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[DotE] Relase Notes

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10 years ago
Apr 16, 2015, 5:03:09 PM
Changelog [1.0.58]

  • Added a save and load system in multiplayer and auto save at the beginning of each floor. It also allows the host to reload a game with disconnected players. See Multiplayer Save part below for more details.
  • Added a share items feature in multiplayer. Items in the inventory are now shared between players. The backpack is still for personal items. Be careful when you go to another level and check your inventory before leaving!
  • Researches are now shared between players on multiplayer
  • Added a new menu (top left corner or “P” shortcut) in multiplayer with the following features:

    • Players can give heroes to the other players
    • Players can check the network ping state of each player
    • Players can still exchange resources
    • The host can kick players
  • Added an option on multiplayer which allows the host to choose between private (only by invitation – default), friends only, and public game
  • Added DLCs listing in the main menu
  • Added more variety in the weapon impact VFXs
  • Improved the main menu light and VFX
  • Fixed the negative restore Science cost bug
  • Reduced the Tear Gas module damage over time
  • Improved the loading time when generating a new floor

Multiplayer Save

The host can save and quit the game in the same conditions as the solo mode (only during the strategic phase). Every player will be disconnected and receive the save. One of the players (and only one) must go in “Multiplayer / Load” and select the game (he/she then becomes the host). The other players can then see the loaded game in the session list (only available for players of the previously saved game).

This feature allows a disconnected player to get back into the game. If a network issue occurs, the host can save and quit, then reload the game with everybody. We’re working on small improvements to make this process simpler.

The auto saves are also available on multiplayer mode. If the host crashes or is disconnected, he/she will be able to load the game at the beginning of the current floor with the other players.
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11 years ago
Jun 5, 2014, 4:16:21 PM
[0.7.10] Release Notes


  • Swapping two different items will now give the correct amount for each statistics
  • Heroes will keep abilities given by the level, even if the player equips and unequips an item with the same abilities
  • Merchants no longer disappear
  • Fixed the buy/sale system
  • Fixed the Pepper Spray tooltip


  • Reduced the game difficulty:

    • Slightly reduced number of mobs in waves
    • Increased Food, Industry and Science basic incomes to 3 (used to be 2)
    • Reduced attack power of Hurna Hunter
    • Slightly increased the Wit of heroes
    • Increased HP and defence of Elise
    • “Too Easy” difficulty: reduced HP and attack power of mobs (remark: since the first easy mode appearance, the quantity of mobs is the same in the 2 modes, but weaker)
  • Removed the artefact in the first room of the floor

Please note that the balancing is still WIP, thanks for your feedback!
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11 years ago
Jun 20, 2014, 3:57:49 PM
Release Notes [0.8.4] - BETA


  • Added 3 new spaceships / game modes:

    • The Armory (commando mode)
    • The Infirmary (lots of HP but no end turn health regeneration)
    • The Drill (endless mode)
  • Added 2 new heroes:

    • Chef Nanor, the “Kitchen Chemist”
    • Professor Josh 'Ntello nicknamed “Know-it-All”, exclusively for the Dungeon of the Endless Founder Pack owners
  • Added 3 new modules:

    • Emergency Generator [major] which can power a room without Dust
    • KIP Cannon [minor] with an attack power based on your stocked Science
    • Viral Injector [minor] which spreads a long-term virus
  • Added 1 new event: the auto-power which powers a room without Dust, even when disconnected from your network [G2G]
  • Added 7 new Stele types
  • Added 1 new mob: the Silics Zoner, now the only mob who attacks minor modules
  • Added 2 new elite mobs:

    • Hurna Hunter
    • Door Opener


  • Added the spaceship system: unlock and selection panel
  • Improved the game configuration panel
  • Improved the hero targeting system (targets the most dangerous, difference between melee and distance heroes)
  • Improved first rooms with special floor and floor number
  • Improved the hit visual effect
  • Improved bump map
  • Updated some sprites and special effects (Stele, Artefact, etc.)
  • Added a checksum protection for the public directory to avoid cheating to unlock heroes, ships and achievements
  • Implemented new sprites manager (improved performance on lower end computers)


