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[G2G] Items - Creation Competition

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11 years ago
Feb 10, 2014, 11:05:05 AM
Name: Fleuret

Type: weapon – Sword

Description: An ancestral weapon to quickly hit & dodge

Visual: A very thin and long metal shaft (like a fleuret)


DPS: +1

Wit: +2

Move speed: +3

Name: Double Shot

Type: weapon - gun

Description: This small gun has two barrel, because you never know how many ennemies you will meet.

Visual: normal black silver small gun but with 2 barrel.


Dps: +2

Move speed: +2

Name: The Tank

Type: armour

Description: Never an armor have been so heavy. But never an armor have been able to take so much damage.

Visual: very imposing thick metal armor in silver with black reflect.


Defence: +3

Max Health: +2

Move speed: -3

Name: Cyber Armor

Type: armour

Description: It's a light armor but compensate by the AI integrate in it, that boost the health of many ways.

Visual: light armor, sweet green, with little red and white light point on the chest (like light on electronic device)


Defence: +1

Max Health: +3

Health Regeneration: +3

Move speed: +2

Name: Electronic Codex

Type: device

Description: This electronic encyclopedia contain every intel necessary to run, fix or create any electronic device.

Visual: Electronic encyclopedia (like a tablet with a large screen)


Wit: +3

Name: Energetic Device

Type: device

Description: This belt is a little wonder of portable shield: light weight, high defense, but create interference with electronic device.

Visual: White belt with a blue buckle.


Defence: +3

Move speed: +1

Wit: -3
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11 years ago
Feb 11, 2014, 10:54:17 AM
Hi everyone,

I have seen a few edits which I do not recommend: we started reviewing some of these items already. smiley: smile If you would like to change your submissions, please remove them from the post you have made and enter a new entry with a new post. Thank you!

Also, we'll be closing this thread tomorrow. smiley: approval
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11 years ago
Feb 11, 2014, 12:23:08 PM
Thanks Steph'nie for the warning about editing previous posts. Here is what I edited into my prior post:

Celestial Honor

Type: Device

The most prestigious medallion bestowed upon a being in the galaxy. Why is this here?

Visual: A shiny emblem amid a black background dotted with stars


Max Health +2

Move Speed +1

Combat Cookbook

Type: Device

1001 ways to prepare exotic beings and various body parts.

Visual: The cover depicting an alien roasting over a camp fire


Wit +2

Health Regeneration +1

Black Hole Grenade

Type: Device

When things need to die, so powerful not even light can escape.

Visual: Miniature black hole contained within a grenade icon


DPS +3

Inferno’s Blaze

Type: Machine Gun

Incineration! Quick and easy without the cleanup and fuss ordinary machine guns make.

Visual: A metallic tank with a tube inserted into an elongated (technological) projector


DPS +3

Move Speed -2

Singularity Castor

Type: Gun

Accelerates miniature singularities which destabilize and explode after penetrating a target.

Visual: A bolt-action blaster with power packs attached to the side.


DPS +2

Move Speed -1

Beam Sword-Chucks

Type: Weapon – Sword

While perpetually at risk of grievous injury, the synergy of the beam swords and chuck vastly enhances the wielder’s versatility and lethality.

Visual: Standard nun-chucks with glowing blue blades instead of handles


DPS +3

Max Health -2

A universe without sword-chucks is frightening.
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11 years ago
Feb 11, 2014, 12:23:42 PM
Name: Plasma Buckler

Type: Weapon

Description: A disc of protective plasma shimmers into life when a button on this bracelet is pressed.

Visual: A black bracelet with a blue button on it. Animation: An almost-transparent, shimmering field of blue that looks like a shield.


DPS +2

Defence +2

Name: Miniature SMG

Type: Weapon

Description: This tiny Sub-machine gun can fire laser bolts rapidly.

Visual: Looks like a small black pistol, perhaps like a Luger from WW2. Has a large, grey magazine cartridge sticking out the bottom. Rapidly fires white laser beams.


DPS +1

Move speed +1

Name: Mindlink

Type: Device

Description: Supposedly these were given by the Endless to child races, to 'improve relations'.

