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11 years ago
Feb 8, 2014, 1:08:20 PM
Somehow I cannot edit my post. In the description of the lightsaber-flashlight there is a small mistake: Holy shiiii….did this flashlight just burn through a monster like through butter?

And additional:

Space Cowboy

Type: Armour

Description: Yeehaw, stranger! This town is not big enough for both of us!

Visual: A cowboy-hat.

Stats: Defence +1, Max Health +1, Speed +1
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11 years ago
Feb 6, 2014, 11:53:05 PM

Name: Scout Suit

Type: Armor

Description: Infused with a thick mesh of flexible armored material. This suit wont be easily to penetrated. Good for running away!

Visual (optional): A slender form-fitting matte black body suit.


Defence +1

Move Speed +2


Name Powered Armor

Type: Armor

Description: short background sentence (160 char. max)

Visual (optional): A Large and imposing charcoal grey suit of metal armor. Indicative to Starship Troopers (The Book) in style.


Defence +3

Move Speed -2


Name: Nano-Bros

Type: Device

Description: These helpful microscopic creatures will repair your body AND be the best wing-men around!

Visual (optional): A High-tech injector full of a gray-black blob of Nano-Bros


Wit +2

Health Regeneration (only positive) +2
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11 years ago
Feb 7, 2014, 6:35:56 AM
I have quite a few ideas so here it goes:

1. Name: Broadsword

Type: Weapon - Sword

Description: An enormous blade that slows down your every move.

Visual: Long, thick blade (something styled like this shape wise)


DPS: +3

Defense: +1

Move Speed: -3

2. Name: Meat Cleaver

Type: Weapon - Sword

Description: It once was used in the kitchen to cleave meat, its now used to well... cleave other meat.

Visual: A meat cleaver


DPS: +2

3. Name: Gungnir

Type: Weapon - Spear

Description:This viscous spear is a little too short for most people's liking, but it packs a massive punch

Visual: A spear with three prongs, two side prongs are of equal length wile the middle prong is longer (maybe twice as long?) and a little thicker


DPS: +2

Defense: -2

Move Speed: +1

4. Name: Welding Torch

Type: Gun

Description: This modified welding torch has an increased heat output and longer flame, but it still requires a small distance from the target.

Visual: A welding torch


DPS: +1

Defense: -2

Wit: +2

5. Name: Mush Master 2000

Type: Machine Gun

Description: This extremely powerful machine gun renders enemies to disgusting piles of mush.

Visual: A large barreled Gatling gun type look


DPS: +3

Movement Speed: -2

Wit: -1

6. Name: Fire Proximity Suit

Type: Armor

Description: While not providing much defense, this suit does help protect you from fire.

Visual: something like this


Defense: +1

Wit: +1

7. Name: Medisuit

Type: Armor

Description: This suit is constantly healing the wearer's ailments, it even has a cure for the common cold.

Visual: Some sort of white armor probably with a red cross on it


Defense: +1

Max Health: +1

Health Regeneration: +1

8. Name: Defensive Matrix

Type: Device

Descriptionsmiley: biggrinesigned to boost the user's defense, it also has the side effect of lowering their strength.

Visual: Some sort of electrical board with a bunch of gizmos on it


Defense: +2

DPS: -1

That sums up my ideas as of now, I plan on posting more eventually though.
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11 years ago
Feb 7, 2014, 7:37:04 AM
1. Acid Sack

Type: Weapon - Gun

Description: Once a vital organ of some poor creature's digestive tract. Equally functional at delivering acid to one's face (Warning: May induce uncontrollable vomiting).

Visual: A Stomach with duodenum still attached


DPS: +2

Max Health: -1

2. Cerebral Implanter

Type: Device

Description: While metal was capable of puncturing your skull, that did not mean increased intelli-UPGRADE COMPLETE!

Visual: Open Stapler


Wit: +2

Max Health: -2

3. Gentleman's Frock

Type: Armor

Description: The fastest way to distinguish oneself from the savages. Mind you it isn't very good at deflecting sharp points.

Visual: A ye olde frock: loose coat top, long sleeves, etc


Wit: +2

Defense: -1

4. Sophisticated Cap

Type: Armor

Description: Evidence that class is not dead - only those that wear it are.

Visual: Tattered Top Hat, bloodstained


Defense: +1

Max Health: -1

5. Class Warfare

Type: Weapon - Sword

Description: For keeping back the rabble one jab at a time. Now if only that blasted limp would go away...