  • Reduced number of waves in middle levels
  • Slightly reduced number of mobs by waves
  • Reduced the difficulty after the exit is found (was +25%, now +20%)
  • Reduced spawn of the most difficult mobs
  • Added a Keeper effect on the entire floor: until you kill it, the mobs have a small health regeneration, drop less Dust, and a better defence
  • Increased power of Keeper last form
  • Increased the Hurna cooldown
  • Reduced Defence buff of Silics Supporter
  • Increased Attack Power buff of Silics Supporter
  • Zombies no longer attack minor modules
  • Reduced Attack Radius of Claymoar module
  • Reduced Attack Power of Seblaster module
  • Increased the FIS basic income
  • Increased the hero level up cost (about 10%)
  • Reduced Max’s attack power
  • Increased the amount of Dust found per room to reduce number of rooms with Dust (total amount of Dust remains the same)
  • Increased the building and Science costs of production modules
  • Increased probability of finding new modules thanks to research

Bug fix

  • Fixed the Merchant bug related to the act of purchasing/selling if similar items are concerned, but with different rarities
  • Fixed the equip/unequip issue regarding similar items with different rarities
  • The Operating bonus is now saved and loaded
  • Fixed some Drakken and Laboratory tilesets issues
  • Improved the pathfinding system
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11 years ago
Jun 20, 2014, 4:00:48 PM
Hofix [0.8.5]

  • Fixed the 100% loading issue that occurred when a player was stuck during loading due to a save and load problem.
  • Monsters now disappear properly when they die
  • Spaceships are now properly loaded on saved games
  • Hero health is now saved with the Infirmary Pod
  • Fixed conditions to unlock the Drill Pod
  • Optimised profile saving frequency
  • Fixed a bug that made duplicate item disappear when buying and equipping it from the merchant
  • Auto power room FX was changed so that it never exceeds the room’s size
  • Fixed Opbot right and left idle animations
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11 years ago
Jun 24, 2014, 4:57:44 PM
Patch notes [0.8.7]

Bug fix

  • Random hero selection is now properly displayed
  • Notifications are no longer displayed on top of transition screens
  • Players can now unequip an item without this one disappearing
  • The instant power given by the “Emergency Generator” module is now ignored if the room is already powered by the Auto Power event
  • Stele is now immune to zone damage
  • “Fast but Weak mobs” stele event no longer stops mobs when they stack
  • Saves, merchants, dust (initial / loot) and items are now functional in the endless mode with the Drill pod
  • Armoury floors no longer spawn free heroes
  • Fixed some sprites glitches


  • Reduced basic FIS incomes
  • Increased cost of Emergency Generator (now incremental)
  • Increased cost of FIS modules
  • Reduced Wit of Mechanical Pal
  • Tweaked cost and spawn value of items
  • Reduced Pilfer effect
  • Reduced power of flying Necro mob
  • Increased classic item spawn in the Infirmary Pod
  • Increased difficulty in Easy and Too Easy mode (power of mobs)

smiley: warningPlease keep in mind that your previous game save will not be compatible with this new version.
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11 years ago
Sep 12, 2014, 2:52:24 PM
Release note [0.9.22]

The change log is almost the same as the Branch Build one, except some little changes (with the "(new)" tag) and the list of fixes since this 0.9.22 version.


Added 2 new heroes:

  • Mizi Kurtiz, the G2G hero and her dark companion
  • Kreyang, the EL Founder pack Drakken hero
  • Added 1 new event: the EMP, which temporarily deactivates modules of random rooms [G2G] Thanks Stealth_Hawk
  • Added 1 new mob: the Hurna Debuffer (and its elite form) which reduces the attack power of heroes in the room
  • Added “almost-HD” portraits for the heroes HUD
  • Improved environments by adding props, animations and FXs
  • Added situational dialogues (different for each heroes)
  • Added new tutorial (select in the menu to test it) [WIP]
  • (new) Added 2 special skills for prisoners and crew members


