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Nostalgic Games

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9 years ago
May 5, 2015, 11:57:12 AM
The games I've played once upon a time are flash games and the ps2 from Sinjid, Tekken and Final Fantasy-X to name a few. But one game I can remember so fondly was Westwood's Red Alert 2 and by god I miss filling half the map with conscripts. Then came Blizzard's Warcraft 3 and further my love for gaming.

My only regret is that I never had the chance to play multiplayer smiley: cry
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9 years ago
May 2, 2015, 9:55:56 AM
xD I see Nostalgic on the title. for me FF XII was like...yesterday smiley: stickouttongue Anyway, great game, but somehow cursed... I got the feeling that this FF never reach the audiance he deserve.

Was it a matter of timing ? (public switching from PS2 to PS3 => saving their money) just like FF9...

Was it the history/univers ? Ivalice is nice but... not realy catchy. For every people I know (including myself), it's the same refrain "Did you like FF12 ? - yeah ! Did you finish it ? - Ugh..noo :/"

Was it the game mechanic ? Realtime combat + gambit + licence grid system. pretty cool, but are we talking about a Final fantasy ?

I emulated Ôkami (Ps2) on my laptop once....didn't worked that well :\
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9 years ago
May 2, 2015, 5:47:45 PM
Ha! I remember Commander Keen. I remember it having math in it >.>

I liked Ivalice. In it's Final Fantasy Tactics context, anyhow!
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9 years ago
May 3, 2015, 6:21:17 AM
0K4M1 wrote:
xD I see Nostalgic on the title. for me FF XII was like...yesterday smiley: stickouttongue Anyway, great game, but somehow cursed... I got the feeling that this FF never reach the audiance he deserve.

Was it a matter of timing ? (public switching from PS2 to PS3 => saving their money) just like FF9...

Was it the history/univers ? Ivalice is nice but... not realy catchy. For every people I know (including myself), it's the same refrain "Did you like FF12 ? - yeah ! Did you finish it ? - Ugh..noo :/"

Was it the game mechanic ? Realtime combat + gambit + licence grid system. pretty cool, but are we talking about a Final fantasy ?

I emulated Ôkami (Ps2) on my laptop once....didn't worked that well :[/QUOTE]

Well, I'm only 21 so Nostalgic to me has a slightly different meaning than it does for you, in relation to periods of time. I was pretty young when FFXII came out, in fact it was the second PS2 game I ever played. Also, I'm using the PSX2 emulator and it's working as good as ever. :P

Onto another subject... I could sure go for some Spyro right about now... lol
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9 years ago
May 3, 2015, 1:09:59 PM
I was using the same emulator. but I guess my laptop isn't powerfull enough tu run a ps2 game smouthly. kinda lapto-potato :/ I should give a try to FF12 on PSX2 with a good computer. just FMI, what are your specs ? Talking about spiro, my drug at that time was Crash bandicoot ^^ some people grew up with Mario, I did with Crash Bandicootsmiley: redface
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9 years ago
May 5, 2015, 6:11:12 AM
Right now I'm running on an 8 month old ASUS: Intel i7, NVidia GeForce 870x, DirectX11, 4GB Ram (I think). I can't look at all my specs right now since I'm at work but yeah, those are the important ones. lol I'm going to get as many PS2 games as I can once I get back to Hawaii though. Number one on the list is Star Ocean: Til the End of Time. Oh and I need to get a good PS1 emulator now too... all this Mario, Crash Bandicoot and Spyro talk is killing me. XD
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9 years ago
May 5, 2015, 8:12:20 AM
Spiridon7761 wrote:
Oh and I need to get a good PS1 emulator now too... all this Mario, Crash Bandicoot and Spyro talk is killing me. XD

There really is only one you need to know about ePSXe. But you should really consider getting a pre-owned PS3 for those games - buy the old classics on sale.

Incidentally that's exactly what I did once my PS1 discs refused to play any more. Found two PS3s with broken disc drives in a dump (they are much prettier here in Denmark - containers, not piles of gunk*) that I cleaned and restored. Bought all of my old PS1 games on the Sony webstore. lol
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9 years ago
May 5, 2015, 8:46:12 AM
You got any peanut butter I can spread on my peanut butter and jealous sandwhich right now? lol Seriously, I miss my PS1 sooooooooo bad.

Another great game... Contra. smiley: biggrin
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9 years ago
May 5, 2015, 9:49:12 AM
The game I have the fondest memories of is Pharaoh, from Sierra's City-Building series. Sigh... there's a genre that really ought to be rebooted at some point.
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9 years ago
May 2, 2015, 5:50:00 AM
Final Fantasy XII...

Which I just got to work on my PC last night. :P Spent 8 hours straight on it once it loaded up. lol
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9 years ago
May 5, 2015, 12:58:18 PM
Alien@System wrote:
The game I have the fondest memories of is Pharaoh, from Sierra's City-Building series. Sigh... there's a genre that really ought to be rebooted at some point.