Visual: A walking stick, modeled with a ball on top, pointy bit on bottom


DPS: +1

Move Speed: -1

More to come, this is far too fun! Mind a limit per post may be needed...
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11 years ago
Feb 7, 2014, 9:01:09 AM
Battery Bunny

Type: device

It keeps going and going and going... and what galactic criminal will quit when some toy bunny won't?

Health Regen: +

HP Max: +

Wit: -

Icon: a pink bunny beating a little drum?

Chainsaw Mascara


The prisoner who used this beauty product had become infamous for their chainsaw murder spree. When they arrested him they took away the chainsaw but allowed him to keep the mascara. Putting it on makes the wearer feel pretty and bolsters their self-esteem.

Defense: +

Attack Power: ++

Wit: +

Icon: a mascara thingie

Light Bulb


Many bulbs are heavy but this one is light. Some of this lightness rubs off on the bearer.

Speed: +

Attack Cooldown: - (e.g. improves smiley: wink )

Icon: a light bulb

Pirate Hook


Left over from a costume party thrown by the guards, this can seriously take someone's eye out.

Attack Power: +

Attack Range: -

Icon: a hook
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11 years ago
Feb 7, 2014, 9:08:13 AM
Name: Inspeartion

Type: Weapon - Spear

Description: A large spear that shoots smaller spears, from its inner layers. Does anyone else know how this works exactly?

Visual: A wooden looking spear that has a smaller one partially coming out of it.

Stats: Range +3, DPS - 1, Defense - 1, Wit +1

Name: Swiss-Army Guitar

Type: Weapon - Sword

Description: Whichever Guard owned this REALLY loved killing and playing music at the same time. Handy in any situation, but it takes a long time to find the right tool for the job.

Visual: Just a normal guitar with little attachments at the fret and board.

Stats: DPS +1, Wit +1, Speed -2, Defense +1

Name: Carnage Scissors

Type: Utility

Description: It's unknown which psychopath was using these to cut people up, but they seem to have absorbed some of their victims life force.

Visual: Bloody scissors.

Stats: DPS +1, Health Regen + 2

Name: Impossible Shorts

Type: Armor

Description: OK, Seriously. No one should ever wear these. How the hell does this even classify as clothing?

Visual: Essentially, just the pelvic area of jean shorts.

Stats: Speed + 2, Defense -2, Wit -1, DPS +1

Name: Ride the Lightning

Type: Weapon - Gun

Description: Who needs bullets when you can RIDE THE LIGHTNING!

Visual: A Tesla themed hand cannon.

Stats: DPS+2, Speed +2
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11 years ago
Feb 7, 2014, 4:31:23 PM
Name: GunGlade

Type: weapon – Gun and Sword

Description: A cutting edge Hissho prototype this weapon combines the revergent form of a sword with the long-range versatility of a gun. Just like the Hissho, this weapon has no time for diplomacy, only time for action.

Visual: a silver sword with a black gun trigger at the hilt and long edge that is thicker at end (opens up at end for the slot for the energy burst from the gun shot)


DPS: +2

Move speed: -1

Defense: +1

Name: Y-Blade

Type: weapon – Sword

Description: A glorious weapon of the Hissho race, this sword slices opponents to shreds from multiple angles. This crowd controlling weapon is heavier than a typical sword and will leave the user in a less defensible position.

Visual: a Y-shaped white sword with a magenta hilt and diverging edges


DPS: ++3

Move speed: -1

Defense: -1

I wanted to incorperate the lore of the Endless Space galaxy into my item creation. I hope I didn't mess it up though. All of these other ideas sound so good too! Good luck Amplitude team. And Happy Olympics!!
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11 years ago
Feb 7, 2014, 6:37:07 PM

Brought down from the prison ship, still tastes good.

Type: Device

Visual: A half full brown (or green) beer bottle


DPS +2

Wit -2

Converted leaf blower

It takes one great mind to convert a simple leaf blower into an bullet firing weapon, but also an simple mind to bring a leaf blower into a leaf-free environment...

Type: Weapon - Machine Gun

Visual: Perhaps a leaf blower with an ammunition pouch attached to it


DPS +2

Move Speed -3

Martial Arts Headband

This headband belonged to a prisoner, who was extremly talented in martial arts. Unfortunately he brought his fists into a gun fight.

Type: Device



DPS +3

Defence -2
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11 years ago
Feb 7, 2014, 8:50:19 PM
Ok, second wave:

• Name: Aqualung

• Type: Device

• Description: Standard aqualung, but filled with laughing gas. Barely a horde of monsters will make you scary anymore.