  • Added a tactical map: mouse wheel down to zoom out, then click or mouse wheel up over a room to zoom in. You can move and (un)power rooms in this mode
  • Improved the Crystal phase:
  • The rooms are no longer unpowered
  • The Crystal can’t be put back in the first room
  • All the doors of the floor are opened!
  • You have to decide when you leave the floor: all your crew have to be in the exit, otherwise you lose them!
  • Added a Backpack in the Inventory panel: all items in this bag will be kept between floors
  • Added remote powering: auto-power several rooms at the same time by clicking on a remote room as long as you have enough Dust
  • Improved Merchants: each one now has a currency between Food, Industry, Science and Dust for sell and buy
  • Added a “multi-doors” bonus: get a score bonus when you open doors in an “action phase”
  • Added a pause button on the bottom right widget
  • Improved several animations on monsters & heroes
  • Heroes found in the dungeon can now have a higher level (with cost slightly increased)
  • Added hero refund: if you dismiss a hero, you get a certain amount of food based on his level
  • Added a special portrait when a hero dies
  • Improved Heroes HUD: reorganised the buttons to avoid misclicks, improved wounded feedback
  • Improved GUI (log, hero panel, FIDS, dialogue, transition screens…)
  • Unlocked Deena by default
  • (new) Changed low health feedback to be sooner and more visible
  • (new) Improved Auto-Powered FX and environment FXs
  • (new) Added new FXs for each module upgrade


  • Increased the level up cost of first hero levels, slightly reduced the last ones (global cost is increased)
  • Increased number of new heroes in the floor
  • Reduced heal cost in the Infirmary Pod
  • Reduced Shop cost (build & research)
  • Tweaked item costs (for drugs) and effects (for devices)
  • Increased Lure activation delay
  • Reduced the power and the number of the anti-minor modules mobs
  • Increased power of Kamikazes, but they also hurt other creatures
  • (new) Changed Holohero module behaviour: it no longer attracts mobs of other rooms
  • (new) Increased Holohero module defence

Bug fix (since Branch 0.9.20)

  • Kreyang is available for Endless Legend Founder Pack owners
  • Level up stats preview is displayed
  • Green colour is correct in the tactical map (shows rooms with modules inside)
  • Heroes selection marker is correct in the tactical map
  • Several panels are now hidden in the tactical map (dialogs, crystal button...)
  • Mouse wheel can be used in the Inventory
  • System menu is fixed
  • Lighting glitch in the Sewers environment is fixed
  • Hero sprites glitches during attack have been fixed
  • Kamikazes Elite behaviour is fixed

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10 years ago
Oct 28, 2014, 3:39:41 PM
Release Notes [1.0.15]


  • Added the multiplayer co-op mode, with up to 4 heroes
  • Added the last 2 floors and the “Jungle” environment
  • Added Journal panel with your local high scores and game statistics
  • Added the Album with unlockable pictures and captions about heroes, mobs and other secrets
  • Added backstories between heroes: find the good hero combinations to unlock secret dialogues and gameplay effects in the lift
  • Added more situational dialogues in game (door opening, repairing, crystal carrying etc.)
  • Added 3 new spaceships:

    • The Sanitary pod: Hard mode!
    • The Library pod (Dungeon Founder pack): Science / Module mode
    • The Refreezerator pod (Legend Founder pack): Lonely hero mode

  • Added 6 new items with passive skills
  • Added researches reset button in exchange of Science in Artefact panel
  • Improved projectiles and poison visual effects
  • Added music tracks (ship selection, lift and ending screen)
  • Added sound effects (door, ambiance, hero death jingle, dismiss, events, tactical map etc.)
  • Changed lighting system to improve performance (and solved the issue with black stripes visual artefact)
  • Improved normal map to enhance lighting surface
  • A lot of optimisations have been made in our animations and sprites system


  • Added a chat in the start, transition (lift) and final screens
  • Differentiated in game chat from the log to improve visibility
  • Added a way to cancel typing text in chat: ESC to close chat or Ctrl + Delete to erase
  • Added a kick player button in the start screen
  • Added Steam friend invite feature


  • Added 25 achievements
  • Added 6 Steam Trading Cards
  • Added Steam badges and rewards (wallpapers / emoticons)
  • Added OST in the “Soundtrack” folder

Game Interface

  • Added HD GUI with bigger fonts (automatically activated on big resolution)
  • Improved the heroes and ship selection screen with 3D spaceships
  • Added a new victory screen with our rescued heroes
  • Improved loading screen
  • Improved game over screen
  • Improved the transition between floors