Visual: A golden, glowing orb about the size of a tennis ball.


DPS -1

Wit +3

Name: DI Railgun

Type: Gun

Description: This potent weapon launches alloyed slugs of Depleted Isotopes.

Visual: It looks like a white assault rifle, but has a magazine chamber near the hilt that glows pale green. It launches silver shards at high velocities.


DPS +2

Name: Automech Breastplate

Type: Armour

Description: Despite being salvaged from a sentient Automech, this scrap of armour doesn't seem to mind being worn.

Visual: A slightly ragged, orange chestpiece with a black screen in the chest area, with scrolling green text in it.


Defence +3

Max Health +2

Move speed -1

Name: Botanical Scanner

Type: Device

Description: Usually used to scan and analyze plant matter, this scanner can also be used to create compounds that are good for your health.

Visual: A small, white hand-held scanner; somewhat like a barcode scanner. It has a red infra-red light on the end.


Health Regeneration +2

Etched Jumpsuit

Type: Armour

Description: Logical circuits are etched into this suit, making it both interactive and intelligent.

Visual: It's a yellow jumpsuit with white lapels and a black utility belt.


Move speed +1

Wit +2

Name: Mirthful Armour

Type: Armour

Description: A tight-fitting shirt made from a mysterious, shiny metal.

Visual: Slimming! It looks like a muscle shirt made of shiny silver.


Defence +1

Max Health +1

Name: Siderite Sword

Type: Sword

Description: Forged from Siderite, this sword's Dark Energy edge intelligently creates healing compounds on the fly as it wounds its enemies.

Visual: A solid black blade and hilt with dark purple pulsing at the edges.


DPS +2

Max health +1

Health regeneration +1
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11 years ago
Feb 11, 2014, 8:44:56 PM
Name: Captain's Logs

Type: Device

Description: "Captain's log--This is the Success's maiden voyage..."

Visual: A handheld recorder device

Wit: +2
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11 years ago
Feb 12, 2014, 8:26:27 AM
• Name: Infiltration squad armour

• Type: Armour

• Description: Ultra-heavy class armour, designed for boarding spaceships. Effectively protect against almost all type of damage. Not so effective in ground fights, because of it insane weight.

• Visual: this image again

• Stats:

• Defence: +3

• Max health: +3

• Move speed: -3
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11 years ago
Feb 5, 2014, 11:17:24 PM
Name: That Other Gun

Type: Gun

Description: A futuristic take on the old, western style, revolver.

Visual: A gun that resembles it's inspiration, being a gun in Fallout New Vegas. (A possible easter egg)

Stats: Speed +2 Wit -3 Offense +3
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11 years ago
Feb 5, 2014, 5:28:48 PM
    • Name: Travel catalogue
    • Type: Device
    • Description: Ancient Endless travel destinations in high resolution holograms. It makes you homesick, nonetheless. You must get out, at any cost!
    • Visual: A booklet with a tiny hologram of a palm tree
    • Stats:
      • DPS: +3
      • Defense: -2

    • Name: Ulna magna
    • Type: Weapon - Spear
    • Description: You found it with a little tag "giant elbow - unknown species". Seems your predecessor sharpened it. As long as it stabs, it's okay, you guess...
    • Visual: A giant slender elbow bone with a sharpened end
    • Stats:
      • DPS: +1

    • Name: Chronoarmor
    • Type: Armor
    • Description: Since you donned it, everything around you is in slow motion. You feel funny and very very motion-sick, but hitting you is next to impossible.
    • Visual: A blurry skeleton suit with a blueish glow
    • Stats:
      • Defense: +3
      • Move Speed: +2
      • Max Health: -3

    • Name: Déjà-vu
    • Type: Weapon - Gun
    • Description: Aptly named for the property of shooting two bullets in rapid succession each time you pull the trigger.
    • Visual: A colt-like gun with two munition chambers in a row.
    • Stats:
      • DPS: +2

    • Name: Cyber parrot
    • Type: Device
    • Description: Comes up with witty retorts and advice, unbidden. Bad for the nerves, especially when it suddenly screams "ARRRRRR!", again.
    • Visual: A parrot-robot with an eyepatch
    • Stats:
      • Wit: +3
      • Defense: -1