• Visual: common aqualung

• Stats:

• Move speed: +2

• Name: Sunny kefir

• Type: Device

• Description: One of the most expensive milk in the galaxy from [planetname]. In reality, it tastes like common kefir, but still pretty good for your health.

• Visual: a bottle with sun on it

• Stats:

• Max health: +1

• Health regeneration: +1

• Name: Banhammer

• Type: Weapon – Sword

• Description: Prison overseer uses it every time, if someone has a different view on his opinions. Soon enough, everyone around always agree with him.

• Visual: massive metallic hammer

• Stats:

• DPS: +2

• Defence: +1

• Move speed: -2

• Name: Credit card

• Type: Device

• Description: “Our bank [Bankname] cares about it customers, that’s why our cards also have a small field generators and medical nano-drones. Don’t forget, you trade your soul for it”

• Visual: a small glowing plastic bank card

• Stats:

• Defence: +1

• Max health: +1

• Health regeneration: +1

• Name: Mali Ecballium elaterium (Latin: Angry exploding cucumber)

• Type: Weapon – Machine Gun

• Description: Extremely rare cucumber species, which can be found only on few planets. Small pressure is enough to make it shoot poisonous seeds with bullet speed. Dangerous for holder’s health.

• Visual: creeping vine with large cucumber, covered with spikes

• Stats:

• DPS: +3

• Max health: -3

• Name: Vivisection probe

• Type: Weapon – Spear

• Description: Terrifying devise, which was used by one crazy doctor in his inhuman experiments. Even just holding it makes you losing your sanity.

• Visual: “snake”-like pipe, with a small box and blade on end

• Stats:

• DPS: +2

• Wit: -2

• Name: Multipurpose medical helper

• Type: Weapon – Gun

• Description: Pistol based medical device for making a distant injections. Shoots small pellets loaded with antibiotics or stimulants. In extreme conditions, with hypnotic drug or strong poison.

• Visual: white colored pistol with red cross on it

• Stats:

• DPS: +1

• Move speed: +1

• Health regeneration: +1
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11 years ago
Feb 7, 2014, 8:55:53 PM

Bloodsuckerling/Bloodsucker/Nasty Bloodsucker (small/medium/large):


+1/2/3 defense

-1/2/3 health

+1/2/3 Health regen

-1/2/3 wit

Visual: Black with greenish/brownish/bluish tint goop/tentacle like thing.

Cursed item, cannot be unequipped.

If the character 'dies', item is destroyed and char is restored to 20/40/60% life.

Bloodsuckers. They are all nasty, and some more than others. There is this variation of this beast in this forsaken planet though. It is a symbiote with a thick, glossy thick leather. Once it attaches to the host, it can only be removed by the death of one of them.

These species also do not seem to have ill effects in the longevity of the host. In fact, it secretes regenerative substances in the host's body. Although the host gets more susceptible to blood loss, it also recovers from wounds faster. The thick leathery skin also protects the wearer from damage. Death of the bloodsucker makes it shriek in agony and release a superdose of regenerative fluid, bringing the host back from the brink of death.

Monkey Tail

Movement +3

Wit -1

Visual: a monkey tail with a pink tip.

It is unclear how one equips it. Nevertheless, it seems to be able to make people move much faster, but the wearer attention span is greatly reduced, and it tends to scream and throw things at party members, and run around nonstop.


The bucket


Defense +2

Visual: wooden bucket with metal straps, worn on the head.

A good, old faithful wooden bucket. Who would say?


Stats: Defense +3

Movement -1

Visual: Turtle-like carapace tied with duct tape

This tame herbivore grew up to withstand meteor showers. Figured it would be good to strap on one's back.



Melee ( ¿sword?)


Attack Power +3

Visual: cute bunny with large bllody mouth and saberteeth.

There fierce animals are as cute as they are deadly. Despite having razor-sharp teeth and a fast bite (10bites/sec), they also have a thick fur and skin in the back, making it perfect for gripping and pointing to ne'er-do-wells.

The Achoo

(this one may not meet the criteria, as it intends to give enemies a status penalty)


Range: short

Effect: slows down enemy movement and DPS on hit

Visual: like a NERF-aquapistol, with a very large chamber and a purple-greenish sickly look, with green bubbles coming out at the end.