    • Floor progression is displayed
    • Heroes are now in a lift and randomly commenting on the situation (some lines are conditioned by events in the last floor, with the loss or recruitment of new heroes)

  • Globally improved the user interface
  • Improved the tutorial which is now interactive
  • Added Controls panel (in system menu) to display all the shortcuts
  • Improved the tactical map:

    • Press T or scroll up above any room close the tactical map with the camera at the same position than before the zoom out
    • Ctrl + click doesn't close the tactical map but power / unpower rooms
    • Added door steps to clarify the paths

  • Added animations on the Crystal (appearance, unplug, plug in, explode)
  • Added new icons and colours in the log
  • Improved exit button to finish the floor (and potentially abandon heroes!)
  • Improved green arrow of hero destination to be always visible
  • Improved Stele interaction: you can now open it without moving your hero
  • Changed Stele health bar colour
  • Added gold colour on skill unlock items description
  • Improved red pulse animation on the widget
  • Hero level is now displayed in green if you can level them up


  • Tweaked heroes who are globally slightly more powerful:

    • Increased the power of most skills (in particular FIDS relative and heal skills)
    • Modified some skills to be more coherent with the heroes (Paramedic, Recycling, Red Plume, Bad Company)
    • Added / Modified skills to obtain more Dust (heroes with these skills: Golgy, Max, Mormish, Sara, Nanor, Hikensha)
    • Replaced Sara Duellist skill by Pickpocket
    • Tweaked heroes stats (increased in particular: Defence and Power of Hikensha; Defence of Deena, Golgy and Mizi; HP and power of Skroig; HP and defence of Warden and Joleri (a lot for her + reduced Dust penalty) and reduced Defence of Ken and Elise)

  • Gork is now unlocked by default instead of Opbot
  • Tweaked mobs (in particular reduced number of hard mobs and power of hunters, supporter and hydra)
  • Tweaked Spaceships:

    • Infirmary Pod:

      • Increased initial Industry and Food incomes
      • Reduced health cost

    • Drill Pod:

      • Increased artefacts in first floors

    • Armoury Pod:

      • Increased hero attack power
      • Increased items loot

  • Tweaked Modules:

    • Autodoc Shards: increased upgrade health regeneration, reduced industry cost (10->8)
    • Suppressive Firebot: increased power, reduced industry cost (9->8)
    • Dust Field Gen: increased upgrade defence, reduced industry cost (9->7)
    • Holohero: reduced industry cost (16->15)
    • Neurostun module: increased upgrade effect, increased industry cost (6->7)
    • Tear Gas: increased damage over time effect, reduced industry cost (9->7) and science cost, increased HP / Defence
    • Pepper Spray: reduced cooldown, increased duration of Troublemaker, reduced industry cost (16->12), increased speed of troubled mob
    • Viral Injector: increased duration and poison effect (a lot!)
    • KIP Cannon: increased Science bonus of first level and increased attack max of upgrades

  • Reduced rooms number (about 14%)
  • Tweaked too easy mode (slightly increased mobs power and Crystal defence)
  • Reduced research costs of production module first levels
  • Increased the amount of Artefacts (a bug reduced their number)
  • Increased the amount of Heroes (a bug reduced their number in first floors)
  • Increased the amount of Major slots
  • Increased Dust Factory loot
  • Added score modifiers on spaceships (20% for Infirmary and Armoury)


  • Fixed several graphical issues on all environments of the game
  • Fixed several animations (heroes and monsters)
  • Fixed several issues with the user interface and localisation
  • Fixed GUI HD option not saved
  • Fixed several issues with multiplayer mode
  • Fixed several issues with the tactical map
  • Fixed an issue with the unlock of spaceships
  • Fixed Door Opener mob and number of doors open issue

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10 years ago
Nov 14, 2014, 11:48:42 AM
RELEASE NOTES - First Aid Kit Update [1.0.23]


