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12 years ago
Apr 26, 2012, 1:56:02 PM
Skamacks was planning to have the next design focus on battles and ship building... a video would be nice I agree. Right now he has so much work with next week deadline, that I guess it will have to wait a bit.
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12 years ago
Apr 26, 2012, 2:00:53 PM
I'll follow your lead Raptor smiley: smile

Though I find this game very attractive, I wonder when gamplay video will be released. I mean, screenshots are indeed helpful to get an idea, but it only show what it looks like, not what it truly is.
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12 years ago
Apr 26, 2012, 2:07:45 PM
SpaceTroll wrote:
Skamacks was planning to have the next design focus on battles and ship building... a video would be nice I agree. Right now he has so much work with next week deadline, that I guess it will have to wait a bit.

Will you allow players to post gameplay videos on youtube during the alpha play tests ?

Bohemian Interactive allows us to make such videos of Carrier Command (it's a very good way to promote a game in alpha stage), the only condition is to mention that the game is still in alpha version.
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12 years ago
Apr 26, 2012, 3:06:21 PM
Belhoriann wrote:
Will you allow players to post gameplay videos on youtube during the alpha play tests ?

This is a very important question, NDA or no NDA during Alpha?
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12 years ago
Apr 26, 2012, 3:20:46 PM
Belhoriann wrote:
Will you allow players to post gameplay videos on youtube during the alpha play tests ?

Bohemian Interactive allows us to make such videos of Carrier Command (it's a very good way to promote a game in alpha stage), the only condition is to mention that the game is still in alpha version.

Raptor wrote:
This is a very important question, NDA or no NDA during Alpha?

Well, if you purchase the game and have access to the current version of the game, this will be considered an "open Alpha": no NDA - you may take screenshots and gameplay videos of the game.
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12 years ago
Apr 26, 2012, 4:09:23 PM
Steph'nie wrote:
Well, if you purchase the game and have access to the current version of the game, this will be considered an "open Alpha": no NDA - you may take screenshots and gameplay videos of the game.


Speaking of the alpha, how stable will it be? I know that alpha's/beta's can't be as stable as the finished thing obviously but there still isn't much point in playing it if it crashes every 5 min.

EDIT: Also, have you considered offering The Cynical Brit a copy of your game? He has lots of viewers on youtube and specializes in making first impression videos of games including lots of Indie games. I think it would be good for your game if he got to know about it.

His channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/TotalHalibut/videos

His page: http://www.cynicalbrit.com/

I think he would probably be interested in talking about your game in one of his WTF is..... videos.
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12 years ago
Apr 26, 2012, 4:14:58 PM
hardcore_gamer wrote:

Speaking of the alpha, how stable will it be? I know that alpha's/beta's can't be as stable as the finished thing obviously but there still isn't much point in playing it if it crashes every 5 min.

Personally, idk if even that would stop me. Very hyped about this game.

OT: Essentially this game is what finally spurred me to set up a paypal account for steam, so congratulations Amplitude, not many games can convince me to do something new. :P
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12 years ago
Apr 26, 2012, 4:23:47 PM
Steph'nie wrote:
Well, if you purchase the game and have access to the current version of the game, this will be considered an "open Alpha": no NDA - you may take screenshots and gameplay videos of the game.

Ok great, I'll tell this on Canard PC's boards smiley: wink

hardcore_gamer wrote:

Speaking of the alpha, how stable will it be? I know that alpha's/beta's can't be as stable as the finished thing obviously but there still isn't much point in playing it if it crashes every 5 min.

EDIT: Also, have you considered offering The Cynical Brit a copy of your game? He has lots of viewers on youtube and specializes in making first impression videos of games including lots of Indie games. I think it would be good for your game if he got to know about it.

His channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/TotalHalibut/videos

His page: http://www.cynicalbrit.com/

I think he would probably be interested in talking about your game in one of his WTF is..... videos.