No one likes a flu. Seems like someone have weaponized it. If anything can be considered a crime against all sentient life, this is it.

Ultimate Master Ninja Samurai Yo-yo

Type: Spear (it has a long monofilament thread!)




Visual: a black, red and silver yo-yo

The ultimate yo-yo of mass destruction, it is. Perfectly balanced with steel folded 100 times, this ancient yo-yo was forged from the soul of a dying star. Training all those nifty tricks also helps the user's mind, and entertains the children.
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11 years ago
Feb 7, 2014, 11:04:18 PM
Lego Blade

Type: Sword

Damage: -1




Max Health: Minus 35

Effect: DoT of +1 damage every 3 seconds (if possible)

Visual: A giant blade made out of lego pieces.

Description: The basic building block of any future mercenaries arsenal. Caution Causes extreme pain when stepped on.

Mike the Mic

Type: Spear

Damage: +2

MovementSpeed: -2

Defense: -1

Wit: +1

Max Health: +40

Visual: A long black boom mic (used in filming)

Effect: Causes loud screeching sound, reducing dps of all mobs by -1 within the aoe of the attack

Description: Here comes the... here comes the BOOM! Patient 100319 soon died out of the bursting of eardrums.


Type: Device




Max Health:-25

Visual: Large Stereo Set (preferably the old bulky ones people would walk around with in the 80's)

Effect: None

Description: This BoomBox is not a toy! (Largely because there are explosives inside it).
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11 years ago
Feb 8, 2014, 12:52:40 PM
Shard of Harmony

Type: Device

Once part of a crystalline being; this radiant fragment illuminates the darkness providing hope.

Visual: A pulsing blue crystal attached to a chain (like a pendulum)


Hp regeneration +1

Defense +1

Animatronic Limb

Type: Device

For all those times when what you already have doesn’t cut it.


DSP + 2

Defense +1

Move Speed -1

Second-Aid Kit

Type: Device

Once anatomically correct (again), the true healing can occur.

Visual: A case containing suitable (hard) beverages, junk foods, and assorted (alien) vices


Max Health -1

Wit -1

Health Regeneration +3

Galactic Translator

Type: Device

Despite the label’s 100% guarantee, it seems not all languages where included.


Wit +3

Totem Pole

Type: Weapon – Spear

While intended to educate future generations, the engravings, silhouettes, and length make for an excellent spear.

Visual: a long shaft with glowing glyphs and silhouettes of a long distant race


Wit +2

DPS +1

Nano-fiber Jumpsuit

Type: Armor

Heavily utilized in the espionage and package delivery industries for its many pockets and flexible construction.

Visual: Jumpsuit with pockets


Move Speed +2

DPS +1
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11 years ago
Feb 8, 2014, 12:59:46 PM


Type: Sword

Description: Holy shiiii….did this flashlight just burn through a monster like through butter?

Visual: A mix of Flashlight and Lightsaber.

Stats: DPS + 4, Max Health – 2

Craver Gun

Type: Maschine Gun

Description: Looks like a prototype of a craver-machine-gun. It has a nasty recoil. Some crewmember must have lost it.

Visual: Crawer-Gun from the Artworks.

Stats: DPS +4, Move Speed -2, Defence -2


Type: Gun

Description: The awesome mix of divine grace and maddening sound. Space-Rock, Baby!

Visual: A grey technical looking Violin with red stripes and a knife-bow.

Stats: DPS +2, Defence +1, Wit – 2

Hissho Katana

Type: Sword

Description: For some it’s like a real big knife, for others it’s a divine and holy blade. At least it decapitates enemy really smooth. Ouch!

Visual: A Hissho-Blate in the Shape of a Katana.

Stats: DPS +3, Speed +3,

Slingshot of Awesomeness

Type: Gun

Description: Shooting scrap and spare parts at the speed of sound? Hell yeah!

Visual: a hype modern slingshot with accelerator

Stats: DPS + 2



Type: Armour

Description: A armour out of an disabled Sower! It still beeps some times and comments your actions. Annoying.

Visual: Basically a Sower-Unit, but retooled as a body-armour.

Stats: Defence + 4, Move Speed -2

Matrix Sunglasses

Type: Armour

Description: Everything looks so, green and covered in symbols with it – and it looks pretty cool on you! But wearing them in the dark of the dungeon?

Visual: Very awesome sunglasses.

Stats: Defence + 2, Move Speed -1

Endless Walkman

Type: Armour

Description: Because it’s so long retro, until you realize that you didn’t hear the monsters approaching. Hope you enjoyed that country music!