  • Unlocked Founder heroes by default: Josh 'Ntello (DotE Founder) and Kreyang (EL Founder/Emperor)
  • Added new resolution system in option panel
  • Added windowed mode in option panel
  • Added ability to rebind keys
  • Added Heroes groups shortcut with Ctrl + 0-9 (therefore allowing you to change your hero hotkeys)
  • Added first version of Auto-Save feature in case of crashes (solo mode) [WIP,doesn’tworkifacrashoccursduringelevatorphase]
  • Added three G2G achievements (also renamed the achievement "Unbeatable Duo" to "Members Only")
  • Enabled cross platform multiplayer (Windows & Mac OS). Lobbies hosted by a player with a different public folder & files (modded version, or different OS) will be shown in gold.
  • Added regional filters in the lobby
  • Added chat in game over and victory panels
  • Added module build cost in the research panel
  • Improved Abandon game confirmation dialog
  • Improved some hero / monster / module animations
  • Improved Merchant on the tactical map (colour shows currency)
  • Improved projectile heights
  • Improved monsters placement to reduce overlapping


  • Increased self-destruction Delay of Kamikaze mobs with now a random interval
  • Reduced Kamikaze mobs spawn and zone damages on modules
  • Increased Kamikaze mobs damage zone on other monsters
  • Removed Keeper monster in the Library
  • Changed Pro Modules Stele with multiplicative effect
  • Changed Bad Company skill effect (addition instead of percentage)


  • Fixed Endless Legend Emperor pack unlocks (Kreyang hero and Refreezerator pod)
  • Fixed some issues with items duplicating and Merchant
  • Fixed several issues with multiplayer
  • Fixed several issues with environments and lights (rooms too dark)
  • Fixed disappearance of the crystal carrier in the high score panel
  • Fixed typos in dialogue and localisation keys
  • Fixed Drill pod unlock (required to reach floor 24 and not 25)
  • Fixed Ken not respawning in Refreezerator
  • Fixed hero reappearance after dismissing them
  • Fixed the album resolution in 4:3 (now stretched though)
  • Fixed some issues with singleplayer game save: you can now retrieve it after playing a multiplayer game

Please note several known issues are still being worked on, and those include:

  • The multiplayer issues require a lot of testing
  • The auto-save feature: it's a first version for now and we plan on improving it, but it should prevent save losses in most cases. Piece of advice: remember to save and from time to time restart the game on Steam if you often get crashes. We're still working on the performance as well.
  • Lobbies listed in "gold": in case you want to report an issue, don't forget to mention if you were in this case (modified public folder or cross platform multiplayer)
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10 years ago
Nov 19, 2014, 5:04:19 PM
Hotfix [1.0.25]

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed several monster animations
  • Fixed issues with the lighting system
  • Fixed an issue with old save files remaining in user directory
  • Fixed issues with pictures and texts in the Album
  • Fixed issues with French localisation
  • Fixed a bug with immobile Wizard with the appearance of the "Ignored" Stele
  • Fixed a bug with stacked Keeper

Known Issues

We are still working on the multiplayer and the stability of the game.
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10 years ago
Jan 20, 2015, 5:10:36 PM

On this day, Endless technology lights up and strange things appear in the ruins all across Auriga, and even throughout the galaxy as the Archivist, Esseb Tarosh, fulfills its duty.


  • Improved the multiplayer mode stability: optimisation of bandwidth usage to reduce impact of bad connections (high packet loss rate) on game sync and avoid disconnections
  • Optimised lighting system and memory usage: the game should perform better and experience less crashes
  • Improved auto-save feature: it is now functional if a crash occurs during the elevator phase
  • Improved our save system: players with save issues should be able to save their games in this version
  • Added a backup system between game versions: if there is an incompatibility between your save and a new version, your save will not be lost and you’ll just have to restart your current level
  • Added resolution mode options: pixel perfect, border (not stretched) and no border (stretched) modes
  • Improved tactical map transition
  • Added sound effects for the Pug hero, Ayairi Whairydd


  • Fixed some multiplayer issues (locking players in the lobby when the host is having connection problems and variable synchronisations amongst other things)
  • Fixed issues with our lighting system and DX11 compatibility
  • Fixed achievements that were wrongly unlocked after a save
  • Fixed keyboard shortcut issues on Mac (Note: there is a known issue in Unity (our game engine) with special characters on the numeric keys, which prevent some foreign users to use them to select heroes for example)
  • Fixed Autodoc Shards tooltip values

smiley: warning We changed some critical assets in this version and old saves will not be compatible with this version. The new backup system will restart your current level.
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10 years ago
Jan 21, 2015, 5:34:28 PM
Hotfix [1.0.43]