Hey, smiley: amplitude Amplitude! *wink wink, nudge nudge*

I preferred the Emperor: Rise of the Middle Kingdom entry in that series over Pharaoh, but then, it had the opportunity to itterate on what Pharaoh had already done.
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9 years ago
May 5, 2015, 1:12:56 PM
Buzzkillington1990 wrote:
I preferred the Emperor: Rise of the Middle Kingdom entry in that series over Pharaoh, but then, it had the opportunity to itterate on what Pharaoh had already done.

I've tried it, but the amount of micro-managing one had to do was annoying, like for example having to manually select a sacrifice to your ancestors every month. While there are improvements in the engine from game to game, I still like the style of Pharaoh best.
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9 years ago
May 5, 2015, 3:13:16 PM
Yeah... I never liked the feng shui system that Emperor used. Or the split between ordinary and noble houses.

Pharaoh was my first city builder that wasn't Simcity 2000 - And it will always be my favourite. smiley: smile
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9 years ago
May 6, 2015, 8:33:48 AM
Simcity 2000 was awesome.Although for me, Roller Coaster Tycoon did it. I loved picking up random tourists and dropping them into the water. lol XD
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9 years ago
May 6, 2015, 8:57:59 AM
I discovered yesterday the Archives with DosBox emulated your web browser. It is legal (just to be sure)

Super Cauldron

You can try it here :

Edit : /!\ Link deleted for copyright reasons /![/B][/COLOR]

I didn't remember that it was difficult.

I edited my first post for the links of the website archive.org
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9 years ago
May 6, 2015, 4:31:56 PM
ds108j wrote:
It is legal (just to be sure)

Except it isn't - Old or not, this is still very much software piracy...

Edit: Or rather, I can't find a single mention of them actually getting permissio from the ton of developers and right holders out there who owns those games. And I can see a lot of games from companies who would rather support devil worship than let go of the rights of their old games for free.
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9 years ago
May 6, 2015, 9:54:15 PM
Technically no game using an emulator of any sort, either for the PC or the web browser, is legal in any way shape or form. But then again it happens so much. Who's to say anyone is still keeping up with legalities anymore? lol Anyways, it's always a good time to kick back on a Friday night and play a little Duck Hunter (WITH THE GUN!) while sipping a nice cold Samual Adams. :P
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9 years ago
May 7, 2015, 11:57:29 AM
Mansen wrote:
Except it isn't - Old or not, this is still very much software piracy...

Edit: Or rather, I can't find a single mention of them actually getting permissio from the ton of developers and right holders out there who owns those games. And I can see a lot of games from companies who would rather support devil worship than let go of the rights of their old games for free.

You're right, I just checked on wikipedia.


In most cases, software classed as abandonware is not in the public domain, as it has never had its original copyright officially revoked and some company or individual may still own rights. While sharing of such software is usually considered copyright infringement, in practice copyright holders rarely enforce their abandonware copyrights for a number of reasons - chiefly among which the software is technologically obsolete and therefore has no commercial value, therefore rendering copyright enforcement a pointless enterprise. By default, this may allow the product to de facto lapse into the public domain to such an extent that enforcement becomes impractical.

Rarely has any abandonware case gone to court. But it is still unlawful to distribute copies of old copyrighted software and games, with or without compensation, in any Berne Convention signatory country.[56]

Enforcement of copyright

Old copyrights are usually left undefended. This can be due to intentional non-enforcement by owners due to software age or obsolescence, but sometimes results from a corporate copyright holder going out of business without explicitly transferring ownership, leaving no one aware of the right to defend the copyright.

Even if the copyright is not defended, copying of such software is still unlawful in most jurisdictions when a copyright is still in effect. Abandonware changes hands on the assumption that the resources required to enforce copyrights outweigh benefits a copyright holder might realize from selling software licenses. Additionally, abandonware proponents argue that distributing software for which there is no one to defend the copyright is morally acceptable, even where unsupported by current law. Companies that have gone out of business without transferring their copyrights are an example of this; many hardware and software companies that developed older systems are long since out of business and precise documentation of the copyrights may not be readily available.

Often the availability of abandonware on the Internet is related to the willingness of copyright holders to defend their copyrights. For example, unencumbered games for Colecovision are markedly easier to find on the Internet than unencumbered games for Mattel Intellivision in large part because there is still a company that sells Intellivision games while no such company exists for the Colecovision.

I'll erase all the links pointing to the website.

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9 years ago
Apr 17, 2015, 2:49:53 AM
Vangers: One for the Road

I used to play this game as a kid, for hours on end. Think of the original Grand Theft Auto, mixed with S.T.A.L.K.E.R.-esque post apocalyptic themes and a generous helping of nonsensical language. That's Vangers. You die a lot.

EDIT: Just found out you can get this gem on Steam! Oh god here we go again...

Best game ever :P
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