Yes, great idea ! In fact Total Biscuit doesn't make WTF is... vids about RPG and 4X games, but I just saw a "WTF is Warlock Master of the Arcane" so anything is possible !
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12 years ago
Apr 26, 2012, 2:10:29 AM
If you are reading this then you have probably registered to this forum, if you have registered here then you must know what an amazing work Amplitude Studios is doing with Endless Space and how much effort they have put into it. In the yesterday news the pre-order pricing was announced and it is expected the game to be availible for pre-order next week. BUY THIS GAME! Support this new company, support their future, invest in their first game and in doing so you give a chance to these talented people to further create entertainment for you.

You've seen the the 2 pre-order options (if you haven't check them out in the News thread), so choose one of them and use the chance to get an early access to the Alpha of the game. If you can't afford the game now buy it when it gets released, if you don't have money to buy it on release wait for a discount sometime later this year. Just buy the game and give the developers a hand when they need it the most, right now with Endless Space, their first game.

If you don't know me, I'm Raptor, a forum member like yourself and a fan of the game. I'm not getting payed to talk to you like that. I do it cause I want to play this game and its expansion, and the one after it, and the next game of Amplitude, as I am witnessing what these guys are capable of and I want them to succeed.

I myself haven't decided yet which pre-order version (Admiral or Emperor) I will choose (budget for games is pretty tight smiley: smile), but I'm buying this game no matter what. Even if I have to stay with no food for several days, I'm still buying it. So should you! For the money you will pay you will get years of support and new content to a game that even in its vanilla form will offer much greater replayability than most of the games out there.

So do not hesitate to pay for Endless Space, you will not regret supporting this amazing game and the people behind it. If any new company deserves your support right now it's Amplitude Studios. If you are still not convinced, take a look around the forums, look at the communication these guys have with the community, look at Games2Gether, look at the game art, at the amazingly detailed lore, at everything the devs are doing not only to make the game extremely enjoyable but to involve YOU the player in its creation and improvement.

At the end of this post I sincerely hope that you will choose to support this game and its developers. This is what I'm trying to do and will continue doing. See you around in the forums and face you in the endless online battles of our favorite game, Endless Space!

Raptor out.
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12 years ago
Apr 26, 2012, 5:39:25 PM
I'll definitely be getting this game as well. Likely the emperor package to fully support amplitude smiley: biggrin. I love everything i'm seeing from them and their g2g initiative is awesome. They so far look like they deserve our trust considering how much they communicate with us due to the g2g idea and actually following through with it. It would have been so easy to promise that kind of system and then have backed out a lot on it, but they really seem to want it to work with the community involved.

I just hope i can actually be of help to them when the time comes. In that regard. will there be an easy way to submit feedback and/or bug reports?
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12 years ago
Apr 26, 2012, 7:20:14 PM
I usually just lurk but i want to give some moral support to you guys smiley: smile

I will definitely get this game as soon as its available on Steam. Last race reveal removed the final lock on my wallet. I really like the style.

Keep up the good work, barely can wait to get my hands on it smiley: smile
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12 years ago
Apr 26, 2012, 9:11:21 PM
TheSisko wrote:
I usually just lurk but i want to give some moral support to you guys smiley: smile

I will definitely get this game as soon as its available on Steam. Last race reveal removed the final lock on my wallet. I really like the style.

Keep up the good work, barely can wait to get my hands on it smiley: smile

I think people should relax a bit before getting TOO exited.

Don't get me wrong I am looking a lot forward to this game but I don't think its a great idea to assume that this is going to be the "BEST GAME EVA!!!" or else there is a chance that it might not live up to your expectations even if its good.

I will pre-order this game like most of the people here appear to be more then willing to do, but I won't risk being let down by automatically assuming that this thing will be the best thing since sliced bread until I have actually seen this thing in action.

I was looking really forward to play Swords of the Stars 2, and just look at how that game turned out.