Bug fixes

  • Fixed corrupted GUI when a hero dies in your team
  • Fixed an issue with the Armory and Sanitary Pod locked again for players

smiley: warning If you used the "-openGL" command on Steam (launch options) because you used to experience crashes/display issues, please remove it as the problem should be resolved.
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11 years ago
Jun 4, 2014, 3:42:29 PM

  • Fixed a typo in the game configuration which caused this unintended extreme difficulty

Please accept our apologise for the inconvenience. We are working on fixing the other issues reported by the community at the moment. You should expect the "Hot fix" in the upcoming days, once our QA team gives us the green light for the changes we submitted.
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10 years ago
Apr 17, 2015, 1:06:31 PM
Hotfix [1.0.59]

  • Implemented a vSync in the option menu
  • Re-uploaded the soundtrack in the game folder (Steam > Steamapps > Common > Dungeon of the Endless > Soundtrack)
  • Fixed an issue with a specific room in the Jungle environment where the player could not move
  • Fixed issues with player usernames containing "{" or "}" characters, which resulted in a crash

smiley: warning The "DEEP FREEZE" DLC: due to an issue with the Steam store, if you happen to own the Emperor (or Founder, as it was called during its Early Access phase) pack of Endless Legend. Before making a purchase, make sure you don't already have the DLC; it's represented by a little shiny ice cream cone at the bottom left corner of the screen, in the main menu (it won't shine as much if you don't own the DLC).
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10 years ago
Apr 20, 2015, 3:45:09 PM
Hotfix [1.0.60]

  • Fixed an issue with several rooms where the player could not move

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10 years ago
Apr 22, 2015, 12:49:32 PM
Hotfix [1.0.63]

  • Fixed an issue with the pathfinding. Heroes and monsters should no longer get stuck in rooms
  • Fixed an issue with the dungeon generation. The game should no longer crash and remove the save during the creation of a new floor

Thanks for your patience. We’ll keep an eye on forums to see if that fixes the issues encountered by many of you.
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10 years ago
Jun 8, 2015, 4:25:58 PM
Australium Free Update[1.0.70]

  • Added 4 new heroes

    • Misha Cherny, a heavy guy with a heavy weapon. And a sandvish.
    • Dell Bradford, an engineer who is not afraid to repair under fire!
    • Kaspar Herab, a medic with some useful knowledge
    • Pat Bates, an innocent pyromaniac with a burning love
  • Added 5 new items with passive skills (Sandvish, Gas Mask, Dove, jPad, Tower of Hats)
  • Improved memory use
  • Fixed an issue where the operator lost his bonus during an attack in multiplayer
  • Fixed an issue where the floor could not be finished

smiley: warning In Single-player, you might have to restart at the beginning of your floor. In Multiplayer, you might have to restart the whole pod. If you want to finish your game in MP, we suggest you to use a previous version of the game. To access that version, you will have to select in the Steam properties of Dungeon of the Endless, the 'Betas' tab, then select the [1.0.63] version. smiley: warning
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10 years ago
Jun 10, 2015, 5:08:31 PM
Patch notes [1.0.71]

  • Fixed the “level up” animation of the Heavy. (Was using the Pyro’s animation instead)
  • Fixed the elevator background that wasn’t moving since the 1.0.69
  • Fixed a bug on the album: it was impossible to unlock the picture related to the TF2 heroes story
  • The Australium update is now considerer as a DLC and can be disabled.

Thank you for all your reports!
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9 years ago
Oct 28, 2015, 4:44:35 PM

  • Added a new event, The Dood, a very special merchant with a very special item…
  • Optimised AI’s mobs that will slightly improved performance
  • Fixed the Rocket Scientist achievement
  • In multiplayer mode, heroes can no longer be transferred during the action phase
  • Added a visual feedback on skills if you click on them when the cooldown is active
  • The last picture of the album is now unlocked after the last level of the game
  • Pat can now hit several monsters at his highest level

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9 years ago
Nov 24, 2015, 5:57:46 PM

[ADDITIONS] Rescue Team

  • Added 3 new Heroes, with a really refreshing gameplay:

    • Wes Davoun, the radio operator:

      • He's a very good operator and one of the best support characters of the game. Thanks to his radio skills he can buff all heroes on the floor.
      • Special Transmission (passive skill): operating a resource module raised to an art form. Depending on which resource module you are operating, it will provide a different buff to all heroes on the floor:

        • When operating a Food module, provides health regeneration to all heroes on the floor.
        • When operating an Industry module, provides attack power to all heroes on the floor.
        • When operating a Science module, provides attack power to all minor modules on the floor.