    • Name: Jet Engine
    • Type: Weapon - Machine Gun
    • Description: It certainly never was designed to be used like a flame thrower, but it does the job. Recoil and handling are suboptimal, though.
    • Visual: A jet engine with two makeshift handholders
    • Stats:
      • DPS: +3
      • Move Speed: -3

    • Name: Electromotivator
    • Type: Device
    • Description: Shockingly, this device delivers painful currents to the wearer, whenever he/she/it stops moving. There is no better way to loose weight.
    • Visual: An innocent looking armband with some digital interface and some sparks
    • Stats:
      • Maximum Health: -1
      • Move Speed: +2

    • Name: 4W monitor
    • Type: Device
    • Description: Endless technology allowing to observe another dimension beyond the "4th wall", anticipating the character's future actions.
    • Visual: A pixelated hologram of a player in front of the monitor.
    • Stats:
      • Wit: +1
      • Move Speed: +1
      • Defense: +1

    • Name: E.S.O.P.
    • Type: Weapon - Gun
    • Description: The Endless Soap Opera Player (E.S.O.P.) fires dusty microchip bullets linking themselves directly into the victim's visual cortex, replaying old soap operas.
    • Visual: A rather harmless looking gun with a dust leaking magazine.
    • Stats:
      • DPS: +2

  • [/LIST]
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    11 years ago
    Feb 5, 2014, 6:02:03 PM
    Only one spontaneous idea:


    A towel is the most usefull thing in a hero's possession. (or something like that)

    Visual: not sure how one would draw a towel smiley: frown

    Type: Device


    As towels can be used for pretty much anything, from weapon to armour, it gives a tiny bonus to almost every stat.

    Grey stats:

    DPS +1

    Defence +1

    Max Health +1

    Wit +1

    Health Regeneration +1
    0Send private message
    11 years ago
    Feb 5, 2014, 6:34:33 PM
    Okay, so I'll try to make one of each, nothing too amazing, but I hope it's not that bad. Disclaimer: might contain lame jokes and bad humour. And probably even lamer references.

    • Name: The Pew Pew 3000
    • Type: weapon – Machine Gun
    • Description: One pew pew to pew them all. Designed by people who pew for those who want to pew even harder.
    • Visual: Sort of like a minature gatling gun.
    • Stats:

      • DPS: +3
      • Move speed: +1

    • Name: Magic Mail +3
    • Type: Armour
    • Description: This one was one of the most prized possesions of the infamous Crew Nerd who spent all his time role playing a brave knight.
    • Visual: Like a wannabe plate/chain mail made of... cardboard? Or something along those lines.
    • Stats:

      • Defence: +3
      • Move Speed: -2

    • Name: Tick-O-Mat
    • Type: Device
    • Description: This little clock constantly reminds you how late you are for a very important meeting. Tick. Tack.
    • Visual: A small, round watch on a chain. Would be good if it looked old and dirty.
    • Stats:

      • Move Speed: +2
      • Wit: -2
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    11 years ago
    Feb 5, 2014, 6:40:51 PM
    • Name: Razorshirt
    • Type: Armor
    • Description: Nobody understands why it works but it does. The tag reads: Machine wash cold - Tumble dry low
    • Visual: A t-shirt with an icon of a razor on the front.
    • Stats:

      • DPS: +3
      • Speed +2
      • Max Health -2
      • Defense -2

    Not sure how something like this would mess with the balance of things but a super squishy super damage character shouldnt be too bad.
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    11 years ago
    Feb 5, 2014, 7:05:51 PM
    Name: Rad-Ar

    Type: Device

    Description: A portable, radiation-emitting broken radar. It can't detect enemies, but it can be used as an off-hand weapon and has games in it!

    Visual: A portable radar with a small screen on its back

    Stats: DPS +1

    Move Speed -1

    Wit +2

    Name: Mc Endless w/ Fries

    Type: Device

    Description: Tender alien meat with human bacon and mutant cheese in a bun served with fried startatos. Who cares about obesity?