Visual: A classic Walkman

Stats: Max Health + 4, Defence - 2


Kthulhu Doll

Type: Device

Description: Ahw! Some cute little mutant-girl used to play with it. Strange though, it seems to whisper some disturbing words of power and... “must serve the dark lord...must serve the deep ones...”

Visual: http://cdn.fearnet.com/sites/default/files/images/legacy/fearnetImages/imcEoLJe9m7gs3PF5HoWaBhQ%3D%3D.JPG

Stats: Wit -3, Health Regen. +2, DPS +1

Master Key

Type: Device

Description: Lost by a infinite Janitor, this is the key to victory – or to the lost and found sction of the dungeon. Oh, goodies!

Visual: A bigass Key, totaly overkill in design.

Stats: (If possible: Opens/closes all doors.), Wits + 3

Infinite Balloon

Type: Device

Description: “They all float down here! And you will, too!”

Visual: A red Balloon with a horrific clown-smiley, like Pennywise form Stephen Kings “It”.

Stats: DPS + 3, Max. Health -3

Panzer Tape

Type: Device

Description: There is nothing, Panzer-Tape can’t fix! NOTHING!

Visual: grey duct-tape.

Stats: Health Regeneration + 1, Max Health + 2, Defence + 1

Endless Tamagotchi

Type: Device

Description: You have to feed it, to care for it and sped all your time on it, just to make it happy.

Visual: a small, blue Tamagtochi

Stats: Wit -2, Health Regeneration + 2
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11 years ago
Feb 6, 2014, 7:20:14 PM
• Name: Chocolate Bubblegum

• Type: Device

• Description: It is time to kick ass and chew bubble gum. Here is the gum, let’s do the rest.

• Visual: common bubble gum box

• Stats:

• DPS: +1

• Move Speed: +1

• Name: Ancient Encyclopedia

• Type: Device

• Description: This book was used in the most epic internet battles. Not so useful in the real fight, but you can always slam your enemy with 8 kg of pure science.

• Visual: common book

• Stats:

• DPS: +1

• Wit: +2

• Name: Reisen Pistole

• Type: Weapon – Gun

• Description: No one knows how this small pistol can shoot a hell swarm of bullets. Even the best gun designers are astonished.

• Visual: common handgun (like M1911)

• Stats:

• DPS: +3

• Defence: -2

• Move speed: +1

• Name: Duct tape

• Type: Device

• Description: Long time ago people believes, that duct tape and mighty kick can fix anything. Surprisingly, it does.

• Visual: box with a duct tape

• Stats:

• Wit: +2

• Name: Office Gatling Gun 3000

• Type: Weapon – Machine Gun

• Description: Next generation of Rubber band machine gun. Now it can be loaded with pens, erasers, pencils, scissors, clips and DVD-discs.

• Visual: something like gatling gun

• Stats:

• DPS: +3

• Name: Fork spear

• Type: Weapon – Spear

• Description: What can be more dangerous, than a fork? One strike – four wound. And now imagine a 2 meters long fork.

• Description: spear with four blades

• Stats:

• DPS: +2

• Health regeneration: +1

• Name: Universal multitool

• Type: Weapon – Sword

• Description: It has a knife for cooking, scissors for office work, screwdriver for work at home, corkscrew for parties, sword for surviving on unexplored planets – best pick up for every day.

• Visual: simple multitool (Swiss Army knife)

• Stats:

• DPS: +1

• Wit: +1

• Health regeneration: +1

• Name: Miner’s helmet

• Type: Armour

• Description: The battery is almost dead, but still helpful to find a way in completely dark rooms and protect against falling rocks.

• Visual: helmet with a flashlight on it

• Stats:

• Defence: +1

• Move speed: +1

• Name: Maid dress

• Type: Armour

• Description: Looks like there is another crew member, who likes to wear a maid dress. Like tutu, these clothes are powered with titanium plates and metallic wire.

• Visual: French maid dress

• Stats:

• Defence: +2

• Max health: +1

• Name: Hybrid exoskeleton “Shiva”

• Type: Armour

• Description: Why does it called “Shiva”? Because now you have 4 additional hands. Do whatever you want, when they will take care of your enemies.

• Visual: body armour with 4 manipulators

• Stats:

• Defence: +1

• Max health: +1

• Wit: +1

• Move speed: -1
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11 years ago
Feb 8, 2014, 1:29:07 PM
Codename_Veers wrote:
Somehow I cannot edit my post. In the description of the lightsaber-flashlight there is a small mistake: Holy shiiii….did this flashlight just burn through a monster like through butter?