      • Good Morning Auriga (active skill): movement speed buff for all heroes on the floor. When the whole team has to rock and roll!
      • Urgent Call (active skill): make an urgent phone call to change what will happen in the next room you’ll open, and force a positive event to happen. When you want anything but trouble behind the next door.

    • Zugma Walker, the bulldozer operator:

      • Zugma, driving her bulldozer, is the first übermassivetanky operator!
      • Recycling Beast (active skill): transform every monster killed into a random resource (except Dust). Not everybody can turn roadkill into resources!
      • Steamroller (passive skill): reduces the movement speed penalty when carrying the Crystal. Zugma Walker is a very slow character but when she's carrying the Crystal she becomes one of the fastest characters in the game.
      • Secret Compartment (passive skill): she can keep a part of the Dust from a floor to another. That little place where cops and customs officers never look.

    • Sasha Chokyo, the trainer:

      • With Sasha you gotta grab’em all! Indeed, you can train any monsters of the game! When you’ve got a monster as a pet, it can deal damage to other monsters. Moreover, it can even level up by killing other monsters! Take care of your pet by feeding them Food.
      • Heel! (active skill): tames the most powerful monster in the room. An order even monsters will obey.
      • Table Scraps (passive skill): share a part of your Food when healing Sasha with the tamed monster. One way to keep your pet healthy.
      • Attack Dawg (passive skill): share a part of the hero’s attack power with the trained monster. Your pet is every bit as vicious as you are.

  • Added 2 new Hurnas monsters, from the Endless Legend’s universe:

    • The Hunter: always stalking the weakest hero of your group, it’s an archer that attacks slowly but deals heavy damages. Take care of your operators!
    • The Warden: a crazy spinning zone damage dealer. Don’t keep all your heroes in one place, or lower your head to dodge his club!

  • Added 1 new Major Module, the Field Medic:

    • It reduces healing costs on the floor,
    • It increases heroes and NPC’s defence on the floor.

  • Added 4 new items:

    • Heavy Engine: provides attack power, reduces movement speed and grants the Steamroller passive skill.
    • Secret Pocket: provides defence and gives the Secret Compartment passive skill.
    • Rescue Kit: provides attack power, wit and health regeneration.
    • Training Kit: provides attack power, and gives the ability to operate.

[ADDITIONS] All versions – G2G content

  • Added a new spaceship, the Organic Pod: [G2G]

    • This pod is an intellectual living creature, so take care of her like a member of your crew. Remember, she likes red wine, boiled shrimp with sauce, classical music and pictures of kittens.
    • Gameplay effects:

      • Creatures are faster.
      • Modules can’t be repaired.
      • Powered rooms:

        • Can’t be unpowered,
        • Deal damage to modules and artefacts at every turn,
        • Reduce monsters’ defence by 100%,
        • Provide +0.5 Food per turn.

  • Added a new Hero, Rosetta QV1819: [G2G]

    • Egocentric passive gameplay: attack power and defence bonus per mob in the room, so bring it!
    • Tower of Babble (active skill): within a limited period of time, all monsters with less than 25% health points explode instantly dealing zone damages to all the surrounding monsters. An uninterrupted flow of multi-syllabic words would confuse even the most enraged enemy.

  • Added 3 new monsters, the Vultus: these 3 new monsters are quite insignificant damages dealers, but they are nasty gameplay breakers!

    • Trash: they spread into the dungeon and slow minor modules’ attack speed.
    • Debuffer: slows a hero’s attack and movement speed.
    • Vultu: it has a chance to spawn in a random unpowered room at the beginning of a turn. Kill it before it vanishes at the end of the timer and you’ll be rewarded with a Dust loot. So hurry up! [G2G]

  • Added 2 new minor modules:

    • Biomass Factory: a minor module that converts dead monsters into Industry.
    • Biomass Cannery: a minor module that converts dead monsters into Food.