    Visual: A hamburger in a box with the icon/colors of Endless Space and some fries.

    Stats: Max hp +3

    HP Regen +2

    Move Speed -3

    Name: Hastalavista Mk2

    Type: Weapon - Machine gun

    Description: This gun was built to destroy a time travelling robot who tried to prevent the gun's production. He didn't succeed.

    Visual: A sawn-off shotgun with a clock attached to it like if it was a magazine.

    Stats: DPS +3

    Defence +1

    Name: Death's T-Armor

    Type: armour

    Description: A powerful armor secure and indestructible except for a very small opening. Nothing you should worry about...

    Visual: A black and round cuirass with an arrow pointed towards its back

    Stats: DPS +3

    Defence -3

    Max hp +2
    0Send private message
    11 years ago
    Feb 5, 2014, 7:16:23 PM
    Bestseller book

    This book is so successful, it is actually banned from all bookstores due to its highly addictive story.

    Type: Device

    Visual: A book with a colorful cover (maybe a religious reference possible ?)


    Wit + 2

    Move Speed -3

    Cotton Candy

    Mmmh, tastes like blueberries!

    Type: Device

    Visual: A blue cotton candy


    Max Health + 1

    Chicken Suit

    A suit worn by an imprisioned thief called "Colonel Sanders". He believed, he could run faster with it. It still smells like chicken wings...

    Type: Armor


    Defense +1

    Move Speed +3
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    11 years ago
    Feb 5, 2014, 7:31:24 PM
    Name: Robotic Gloves

    Description:They're heavy ,strong and move for themselves

    Type: Device

    Visual : Big and wide gloves made out of metal

    Stats: Wit: +3 ;Defense : +1 ; Move speed : -3
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    11 years ago
    Feb 5, 2014, 7:57:52 PM
    Shock Baton

    Type: Weapon(Sword)

    Description: Sends a discouraging jolt rampaging through whatever poor soul is on the receiving end of this stick



    +4 DPS

    -1 Defense

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    11 years ago
    Feb 5, 2014, 8:27:51 PM
    name: pile of rocks

    type: armour

    description: A pile of rocks held together by ductape. It works well in a pinch but some say just looking at it makes people stupid.

    visual: a couple of rocks in a pile.

    stats: 3 defense -2 wit -3 move speed.

    name: the vamporizer

    type: weapon - machine gun

    description: This weapon uses your own blood as bullets to vaporize your enemies.

    visual: on the side facing the hero, two metal prongs with blood on them, on the other side a sort of round minigun looking bit that fires the projectiles.

    stats: 3 DPS -2 max health

    im not very good with puns but why not try?

    name: comfy chair

    type: device

    description: some say this chair was created using a roomful of pentagrams and human sacrifices. all we know is that it is incredibly comfortable.

    visual: a big orange armchair with orange cushions.

    stats: 2 health regeneration -2 movement speed
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    11 years ago
    Feb 5, 2014, 10:07:34 PM
    Name: Refined Metal

    Type: Weapon

    Description: It's been rumored that this is a valuable commodity in the unknown regions of the galaxy... But who cares about that now? Just take it and SMASH THE LIVING DAYLIGHTS OUT OF THOSE CREEPS!

    Visual: Shiny Metal Cogwheel


    DPS: +3

    Move Speed: -1
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    11 years ago
    Feb 5, 2014, 10:23:38 PM
    Just some random ideas... Hope they are enjoyed even if not selected.

    Name: Infini-tea Blade

    Type: Sword

    Description: Made from an ever-regenerating tendril of Iria Glies, this green-tea flavored sword is deadly and delicious.

    Visual: green fluid-looking sword

    Stats: DPS +2, Max Health +2, Wit -2

    Name: Ponderous Lab-Coat

    Type: Armor

    Description: This semi-sentient lab-coat continually questions the motivations and decisions of the wearer.... "Why?"

    Visual: white lab coat with a "?" on it.

    Stats: Wit +2, Defense +2, Move Speed -2

    Name: De-motivational Gun

    Type: Machine Gun

    Description: This rude weapon continually spouts cruel and derogatory libel at everyone in the vicinity except when fired, it is often fired without enemies nearby...