Changed it. I also have that problem, but as a workaround, reply with quote to your own thread, cut out your complete post, edit the original post, paste the post in and edit whatever you need to edit or add whatever you need to add.
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11 years ago
Feb 8, 2014, 5:17:01 PM
User manual: Device, +3 wit, -1 Speed (it's hard to walk with your nose in a book) Description: When in doubt, read the manual. Visual: A really thick book.

The Destructinator 2100: Machine gun, +3 DPS, -2 Speed, +1 Defense (it helps having a wall of metal in the way of your enemies) Description: GET SUMMM!!! Visual: Giant belt fed machine gun.

Duct tape armor: Type: armor, +1 Defense. Description: Duct tape can be made into anything if you have enough, and with a quick raid of the ship's utility closet, you have yourself a nice suit of armor. Visual: however you think duct tape made into armor should look like.

Litsaber: Type: sword, +3 DPS, +2 defense. Description: Found on the body of a mysterious robed man, this beautiful weapon slices up nearly all materials with ease. Visual: Something that won't cause a copyright infringement smiley: stickouttongue

Big Stick: Type:Sword +1 DPS, +1 Defense, Description: A good weapon when there is nothing else around. It just leaves one question: how did this wood get underground?Visual: A thick tree branch
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11 years ago
Feb 9, 2014, 3:59:22 AM
Name: Traje del Carne


Description: Someone finally found a use for the meatloaf surprise


Defence +1

Max Health +2

Move Speed -1

Wit -1

Name Cheese Grater

Type: device

Description: Slice 'em, dice 'em--hell, shred 'em, too!


DPS: +1

Defence -1

Name A Claw

Type Weapon--Sword

Description: It had nine more where this one came from--Didn't think it'd notice!

Visual (optional): A velociraptor-like talon OR a crab-like pincer.


DPS +2

Wit +1

Name Turrets syndrome

Type: weapon--Machine Gun

Description: I just can't string three words together without KILLING EVERYTHING IN FRONT OF ME


DPS: +3

Defense: +1

Move Speed: -1

Wit: -2
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11 years ago
Feb 9, 2014, 8:54:01 PM

NAME: Barbers Razor

DESCRIPTION:Property of the demon himself. Renowned for his close shaves, and serving up the best "meat" pies on fleet street. (or on f block since its a prison)

VISUAL:A silver sword, the blade similar to the picture below. The hilt shaped like the curved part at the end and (if possible its only pixel art i know) a similar sort of design on the blade (the one in the handle).





NAME: Swordsmans compass

DESCRIPTION: Property of moss head. no wonder he was always late to his duels.

VISUAL: A large compass with every direction marked as south.


DPS + 3



NAME: The Kings Armour

DESCRIPTION: The previous owner was beheaded by vikings. Apparently he tried to steal from them. In this situation revenge was indeed sweet.

VISUAL: Armour made out of different types of candy.




Im really bad at puns. Im also bad with references. I chose the lesser of the 2 evilssmiley: stickouttongue
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11 years ago
Feb 10, 2014, 5:41:05 AM
Name: Laser Ring

Type: Device

Description: This ring could probably blind someone, but at least it looks cool on you.

Visual: A circular ring, with very small laser pointers going around it, each emitting a different laser light, Red,Green,Blue.


DPS: +2


Wit: +1
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11 years ago
Feb 10, 2014, 7:13:49 AM
Name: Alpha-Omega Bomb Replica

Type: Device

Description: "Legend has it that the real version of this bomb destroyed the human race..by apes" This is a reference to the bomb used in the sequel of Planet of The Apes; Beneath The Planet of The Apes. (Possible Easter Egg)

Visual: http://oyster.ignimgs.com/wordpress/stg.ign.com/2013/05/alpha-omega-bomb.jpg

Stats: -3 Wit. -3 Speed. +3 Offense.

Name: Extra Database

Type: Device

Description: "A small hard-drive that seems to have been used for a construction bot"

Visual: Basically a USB

Stats: Unlocks Repair. +3 Wit.

Name: Steam Gun

Type: Machine Gun

Description: "A large gun powered by steam..Hmm, strange symbol on the side"

Visual: A large gun with the Steam.com logo on the side (Possible Easter Egg)

Stats: +2 Offense. -1 Speed.
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