  • Added 8 new items from the Endless Legend universe:

    • Executive's Armband: % odds to trouble the targeted monster.
    • Cheater's Armband: % odds to poison the targeted monster.
    • Antigrav Trinket: boosts the movement speed but lowers defence, useful for Crystal carrying.
    • Self-Help Buds: boosts wit, defence and attack power.
    • Shanty Singer: boosts defence of all heroes in the room.
    • Brainwave Bracers: boosts health regeneration depending on number of mobs in the room.
    • Fred's Fixer: adds wit, boosts repair speed.
    • Drug-o-matic: boosts health regeneration and defence.

  • Added controller support
  • Added a new ending sequence: finish the game to actually watch it!


  • Fixed several desynchronisation issues: the multiplayer mode should now be more stable
  • Fixed a bug that occurred upon finding a new item: the inventory now properly opens if you click on the notification
  • Fixed an issue with the visual effects on monsters or heroes, which are now hidden when the room is affected by the EMP event
  • The Keeper can now attack unrecruited heroes
  • The game is now paused when opening the Album by clicking on a notification
  • Fixed the tactical map main background animation
  • Fixed an issue with the item “Time of Sands” which was duplicated in some situations after loading a multiplayer save
  • Removed the merchant’s health regeneration
  • Player names are now visible during a multiplayer game
  • All impact VFXs are now displayed both on the client and server side during a multiplayer game
  • The Crystal is now displayed on the tactical view while it’s carried by a hero
  • The option menu can now be closed using the Escape key
  • Fixed several animations on heroes and monsters
  • Fixed an issue with DX9 and the lighting system that turned rooms very dark despite powering them
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9 years ago
Dec 22, 2015, 4:58:29 PM

  • Wes Davoun has been rebalanced:

    • "Urgent Call" skill has been reconsidered. The skill now makes a hero appear in the next opened room. The cooldown has been lowered. It can only rarely make an artefact appear. Spawned heroes can’t be recruited in both Armory and Refreezerator pods.
    • "Radio Tower" is divided into 3 skill levels, accessible at levels 4/9/15. This makes Wes’ progression more interesting and dynamic. Also, the skill is more powerful than before when Wes reaches level 15.
    • Because he’s an interesting early game operator, to make him more fair compared to other operators:

      • -1 general Wit.
      • "Knowledge Is Good" is unlocked a bit later.
  • The Zoner can now hit the crystal, a part of his zone damages are converted into direct damages.
  • The Silic Supporter, Silic Bulldozer and Elite Flying Necrophage monsters don’t hit the player’s modules anymore. However, Kamikazes monsters and Chimera Keepers can still damage it.
  • The Silic Supporter now buffs the player’s team when tamed.
  • The tamed Chimera Keeper normally doesn’t need a hero to be in the same room he’s in to be active anymore.
  • The Death Merchant can’t spawn in the very first rooms of each floor anymore.
  • "Paramedic" (Deena, Opbot, Kaspar) heal skill is now a lot more efficient.
  • Deena unlocks level 2 "Paramedic" earlier during her progression.
  • "Sandvitch" (Misha) heal skill is now more efficient.
  • Biomass Factory module isn't available in the Armory Pod anymore.
  • Biomass Modules, "Recycling" and "Soylent Green" passive skills don’t generate resources during crystal waves anymore.
  • "Recycling" and "Soylent Green" now produce more resources.
  • Minor modules attack general rebalancing: AoE modules are lowered, single target modules are increased. The new computation rationale is more realistic in the way we take more into account the number of monsters that compose waves. AoE are still the best choice to kill waves, they just need bigger waves to be as profitable as before.

    • Prisoner Prod is slightly more powerful.
    • KIP cannon requires less Science to reach its attack power limit, but the limit is unchanged.
    • Tesla module is more powerful.
    • Machine Gun does more damages but heats up a little more faster.
    • Claymore & Seblaster are less powerful.
  • Fixed an issue with the Xbox One controller on Windows 10.
  • Fixed an issue with the "Researcher" achievement which wasn't unlocking properly for players who didn't own the Rescue Team content pack.
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