folders below those games.

Bottom left is Microsoft Office icons, and below them, is my Adobe CS5 software I use on a daily or near-daily basis, mostly throughout the summer while I am not teaching.

Top middle, internet browsers.

To the right of CS5 on the bottom are, three spreadsheets I use for games I play most frequently: Sim country, and a baseball game called OOTP. To the right of that, those folders are obviously work-related.

Top right is my computer "utilities" section. Things like...well...wallpapers (from which my desktop cycles through,) and the default comcast crap that I never use. (You don't see Utorrent! Nope. You do not! smiley: wink )

Bottom right are more utilities I use on a more regular or semi-regular basis.

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12 years ago
Sep 24, 2012, 10:52:25 AM
nats wrote:
This is mine:

This is the usual arrangement since I started on PCs - my document icon at the top, then internet related icons, then general programs, work programs and finally games at the bottom which are usually arranged somehow. At the moment I have my two favourite games at the top and older games at the bottom. I usually have far more games than this but had to remove a lot to save some space on my hard disk. So my desktop is always well ordered which reflects me - always liking things in their place, I hate chaos.

ahh smiley: biggrin a Fellow modeler. I thought i was alone here ;D
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12 years ago
Sep 24, 2012, 8:57:46 AM
This is mine:

This is the usual arrangement since I started on PCs - my document icon at the top, then internet related icons, then general programs, work programs and finally games at the bottom which are usually arranged somehow. At the moment I have my two favourite games at the top and older games at the bottom. I usually have far more games than this but had to remove a lot to save some space on my hard disk. So my desktop is always well ordered which reflects me - always liking things in their place, I hate chaos.
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12 years ago
Sep 22, 2012, 9:12:15 PM
Mine is this one at the moment (no i didn't change wallpaper for the screen! lol)
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12 years ago
Sep 22, 2012, 9:05:11 PM

Normally is very messy, but i try to do some cleaning from time to time. D:
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12 years ago
Sep 22, 2012, 5:42:25 PM

Thats it smiley: stickouttongue No wall paper or icons, cause they are always covered by windows. Things are either pinned to the start menu or I just hit win and start typing.
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11 years ago
Dec 8, 2013, 2:16:06 PM
Mine, after everything has been hidden. Its by a guy called Alexiuss.

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11 years ago
Dec 8, 2013, 12:20:49 PM
Rise again, thread, from the dead!

Mine currently, taskbar on auto-hide; Wallpaper is selfmade from a Game ("Vinnie Voles Existential Nightmare") .

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