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[DotE] Relase Notes

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10 years ago
Jun 4, 2014, 8:30:20 AM


  • Added 2 new levels (9-10) with a new environment: the ice biome
  • Added 1 new hero: Elise, the “Freelance Demolitionist” and her heavy arsenal
  • Changed hero max level from 8 to 15
  • Added 2 new minor modules:

    • Pepper Spray - It confuses monsters and forces them to attack each other
    • Seblaster (offence) - It targets monsters with an area of effect, hitting without distinction heroes and monsters

  • Added 2 new mobs:

    • Hurna Hunter
    • Door opener: he can open a door if you don’t kill him on time!

  • Added 5 new elite mobs:

    • Kamikaze Necrophage
    • The Keeper
    • Silics Supporter
    • Chimera Debuffer
    • Chimera Kamikaze

  • Added the Stele Event. If you find a stele, it will add one or several effects to the entire floor for a limited amount of time. These effects can be positive, negative, or both.


  • Added a reset skill system: you can use Science and reset the skills cooldown
  • Changed the healing system which is now based on the hero’s percentage of HP, and the cost is proportional to number of healed HP
  • Changed the operating system: the hero needs to stay in the room at least one turn to obtain a (bigger) bonus
  • Added an animation for the Merchant when he teleports to the Merchant module
  • Added a comparison system for hero equipment
  • Added a preview for the next skill available when you level up
  • Added a scrollview for passive skills when you have more than six
  • You can now select several heroes with the “shift” key
  • Added a default cursor
  • Updated hero selection menu
  • Added feedback (visual & sound) on dying heroes (< 25% HP)
  • Removed the Research button in the HUD


smiley: amplitude See the latest dev blog post for more details and rationales about the multiple changes which impact the balancing of the game

  • Refactored configuration system which allows us to control the flow and the events more precisely:

    • Some events (exit, merchants, heroes and artefacts) are placed at the generation to control the:
    • Quantity of Dust loot in rooms at each floor is now controlled
    • Spawn of mobs is now random at each floor
  • The targeting of some mobs have changed:

    • Necrophage Flying attacks major modules and target in priority long range heroes
    • Silics Bulldozer no longer attacks heroes
    • Silics Trash attacks only the Crystal (but is weaker)
    • Most part of elites mobs attacks NPC
  • The offence modules have now a priority target:

    • Prisoner pods are anti-heroes mobs
    • Tesla are anti-modules mobs
    • Claymoars are basic mobs
    • Smoking guns are special mobs
  • The move speed of entities are reduced when in the same room than enemies, except:

    • Flying Necrophage
    • "Crysophile" Necrophage
    • Hydra Chimera
    • Some heroes with "dodge" passive skills
  • The previous version level 8 is approximately the new level 11-12 in terms of food cost and stats
  • The heroes stats and skills have changed with new levels and to create a distinctions between the different teams of heroes
  • Increased waves difficulty when the exit is found
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