    Visual: gattling gun with a text bubble of "?#$*&!"

    Stats: DPS +3, Wit -3 (would love to see firing speed on this but it isn't on the list of chosen stats)

    Name: Core Rule-book

    Type: Device

    Description: This informative Endless text contains a list of all measurements taken from the known galaxies. It is a very dry read... but useful for hitting things.

    Visual: Super-duper thick book

    Stats: Offense +2, Defense +1, Wit -2

    Name: 2D T-Shirt

    Type: Armor

    Description: Armor made from a bygone era, when beings were less dimensional. Flattens the wearer, making them very hard to see when standing sideways.

    Visual: a thin vertical line

    Stats: defence +3, move speed -2
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    11 years ago
    Feb 5, 2014, 11:02:10 PM
    Wow! People are having some great ideas. I don't envy Ampitude having to make a choice at the end.
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    11 years ago
    Feb 5, 2014, 10:18:17 AM

    Hello everyone,

    Congratulations for your ideas in our previous “brainstorm” for the modules of DotE (currently being voted on the GAMES2GETHER page). Your participation has been amazing: we received about 80 ideas for the modules! This week, we would like to launch something a little bit different: a creation competition!

    Indeed, we are inviting you to create hero items for Dungeon of the Endless.

    You will find the details below for your suggestions!

    Item specifications

    • Name (20 char. max)
    • Type

      • Weapon

        • Gun
        • Machine Gun
        • Sword
        • Spear
      • Armour
      • Device (anything except weapons and clothes)
    • Description: short background sentence (160 char. max)
    • Visual (optional): some indications for our pixel artist
    • Stats: don’t give “exact” stats. For each stat, assign a number between -3 (bad for the player) to 3 (good for the player). Precise only the used stats.

      • DPS
      • Defence
      • Max Health
      • Move Speed
      • Wit
      • Health Regeneration (only positive)


    • Don’t change too many stats
    • For this contest, please note that you can’t add special skills to your proposals (as introduced with the latest update)
    • The more powerful the item is, the more it will be rare and expensive


    Please follow these examples for your submissions:

    Example 1

    • Name: Widow/er Maker
    • Type: weapon – Machine Gun
    • Description: kills all genders indiscriminately.
    • Visual: a very terrifying big machine gun.
    • Stats:

      • DPS: +3
      • Move speed: -2

    Example 2

    • Name: Tutu
    • Type: armour
    • Description: nobody knows which crew member enjoyed dressing up like a ballerina. But given the amount of steel and wire involved, they must have been huge.
    • Visual: a gleaming pink tutu
    • Stats:

      • Defence: +2
      • Move speed: +1

    Example 3

    • Name: Lucky Rabbit's Foot
    • Type: device
    • Description: this bloody victory trophy was torn from a 300-kilo feral rabbit.
    • Visual: a gargantuan rabbit’s foot
    • Stats:

      • Max health: +1
      • Wit: +1


    Here's how we will proceed:

    • Creation phase: you will be able to post your ideas until next week. Make sure you follow the guidelines or you may be disqualified.
    • First filter: once we reach the deadline (February 12th, 10 am gtm +1), we will close the thread and quickly review the ideas for the next step. The submissions that do not meet the requirements or that cannot technically be implemented will not be selected for the next step
    • Forums polls: we will create polls for each category (weapon, armour, device): you will then need to be logged in on the forums to vote for your favourite proposals.
    • GAMES2GETHER votes: with the 3 winners of each poll category, we will simply create three GAMES2GETHER votes that will decide who the final winners are.


    We will accept submissions until February 12th, 2014 - 10 am (GTM +1). This will give us a bit of time to make a selection for the forums polls! smiley: draw


    The lucky winners of each category poll will move onto the next stage: the GAMES2GETHER votes. We will implement in Dungeon of the Endless the items of the three final winners. Each item will be discoverable in a chest, like any other items in the game, by thousands of players! And, you will also receive an awesome Max O’Kane t-shirt and a Dungeon of the Endless tote bag! smiley: approval

    smiley: amplitude
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