......I paid full 59.99 dollars for it more or less on launch day.......

The only reason I even considered pre-ordering Endless Space after that is because it gives you access to the alpha which means that the devs can't lie about the state of the game by feeding us misinformation about what is currently in it and what is and isn't working right up until launch day. That and the fact that it doesn't cost as much.
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12 years ago
Apr 26, 2012, 9:36:51 PM
hardcore_gamer wrote:
I think people should relax a bit before getting TOO exited.

Don't get me wrong I am looking a lot forward to this game but I don't think its a great idea to assume that this is going to be the "BEST GAME EVA!!!" or else there is a chance that it might not live up to your expectations even if its good.

I will pre-order this game like most of the people here appear to be more then willing to do, but I won't risk being let down by automatically assuming that this thing will be the best thing since sliced bread until I have actually seen this thing in action.

I was looking really forward to play Swords of the Stars 2, and just look at how that game turned out.

......I paid full 59.99 dollars for it more or less on launch day.......

The only reason I even considered pre-ordering Endless Space after that is because it gives you access to the alpha which means that the devs can't lie about the state of the game by feeding us misinformation about what is currently in it and what is and isn't working right up until launch day. That and the fact that it doesn't cost as much.


My thoughts exactly. It all points to a great game indeed, but let's not open the champagne just yet. By the way I am going for the more expensive option to help the devs and I think everyone should as well, but this is not because I think it's going to be the "BEST GAME EVER"; but because I know how painfully it's to fund your projects and actually get them done.
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12 years ago
Apr 27, 2012, 1:41:56 AM
I would tend to agree. Getting super excited about a game tends to raise the bar of your expectations up to 27. If the game is actually at a 24 (which I'm going to say is a good number. The scale is completely arbitrary), but you're expecting a 27, you'll be disappointed regardless of the game's great score (24). But if you aren't expecting a 24 you'll be quite impressed and love the game. At least, that's been my experience with myself.
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12 years ago
Apr 27, 2012, 6:08:52 AM
reynanuy wrote:

My thoughts exactly. It all points to a great game indeed, but let's not open the champagne just yet. By the way I am going for the more expensive option to help the devs and I think everyone should as well, but this is not because I think it's going to be the "BEST GAME EVER"; but because I know how painfully it's to fund your projects and actually get them done.

Legend of Grimrock showed that you can make awesome soup in old pot. And everything showed here is in the right direction. I've still something to whine about. Cleverness sweat from every decision taken in the design. The lore is really extensive. The dev just have to stick with the initial design of classic space 4x to be truly a great game, because it just can't be a bad game.

I just hope the total success of Grimrock will help indie dev to take old recipes and bake them nowadays.
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12 years ago
Apr 27, 2012, 6:44:26 AM
I think nobody here expects ES to be the best game ever in its current state. But I do think that everyone hopes that ES will become the best 4X space game ever after the beta stage. In other words, it's up to us to help Amplitude (by buying the Emperor Edition and by providing good feedbacks) make the greatest game possible.
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12 years ago
Apr 27, 2012, 8:03:23 AM
hardcore_gamer wrote:

Speaking of the alpha, how stable will it be? I know that alpha's/beta's can't be as stable as the finished thing obviously but there still isn't much point in playing it if it crashes every 5 min.

AmpliMath wrote:

We are quite happy with the level of performance of the game, which runs decently on a mid-range laptop from early 2008. Some playtesters have been known to play as long as 500 turns, so the game is already quite stable.


The VIP testers have started playing a build of the game, and we are paying close attention to their feedback, to get a first external opinion on the gameplay. This is just a first step, and I hope the rest of the community will also help us perfect the game.

Just to answer a quote with a quote. smiley: smile

It is very stable for being so early in the process is the point he makes.
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12 years ago
Apr 28, 2012, 12:25:53 PM
I wait when the preorder is ready. And... maybe I'll translate the game in my language ( Italian ) if will be possible smiley: smile
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